Bug 86675 - Quanta very slow on bigger files
Summary: Quanta very slow on bigger files
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 84067
Alias: None
Product: quanta
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: András Manţia
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Reported: 2004-08-06 03:46 UTC by Roland Seuhs
Modified: 2004-09-14 15:07 UTC (History)
0 users

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C-File causing longer delays with Quanta (12.97 KB, text/x-csrc)
2004-08-08 11:52 UTC, Roland Seuhs

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Roland Seuhs 2004-08-06 03:46:51 UTC
Version:           post-3.2.1 (using KDE 3.2.1, SuSE)
Compiler:          gcc version 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)
OS:                Linux (i686) release 2.6.5-7.95-default

I'm editing C-files with Quanta, and as soon as files get bigger (bigger than about 10kByte) Quanta will get very slow when viewing the file (opening the file or changing from another desktop to Quanta or from another tab to the tab containing the bigger file)
On my Athlon 2200 about 0.5 seconds for a 12kByte file, bigger files are even slower.

Editing also tends to be slow sometimes, but not consistently.

The delay doesn't happen with normal Text files, so I think some code analysis (or maybe highlightning) may cause the problem.
Comment 1 András Manţia 2004-08-06 09:27:18 UTC
Well, Quanta is not written to edit C files (you might try KDevelop, 
which has exactly the same editor inside, but it's fine-tuned for 
C/C++), but you might:
- try 3.3Beta2 or 3.3RC1 (soon to be released)
- send a file which shows the slowness to me, so I can test here and 
debug. I have a slower computer than you (Athlon XP 2000+).


Comment 2 Roland Seuhs 2004-08-08 11:52:28 UTC
Created attachment 7035 [details]
C-File causing longer delays with Quanta

This file gives me about 0.5 seconds delay, to check just load it and another
file in Quanta and switch between the 2 tabs. Whenever you switch to this file
you should see the delay.

The strange thing is that I've got other C-files with similar length which
don't give me a delay, possibly other factors also play a role here. :-/
Comment 3 András Manţia 2004-09-14 15:07:27 UTC
This is basicly the same problem as the one described in #84067.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 84067 ***