Version: (using KDE KDE 3.2.2) Installed from: Debian testing/unstable Packages (This is being forwarded from Debian bug #207704.) From Malcolm Parsons <malcolm DOT parsons AT virgin DOT net>: The "Defaults" button on the "Network Configuration" dialog doesn't do anything. The menu entry says "Network Configuration", but the dialog title is "Configuration". There is no "Cancel" button. The "Configure Shortcuts" dialog is too wide - too much blank space. The clock in the status bar doesn't change at 0 seconds. The messages that pop up when trying to play before the piece has reached the bottom are not displayed for long enough to be able to read them. The board is not redrawn after an "Undo" or "Redo".
The clock has been removed.
Network config dialog title fixed
Most of these are in fact in the kdegameslibs code... so I am not sure who this should be assigned to.
from These parts of this bug are still in kwin4 version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu2: The "Defaults" button on the "Network Configuration" dialog doesn't do anything. There is no "Cancel" button on the "Network Configuration" dialog. The "Configure Shortcuts" dialog is too wide - too much blank space. The messages that pop up when trying to play before the piece has reached the bottom are not displayed for long enough to be able to read them.
Hi! Is this bug still valid on the current KDE4 version?
Everything thats been mentioned has been fixed, except for the defaults-button thing, renaming this bug and assigning to kfourinline.
There is no "Defaults" button in the "Network Configuration" dialog of kfourinline 19.12.