Version: 0.91 (using KDE KDE 3.1) When you "Quickly Create a New Curve" and one of the vectors will be the same as a previous one (this is often the case with INDEX), it still generates a new vector. It should, by default, reuse the previous one, such that there are no unneeded duplicates. There could be a checkbox on the dialog that lets one have it generate a new vector anyways, in case one wants to have different ranges for those plots.
Now that I accidentally accepted it, I guess I should assign it to myself.
If we are reusing existing vectors, the vector dialog will certainly need more widgets and functionality. Consequently it will start to gain much of the functionality presently in the non-"quick" dialogs. We'll be duplicating code and interface at this point. I'm not sure this is a good idea.
<i>We'll be duplicating code and interface at this point. I'm not sure this is a good idea. </i> Probably not. It's a toss-up as to which type of curve should be made with the "quickly create a new curve" Should it be one with completely new vectors, or one that re-uses (where the other type can only be made with the "slow" (but full-featured) curve dialog. I'm just reporting how I would use the quick dialog...I don't know if other users want it the other (existing) way. Maybe the call should be left to Barth.
Quick Curves has been replaced with a data wizard, which behaves as this bug report requests.