Version: (using KDE KDE 3.2.2) Installed from: Gentoo Packages Compiler: gcc 3.2.2 OS: Linux It would be nice to be able to order buddies and groups in the buddy window arbitrarily. Now it seems to do it alphabetically (inc or desc order) only.
Also, in descending alphabetical order, when ordering by status is on, the status order also reverses, making, for my tastes, the list not as well organized.
Personaly, i ordered my contactlist by prepended a number before each group name example: a) freinds b) familly c) work d) others
Would love to see this feature since I organize my buddies by importance and not alphabetically (For example, "Friends" group should come before the "Dickheads" group ;) )
^ LOL! I agree entirely. Naming all the groups with letters is cumbersome and if you happen to want to "promote" a group, add a new one or remove an old one, they all need renaming which is a bit inelegant.
*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***
Has any progress been made on this, or is there someone that can point me to the right place in the code to start hacking?
*** Bug 156927 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Fixed in trunk (SVN commit 946606) will be in KDE 4.3