Bug 66952 - kmail imap message counter not in sync
Summary: kmail imap message counter not in sync
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 66354
Alias: None
Product: kmail
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: IMAP (show other bugs)
Version: SVN (3.5 branch)
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kdepim bugs
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Reported: 2003-10-31 08:16 UTC by Ferdinand Gassauer
Modified: 2007-09-14 12:17 UTC (History)
0 users

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showing the difference (KDE31) (20.91 KB, image/png)
2003-10-31 08:18 UTC, Ferdinand Gassauer

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Ferdinand Gassauer 2003-10-31 08:16:23 UTC
Version:           1.5.4 (using KDE 3.1.4)
Installed from:    compiled sources
Compiler:          gcc version 3.2.2
OS:          Linux (i686) release 2.4.19-64GB-SMP

in KDE 31 BRANCH and CVS the number of unread mesages displayed next to the folder is  frequently not in sync with the number of messages marked as unread.

this is very mysterious - no pattern recognizable.

in CVS the number of unread messages next to the folder name ssems to be updated only if the folder is selected. not on "check mail" of the imap folder
Comment 1 Ferdinand Gassauer 2003-10-31 08:18:42 UTC
Created attachment 2943 [details]
showing the difference (KDE31)

I think the number was changed during automatic check of the imap folder, 
because a few minutes ago it was correct. I am confused ...

and it's changing back to the correct number after a while .... Hu
Comment 2 Ingo Klöcker 2003-10-31 09:55:06 UTC
Please don't file bugs against and old version of KMail if you can reproduce them with the CVS version.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 66354 ***