Bug 75314 - Konqueror doesn't display correctly non latin-1 letters. Font substitution not done. (regression?)
Summary: Konqueror doesn't display correctly non latin-1 letters. Font substitution no...
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 47682
Alias: None
Product: konqueror
Classification: Applications
Component: khtml renderer (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Mandrake RPMs Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konqueror Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-02-15 23:03 UTC by Médéric Boquien
Modified: 2006-02-04 19:41 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Médéric Boquien 2004-02-15 23:03:30 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.2.0)
Installed from:    Mandrake RPMs
OS:          Linux

Configurate Konqueror to use generic fonts such "sans" and "serif". Now check a webpage with non latin-1 letter (http://pl.wikipedia.org for instance). You can see that non latin-1 are displayed as squares. Now check the page with Mozilla using the same font configuration. You can see that font substitutions are made and the page is rendered correctly.
I guess that the problem comes from that Konqueror doesn't do the font substitution correctly as it should do with a generic font (and as Mozilla does).
I think this worked correctly with KDE 3.1. I'm not 100% sure though as i don't have KDE 3.1 anymore but i think i would have noticed this problem as i often go to websites that use non latin-1 letters.

Thank you very much.
Comment 1 Anders Lund 2004-02-15 23:14:41 UTC
I can comfirm this, using cvs HEAD
Comment 2 Stephan Kulow 2004-02-15 23:36:20 UTC
we never did per character font selection and relied on Qt for that. Qt 3.0 did that and it was removed with qt 3.1 as it never worked reliable.
Comment 3 yann 2004-10-01 00:03:17 UTC
The same problem occurs with many languages and fonts. A bit annoying. Thanks, Yann
Comment 4 Médéric Boquien 2005-11-13 13:15:44 UTC
This problem is still present with kde 3.5 RC1. Quite annoying. GTK+ applications handle this correctly. Thanks.
Comment 5 Médéric Boquien 2005-11-13 13:22:04 UTC
I must add that this problem is not specific to khtml but is general inside KDE. Any application has this problem, konsole, kwrite, etc. Thanks.
Comment 6 Thiago Macieira 2005-11-13 14:53:26 UTC
Maybe Qt4 will fix this.
Comment 7 Marijn Schouten 2006-01-25 17:20:04 UTC
Bug 47682 is similar and may be caused by the same bug in Qt.
Comment 8 Maksim Orlovich 2006-02-04 19:41:06 UTC
It does appear to work much better in Qt4...

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 47682 ***