Bug 92307 - message lost all attachments when saved from IMAP server
Summary: message lost all attachments when saved from IMAP server
Alias: None
Product: kmail
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: IMAP (show other bugs)
Version: 1.7.1
Platform: openSUSE Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kdepim bugs
Keywords: triaged
: 121147 (view as bug list)
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Reported: 2004-10-29 11:39 UTC by Volker Blum
Modified: 2008-11-09 11:35 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Volker Blum 2004-10-29 11:39:01 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.3.1)
Installed from:    SuSE RPMs
OS:                Linux

This will be a somewhat diffuse description, as the problem is not precisely reproducible. Nevertheless, I think it worth recording, as it is - for me - a showstopper. (i.e. if it happens again I will have to switch to another mailer / maybe downgrade to an earlier KDE version, extremely annoying). 

In short, I use Kontact / KMail to access my email on two IMAP servers, and routinely save my messages locally after answering them. I have worked this way using KDE for many (3?) years.

I saved a message with ~5 attachments about three days back. Now, looking at the saved message, all attachments are gone, as is the entire body of the message. Only the header was (partially?) saved.

I have saved many other messages in the same time window without problems. The problem is therefore spurious. Nevertheless, this has not happened to me for since I started using IMAP from KMail. 

This happened using updated KDE 3.3.1 packages as provided by SUSE (ftp mirror / updated through YaST2, as I had done previously for KDE 3.3.0). I can provide versions of anything relevant upon request. 

Maybe not related: 
* I have often observed the KMail Mail Update status bar to hang for unknown reasons when / after accessing my email lately. This was not the case before upgrading to KDE 3.3.0 / switching to Kontact.
* Is it possible that email folders are not actually (physically) written immediately after a message is saved? I.e. could KMail / Kontact seem like it wrote the message but (because of some other internal mix-up) never actually write, so that the content is lost when the application is closed?

Please ask me for any related information which might be relevant.
Comment 1 Tobias Koenig 2004-11-02 11:01:54 UTC
Seems to be the problem with IMAP+load on demand
Comment 2 Carsten Burghardt 2004-11-02 12:33:19 UTC
I'll need something to reproduce this as otherwise I can't do anything about it. As Tobias noted this is special to imap with the "load attachments on demand" feature but I can't reproduce this.
BTW: why do you save your messages locally? Perhaps you should use disconnected imap so that all your emails are downloaded?
Comment 3 Volker Blum 2004-11-02 20:30:29 UTC
Hi, thanks for the response!

Hm, as this happened in "production" (i.e. this happened with my everyday 
mailer) I cannot simply reproduce [and in a way I am glad that I can't]. As 
far as I can tell, nothing was lost in the last few days.

Again, what I do see more or less frequently, and what I didn't see before i 
switched to Kontact / KDE 3.3, is that the progress bar hangs at 100% after a 
mail account has been checked ... and stays there until Kontact is closed 
(aborting does not work). No crash, and reopening Kontact solves the issue. 
Maybe something is not actually written to disk properly when that condition 
occurs, but that's only a very vague hunch. 

What I can provide is additional version information (which if any?), 
unfortunately that's all I have right now. 

PS: Slightly OT, the answer as to why I save messages locally. I access 
multiple mail accounts using IMAP from different machines / locations. Those 
accounts have limited [server] storage space. Once I am done with a message, 
it is therefore archived locally in one well defined place, in case I ever 
need it again. 

Comment 4 Jouni Peltoniemi 2005-02-10 09:35:02 UTC
I can confirm the same feature exist in my system: from SUSE 9.1, kde 3.3.0 to SUSE 9.2, kmail 3.3.92_2005020809, i386, connected to Courier imap server with postfix mail program.

When I first save the attachment, and then try to move the whole message with attachment to a local folder, only the headers are saved, not message body or attachments. When I move the message without looking at the attachment, no loss.

It is very reproducible.

I cannot say, if it is a kmail or courier imap server problem.
Comment 5 gmud 2005-09-21 17:23:34 UTC
I can confirm this bug. When saving attachments from a message stored on an imap-server and then moving the message to a local folder everything but the headers is lost.

These are the headers:
Received: from fmservice13.dlan.cinetic.de ([] helo=web.de)
	by mxint02.web.de with smtp (WEB.DE 4.105 #297)
	id 1EI6EZ-0007Le-00
	for geroxp@web.de; Wed, 21 Sep 2005 17:10:07 +0200
Received: from [] by freemailng0502.web.de with HTTP;
	Wed, 21 Sep 2005 17:10:03 +0200
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 17:10:03 +0200
Message-Id: <95532156@web.de>
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: geroxp@web.de
To: geroxp@web.de
Subject: Kmail 1.8.2 move message from imap to local folder test
Precedence: fm-user
Organization: http://freemail.web.de/
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
Sender: geroxp@web.de
X-UID: 1607001251
X-Length: 90538
Status: RO
X-Status: ORT
X-KMail-EncryptionState: N
X-KMail-SignatureState: N


Comment 6 Andreas Gungl 2006-02-01 14:27:25 UTC
*** Bug 121147 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Carsten Burghardt 2006-02-13 18:56:11 UTC
I just tested this with kmail 1.9.1 and I can't reproduce the bug.
Comment 8 Michael Leupold 2008-11-09 11:35:04 UTC
I can't reproduce either using trunk r881868. Closing as this was already confirmed working in 2006.