Bug 93248 - Support non-standard meanings of channel modes +a and +q
Summary: Support non-standard meanings of channel modes +a and +q
Alias: None
Product: kopete
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: IRC Plugin (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Debian testing Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Kopete Developers
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Reported: 2004-11-14 13:17 UTC by Marcus Bautze
Modified: 2024-09-18 18:35 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Marcus Bautze 2004-11-14 13:17:57 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.3.1)
Installed from:    Debian testing/unstable Packages
OS:                Linux

At our IRC-Server we have ircservices running. Because of that, privileged users (for example Channel-Founder, Autoop-Users) will get more rights than normal operators (like +q for founders, +a for Autoop)
(Flags are given for access-Levels +o for level 50, +a for level 100 ...)

But Kopete doesn't recognize +a and +q Users as Operators. 
Could you change it?
(in Xchat that users will get extra symbols for their rights).
Comment 1 Richard Smith 2004-11-14 17:02:55 UTC
It seems from the subject of your bug that you're referring to channel modes +a and +q being set on users. However, in RFC2811 (IRC Channel Management), it says:

        a - toggle the anonymous channel flag;
        q - toggle the quiet channel flag;

These seem to conflict with your description.

If instead you're referring to user modes (ie global modes such as +o for IRCop), I don't believe Kopete has any direct support for them (no /oper and no special symbols in the UI). Plus the user mode +a means away.
Comment 2 Marcus Bautze 2004-11-14 17:41:55 UTC
Oh, yes, i mean't user modes!

If i come into the Channel kopete says "ChanServ sets mode +oq Larian Larian on #ferien

But i can't kick or ban people! This was the wish, to change this (that i can kick and ban)!
I doesn't need /oper :-)
Comment 3 Pavel Simerda 2005-10-09 18:42:41 UTC
I think this should really be working... because +oq sets +o and +q

And +o should allow you to change topic or kick users... the server allowes that but it's (I don't know why!) blocked by Kopete.

I become a channel operator:
(2005-10-09 18:29) #  ChanServ sets mode +oq pavlix pavlix on  #gyarab
/topic new topic
(2005-10-09 18:42) #  You must be a channel operator on #gyarab to do that.
And Kopete blocks me from changing the topic.
Comment 4 Pavel Simerda 2005-10-09 18:43:14 UTC
Sorry... Kopete version 0.10.3
Comment 5 Pavel Simerda 2006-02-14 11:01:07 UTC
Is this bug still there?
Comment 6 Tommi Rantala 2006-02-15 20:21:22 UTC
Multiple mode changes, such as "+oq pavlix pavlix" have been fixed 0.12.
Comment 7 Christoph Cullmann 2024-09-18 18:35:03 UTC
Dear user, unfortunately Kopete is no longer maintained.

Please migrate to another solution, e.g. for Jabber a possibility is Kaidan, for Matrix a candidate is NeoChat.