Bug 91883 - ctrl-click/mmb on bookmark folders should open in new tab
Summary: ctrl-click/mmb on bookmark folders should open in new tab
Alias: None
Product: konqueror
Classification: Applications
Component: bookmarks (show other bugs)
Version: 3.3
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: lypanov
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-10-22 10:26 UTC by jos poortvliet
Modified: 2006-10-19 22:23 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description jos poortvliet 2004-10-22 10:26:57 UTC
Version:           3.3 (using KDE 3.3.0,  (3.1))
Compiler:          gcc version 3.3.4 (Debian 1:3.3.4-12)
OS:                Linux (i686) release 2.6.9-ck1-19.10.04

I was amazed this didnt work, as it did in moz-firefox on winblows over at a friend. as KDE is very consistent, I expected this to work...

I hope it can be done without too much work.

grtz and tnx for KDE!

Comment 1 Daniel Teske 2005-01-18 03:29:14 UTC
Fixed in CVS
Comment 2 jos poortvliet 2005-01-18 10:53:47 UTC
thanx. I guess it also works with bookmark map's?

And is it possible to drag'n'drop the bookmarks? I should've asked before, I know...
Comment 3 jos poortvliet 2005-03-17 17:56:55 UTC
I'd like to re-open this bug, as it still (kde 3.4) does not work for a bookmark map. and indeed, drag'n'drop doesn't seem to work, too.
Comment 4 Daniel Teske 2005-03-18 17:52:51 UTC
What's a bookmark map?
Comment 5 lypanov 2005-03-18 17:57:09 UTC
dutch for folder
Comment 6 Daniel Teske 2005-03-18 18:08:52 UTC
Drag'n'drop of bookmarks is (mostly) covered by BR: 63426.

That I doesn't work for folders is partly by design and partly because I think it's hard to implement.
Comment 7 lypanov 2005-03-18 18:17:20 UTC
yes. very. i wrote it once and then dropped the code as it was just too damn buggy.
qt4/kde4 rewrite will make it easy. but i don't have the time.
also there are better more simple to understand ways.
omniweb on mac os x has a nice idea.
backwards sort bookmark menu. last added is at top.
its perfectly logical and i'm sure (from experience i 
know this :) ) that many people will like it.
using properties to move bookmarks around
was the easiest to implement and Good Enough 
work around for drag and drop. but it doesn't
allow shuffling the order of bookmarks.
personally i'd say that sorting options are more
important... (as in, auto sort into alphabetical)
oh, and even nicer would be a very lightweight
drop down incremental tag search drop down
on the konqi toolbar. bookmarks are pretty
important really. (basically, you type in "daily"
and the bookmark bar would show all bookmarks
tagged with daily)
sorry for the long post,
thanks again for the wrapping at 60 commit daniel
Comment 8 jos poortvliet 2005-03-18 18:31:27 UTC
sounds nice, but drag'n'drop for a folder isn't that important, imho - its drag'n'drop for a single bookmark, and this bugreport is about ctrl-click to open a folder in tabs (as a on a single bookmark it already works).

sorry for the confusion maps>folders... and thanx for the work already done :D
Comment 9 lypanov 2005-03-18 18:37:24 UTC
honestly i thought we already decided against this.
you can easily right click and use 'open all in tabs'
or whatever the action is. having people ctrl-click
accidently on a folder and busting open there entire
bookmarks collection in the browser is going to 
suck. do you really use this so frequently that those
3 clicks cost you a lot of time? if so, how about using
multiple profiles with the bookmarks preloaded or
something? then you can have a konqueror button 
per collection on your panel. or something. i dunno :P
Comment 10 jos poortvliet 2005-03-18 18:59:24 UTC
well, I use it quite often, as I have several maps with certain kinds of news or info or whatever. but if I'm the only person using this... I thought it just makes sense - being able to open folders, just like individual bookmarks, with a middle-mouseclick (or ctrl-click). I know there are other ways to do it, sure. I had a few profiles, once. but I change the contents of the folders too often, and its quite a bit work to mantain it, then...

but again, I can live without it, but doesn't it just make sense?
Comment 11 lypanov 2005-03-18 19:01:53 UTC
i had all my cartoons in a folder so i know how you feel :)
just right click on it and it gives you the option "show all in tabs"
well, at least, it should do :P it does right??? *worries*
Comment 12 jos poortvliet 2005-03-18 20:08:12 UTC
it does. but if you middleclick on a bookmark, it gets opened in a tab. but if you middleclick on a folder, nothing happens... its not such a big thing, but hey, details matter!
Comment 13 lypanov 2005-03-18 20:45:15 UTC
yup details matter
we'll get bug reports saying "ctrl-click and mmb aren't the same, they don't work everywhere the same, this isn't usable"
we'll get bug reports like this one in which there is a perfectly reasonable alternate user interface available but a few little extra clicks appear to matter.

neither of these cases really bother me.
the bug reports that say "my web browser died because i accidently middle clicked on a link and it loaded several hundred websites" is where i think user interface designers have to draw the line.

sorry for the bad tone. heb een vrezelijk dag gehad.
Comment 14 jos poortvliet 2005-03-18 21:23:03 UTC
is goed, relax weetje. maakt niet uit - tis tof dat je hieraan werkt, en ik ben niet zo'n type wat perse wil dat dit gedaan word ofzow... if you guys think it's a bad idea, close'm up. no problem. its just a wish, not a demand :D

and if you think its a good idea, its consistent, logical - and enhances the interface in a small way - do it. Its both fine with me... but (does it matter?) the Firefox dev's tought it'd be smart, and it works in firefoxy... :D
Comment 15 lypanov 2005-03-18 21:50:45 UTC
On Mar 18, 2005, at 9:23 PM, jos poortvliet wrote:
> ------- Additional Comments From jos mijnkamer nl  2005-03-18 21:23 
> -------
> is goed, relax weetje. maakt niet uit - tis tof dat je hieraan werkt, 
> en ik ben niet zo'n type wat perse wil dat dit gedaan word ofzow... if 
> you guys think it's a bad idea, close'm up. no problem. its just a 
> wish, not a demand :D
> and if you think its a good idea, its consistent, logical - and 
> enhances the interface in a small way - do it. Its both fine with 
> me... but (does it matter?) the Firefox dev's tought it'd be smart, 
> and it works in firefoxy... :D

interesting. what did firefox guys do? warn if its > than a certain 
Comment 16 jos poortvliet 2005-03-18 22:28:49 UTC
no, they just open them. remember, the gnomes where the guys that disabled the color selection for your style, because 'a user could select the same colour as foreground and background for text, and they won't be able to reverse it because they wouldn't be able to read the dialogue'. and the firefox guys (almost as concerned for their users as the gnomes) let this happen - a user accidentially ctrl-clicking a bookmark map he put on his bookmarkbar, which has 1000 bookmarks... the fools...

hum hum. wel, I guess you see my point is - should we care THAT much? how big is the horror when you open eg 40 tabs (an insane amount, for in 1 folder)? You put it there yourself, and I dont't think its such a big problem anyway.
Comment 17 Daniel Teske 2005-03-19 00:43:08 UTC
> yes. very. i wrote it once and then dropped the code as it was just 
> too damn buggy. 
Good, that makes it WONTFIX for me. Because I think its not that important and difficult to implement.
There are already two ways to open a folder in new tabs.

> and even nicer would be a very lightweight 
> drop down incremental tag search drop down 
> on the konqi toolbar
The bookmar sidebar has a incremental search.

>thanks again for the wrapping at 60 commit daniel 
Well, I got a lot of well deserved criticism

>its drag'n'drop for a single bookmark
BUG: 63426 (Points 3 and 4) are about drag'n'drop of bookamrk entries not folders.

> i accidently middle clicked on a link and it 
> loaded several hundred websites
"open folder in new tabs" is not recursive, so it would just open all the entries one level below the current. 
(Strange, but noone has complained so far...)

I think its simply not reasonable to at the moment. 

Comment 18 lypanov 2005-03-19 00:55:48 UTC
On Mar 19, 2005, at 12:43 AM, Daniel Teske wrote:
> ------- Additional Comments From teske squorn de  2005-03-19 00:43 
> -------
>> yes. very. i wrote it once and then dropped the code as it was just
>> too damn buggy.
> Good, that makes it WONTFIX for me. Because I think its not that 
> important and difficult to implement.
> There are already two ways to open a folder in new tabs.

i was referencing drag and drop of items
in the menu bar. sorry for the confusion.
ctrl-click should be pretty trivial to

>> and even nicer would be a very lightweight
>> drop down incremental tag search drop down
>> on the konqi toolbar
> The bookmar sidebar has a incremental search.

lightweight is the key word. the sidebar
uses one hell of a lot of screen estate.

>> its drag'n'drop for a single bookmark
> BUG: 63426 (Points 3 and 4) are about drag'n'drop of bookamrk entries 
> not folders.

not sure what i was saying here as most of
the context is missing...

>> i accidently middle clicked on a link and it
>> loaded several hundred websites
> "open folder in new tabs" is not recursive, so it would just open all 
> the entries one level below the current.
> (Strange, but noone has complained so far...)

see past bug reports. many people have > 150 bookmarks in a single 
this in my opinion is just out of the question. destroying several 
sessions once a month is just not worth the removal of two clicks from 
infrequent interface usage.

so yeah. wontfix sounds good :)

Comment 19 jos poortvliet 2005-03-19 11:15:47 UTC
is it really that common to ctrl-click on a bookmarkfolder with 150 bookmarks in it? as it is non-recursive, I dont think anyone has more than 50 entries in one level, as the folder wouldn't fit on the screen...

the bookmarks open quick, here - 20 is no problem for me (amd 2000+, 512 ram). and there is the 'close all other bookmarks' option, too...

I tried opening a few pages (16) then open a bookmark folder with much more bookmarks as would fit on my screen (a total of 38 bookmarks in one folder). opened it, so a total of 16+38=54 bookmarks where open. then tried to close all other tab's. well, I remember in KDE 3.3 it was a pain in the ass, but KDE 3.4 handles this very well. good work guys :D
Comment 20 jos poortvliet 2005-05-14 22:03:20 UTC
anyway, i'll close this bug, as i guess you guys are right - it's nice to be able to ctrl-click (or middleclick) a bookmark folder to have it open in tabs, but it might go wrong for some ppl.
Comment 21 Mathias Homann 2006-10-10 11:41:51 UTC
re #20:

and it's nice to have a highly configurable, flexible desktop environment on your computer, but it might be wrong for some people... is what the gnome guys are thinking.

lets get back into serious mode here. If you think there are people stupid enough to abuse such a feature, let me ask two questions:
1. why not implement it, and make it disabled by default, so that only people who know what it does actually enable it?
2. how big's the chance that people stupid enough to wreak havoc by middle-clicking a bookmark folder with ... 1000 bookmarks actually use linux? or any OS that runs KDE?
Comment 22 jos poortvliet 2006-10-19 22:23:49 UTC
well, yes, that's what i think. but i'm no developer, and i guess those guys should decide. konqi probably will get a big rewrite anyway, so this might be implemented after all...

and maybe usability ppl should think about this.