Version: (using KDE KDE 3.3.1) Installed from: Debian testing/unstable Packages OS: Linux At our IRC-Server we have ircservices running. Because of that, privileged users (for example Channel-Founder, Autoop-Users) will get more rights than normal operators (like +q for founders, +a for Autoop) (Flags are given for access-Levels +o for level 50, +a for level 100 ...) But Kopete doesn't recognize +a and +q Users as Operators. Could you change it? (in Xchat that users will get extra symbols for their rights).
It seems from the subject of your bug that you're referring to channel modes +a and +q being set on users. However, in RFC2811 (IRC Channel Management), it says: a - toggle the anonymous channel flag; q - toggle the quiet channel flag; These seem to conflict with your description. If instead you're referring to user modes (ie global modes such as +o for IRCop), I don't believe Kopete has any direct support for them (no /oper and no special symbols in the UI). Plus the user mode +a means away.
Oh, yes, i mean't user modes! If i come into the Channel kopete says "ChanServ sets mode +oq Larian Larian on #ferien But i can't kick or ban people! This was the wish, to change this (that i can kick and ban)! I doesn't need /oper :-)
I think this should really be working... because +oq sets +o and +q And +o should allow you to change topic or kick users... the server allowes that but it's (I don't know why!) blocked by Kopete. I become a channel operator: (2005-10-09 18:29) # ChanServ sets mode +oq pavlix pavlix on #gyarab /topic new topic (2005-10-09 18:42) # You must be a channel operator on #gyarab to do that. And Kopete blocks me from changing the topic.
Sorry... Kopete version 0.10.3
Is this bug still there?
Multiple mode changes, such as "+oq pavlix pavlix" have been fixed 0.12.
Dear user, unfortunately Kopete is no longer maintained. Please migrate to another solution, e.g. for Jabber a possibility is Kaidan, for Matrix a candidate is NeoChat.