Bug 64454 - digest splitting into single messages is broken
Summary: digest splitting into single messages is broken
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 53668
Alias: None
Product: kmail
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 1.5.3
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kdepim bugs
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-09-17 20:18 UTC by Sebastian Seifert
Modified: 2007-09-14 12:17 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Sebastian Seifert 2003-09-17 20:18:15 UTC
Version:           1.5.3 (using KDE 3.1.3)
Installed from:     (testing/unstable)
Compiler:          gcc version 3.3.1 20030722 (Debian prerelease)
OS:          Linux (i686) release 2.4.20-ck6

When I view a mailing list digest message (in my case a sourceforge.net cvs digest), the digest message is broken down into the individual messages, and those are treated as attachments. 

Firstly, if I cannot turn this behaviour off, I cannot view the plain text message as it was meant to be seen. I think that this constitutes a bug by itself, and the same logic might be applied to openpgp signature verification. Preprocessing of mail messages should be user configurable.

Secondly, and more seriously, the "attachments" inside the mailing list digest are not shown as regular email messages. Instead, when I click on the corresponding icon, I am offered to save them or open them in KWrite. If I chose to do so, I see a raw mail message with faked headers. If I change the attachment viewing mode to "inline", the digest messages are shown as "encapsulated messages" with empty from:, to:, subject:, instead these are shown as part as the message text, together with a mime-type specification.

A copy and paste sample of this:
--- snip ---
Encapsulated message

No Subject




Content-Description=embedded message
To: gift-checkins@lists.sourceforge.net
From: Josh Guilfoyle <jasta@users.sourceforge.net>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 10:31:17 -0700
Subject: [gift-checkins] CVS: giFT/lib network.c,1.31,1.32 network.h,1.25,1.26

Update of /cvsroot/gift/giFT/lib
--- snip ---

Rightclick/Properties on the attachment icon reveals that KMail thinks that the mime type is text/plain, although in the fake message text, a content-type of text/rfc-... is stated.
Comment 1 Ingo Klöcker 2003-09-18 11:16:10 UTC
Use View Source if you really want to see the raw digest. Making preprocessing 
optional won't happen. 
Please attach a sample digest message to this bug report. 
Comment 2 Sebastian Seifert 2003-09-19 02:10:24 UTC
Subject: sample digest: gift-checkins digest, Vol 1 #873 - 9 msgs

This is a sample of a broken digest message.

Send gift-checkins mailing list submissions to

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or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of gift-checkins digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. CVS: Gnutella configure.ac,1.18,1.19 (Craig Barnes)
   2. CVS: Gnutella/m4 gift-prefix.m4,NONE,1.1 (Craig Barnes)
   3. CVS: Gnutella configure.ac,1.19,1.20 (Craig Barnes)
   4. CVS: Gnutella/m4 libxml.m4,NONE,1.1 (Craig Barnes)
   5. CVS: Gnutella/src gt_gnutella.c,1.51,1.52 gt_http_client.c,1.37,1.38 gt_stats.c,1.12,1.13 gt_query_route.c,1.33,1.34 gt_protocol.h,1.8,1.9 gt_packet.c,1.22,1.23 (Craig Barnes)
   6. CVS: Gnutella/src gt_node.c,1.35,1.36 (Craig Barnes)
   7. CVS: Gnutella configure.ac,1.20,1.21 (Craig Barnes)
   8. CVS: OpenFT/src/proto ft_handshake.c,1.14,1.15 ft_query.c,1.9,1.10 (Josh Guilfoyle)
   9. CVS: OpenFT/src ft_netorg.c,1.28,1.29 ft_netorg.h,1.9,1.10 ft_node.c,1.46,1.47 ft_node.h,1.24,1.25 ft_node_cache.c,1.15,1.16 ft_openft.c,1.50,1.51 ft_protocol.h,1.16,1.17 ft_search.c,1.51,1.52 ft_search_exec.c,1.53,1.54 ft_search_exec.h,1.12,1.13 ft_search_obj.c,1.13,1.14 ft_search_obj.h,1.6,1.7 ft_session.c,1.84,1.85 ft_stream.c,1.24,1.25 ft_stream.h,1.10,1.11 (Josh Guilfoyle)


Message: 1
To: gift-checkins@lists.sourceforge.net
From: Craig Barnes <hipnod@users.sourceforge.net>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 15:44:23 -0700
Subject: [gift-checkins] CVS: Gnutella configure.ac,1.18,1.19

Update of /cvsroot/gift/Gnutella
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv5237

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Move prefix detection to m4/gift-prefix.m4 and use AC_MSG_WARN instead
of serii of echoes

Index: configure.ac
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/Gnutella/configure.ac,v
retrieving revision 1.18
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -C2 -d -r1.18 -r1.19
*** configure.ac	17 Sep 2003 22:26:07 -0000	1.18
--- configure.ac	17 Sep 2003 22:44:21 -0000	1.19
*** 187,212 ****
  dnl ###########################################################################
! libgift_prefix=`pkg-config --variable=prefix libgift`
! gift_plugin_prefix=$prefix
! if test x"$prefix" = xNONE; then
!    gift_plugin_prefix=/usr/local
! fi
! if test x"$libgift_prefix" != x"$gift_plugin_prefix"; then
!    echo "WARNING"
!    echo 
!    echo "   You are trying to install in $gift_plugin_prefix, but I only"
!    echo "   detected a giFT installation in $libgift_prefix. You may"
!    echo "   be installing in the wrong place."
!    echo 
!    echo "   You should probably supply --prefix=$libgift_prefix"
!    echo "   to configure. Or, if you have a giFT installation in"
!    echo "   $gift_plugin_prefix, you could override the PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
!    echo "   environment variable to point there, so I can detect it."
!    echo
!    echo "WARNING"
!    echo
! fi
  dnl ###########################################################################
--- 187,191 ----
  dnl ###########################################################################
  dnl ###########################################################################


Message: 2
To: gift-checkins@lists.sourceforge.net
From: Craig Barnes <hipnod@users.sourceforge.net>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 15:44:23 -0700
Subject: [gift-checkins] CVS: Gnutella/m4 gift-prefix.m4,NONE,1.1

Update of /cvsroot/gift/Gnutella/m4
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv5237/m4

Added Files:
Log Message:
Move prefix detection to m4/gift-prefix.m4 and use AC_MSG_WARN instead
of serii of echoes

--- NEW FILE: gift-prefix.m4 ---
## $Id: gift-prefix.m4,v 1.1 2003/09/17 22:44:21 hipnod Exp $

   libgift_prefix=`pkg-config --variable=prefix libgift`

   if test x"$prefix" = xNONE; then

   if test x"$libgift_prefix" != x"$gift_plugin_prefix"; then
   You are trying to install in $gift_plugin_prefix, but I only
   detected a giFT installation in $libgift_prefix. 
   You may be installing in the wrong place.

   You should probably supply --prefix=$libgift_prefix 
   to configure. Or, if you have a giFT installation in
   $gift_plugin_prefix, you could add ${gift_plugin_prefix}/lib/pkgconfig 
   to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable, so I can detect it.


Message: 3
To: gift-checkins@lists.sourceforge.net
From: Craig Barnes <hipnod@users.sourceforge.net>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 16:25:53 -0700
Subject: [gift-checkins] CVS: Gnutella configure.ac,1.19,1.20

Update of /cvsroot/gift/Gnutella
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv13860

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Move libxml config to libxml.m4

Index: configure.ac
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/Gnutella/configure.ac,v
retrieving revision 1.19
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -C2 -d -r1.19 -r1.20
*** configure.ac	17 Sep 2003 22:44:21 -0000	1.19
--- configure.ac	17 Sep 2003 23:25:50 -0000	1.20
*** 54,64 ****
  dnl ###########################################################################
- dnl Initialize arguments... 
- dnl ###########################################################################
- AC_ARG_ENABLE(libxml2,     [  --enable-libxml2        whether to use libxml2 ],[use_libxml2=$enableval], [use_libxml2=no])
- AM_CONDITIONAL(LIBXML2,     test x$use_libxml2     = xyes)
- dnl ###########################################################################
  dnl Check for the necessary build tools and configure libtool
  dnl ###########################################################################
--- 54,57 ----
*** 117,125 ****
! if test x"$OPT_ZLIB" = xno; then
!    echo 
!    echo "ERROR: zlib support is required"
!    echo
!    exit 1
--- 110,115 ----
! if test x"$OPT_ZLIB" = xno; then 
!    AC_MSG_ERROR([zlib support is required])
*** 127,147 ****
  dnl ###########################################################################
! dnl Test for libxml2...
  dnl ###########################################################################
! AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether libxml2 should be used])
! if test "x$use_libxml2" = xyes; then 
!    AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) 
!    AC_PATH_PROG(XML2_CONFIG, xml2-config, [no])
!    if test "x$XML2_CONFIG" != xno; then
!       LIBXML2_CFLAGS=`$XML2_CONFIG --cflags`
!       LIBXML2_LIBS=`$XML2_CONFIG --libs`
!    fi
--- 117,137 ----
  dnl ###########################################################################
! dnl Test for libxml...
  dnl ###########################################################################
! AC_ARG_WITH(libxml,dnl
! [  --with-libxml[=DIR]         where to look for libxml [compiler/linker default paths]
!                         DIR points to the libxml installation prefix [/usr/local]],
! OPT_LIBXML=$withval,
! )
! AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether libxml should be used])
! use_libxml2=no
! if test x"$OPT_LIBXML" != xno; then
!    AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) 
!    use_libxml2=yes


Message: 4
To: gift-checkins@lists.sourceforge.net
From: Craig Barnes <hipnod@users.sourceforge.net>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 16:25:53 -0700
Subject: [gift-checkins] CVS: Gnutella/m4 libxml.m4,NONE,1.1

Update of /cvsroot/gift/Gnutella/m4
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv13860/m4

Added Files:
Log Message:
Move libxml config to libxml.m4

--- NEW FILE: libxml.m4 ---
## $Id: libxml.m4,v 1.1 2003/09/17 23:25:51 hipnod Exp $

   # Check on the user's PATH if no path was specified in OPT_LIBXML,
   # when the user has passed --with-libxml without a directory,
   # or check the directory if one was supplied.
   if test x"$OPT_LIBXML" = xyes; then 
      AC_PATH_PROG(XML2_CONFIG, xml2-config, [no])
      AC_PATH_PROG(XML2_CONFIG, xml2-config, [no], [$XMLPATH])

   if test x"$XML2_CONFIG" != xno; then
      LIBXML2_CFLAGS=`$XML2_CONFIG --cflags`
      LIBXML2_LIBS=`$XML2_CONFIG --libs`

Couldn't run ${OPT_LIBXML}/bin/xml2-config



Message: 5
To: gift-checkins@lists.sourceforge.net
From: Craig Barnes <hipnod@users.sourceforge.net>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 16:26:45 -0700
Subject: [gift-checkins] CVS: Gnutella/src gt_gnutella.c,1.51,1.52 gt_http_client.c,1.37,1.38 gt_stats.c,1.12,1.13 gt_query_route.c,1.33,1.34 gt_protocol.h,1.8,1.9 gt_packet.c,1.22,1.23

Update of /cvsroot/gift/Gnutella/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv13998/src

Modified Files:
	gt_gnutella.c gt_http_client.c gt_stats.c gt_query_route.c 
	gt_protocol.h gt_packet.c 
Log Message:
Fix a bunch of warnings missed by lack of -Wall

Index: gt_gnutella.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/Gnutella/src/gt_gnutella.c,v
retrieving revision 1.51
retrieving revision 1.52
diff -C2 -d -r1.51 -r1.52
*** gt_gnutella.c	24 Aug 2003 08:46:47 -0000	1.51
--- gt_gnutella.c	17 Sep 2003 23:26:43 -0000	1.52
*** 20,23 ****
--- 20,24 ----
  #include "sha1.h"
+ #include "xml.h"
  #include "gt_share.h"

Index: gt_http_client.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/Gnutella/src/gt_http_client.c,v
retrieving revision 1.37
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -C2 -d -r1.37 -r1.38
*** gt_http_client.c	16 Aug 2003 08:07:08 -0000	1.37
--- gt_http_client.c	17 Sep 2003 23:26:43 -0000	1.38
*** 308,312 ****
  	char        *retry_after;
  	GtSource    *gt;
- 	int          next;
  #if 0
  	char        *msg;
--- 308,311 ----
*** 426,430 ****
  	char        *queue_line;
  	int          poll_min;
- 	time_t       next;
  	if (!(gt = gt_transfer_get_source (xfer)))
--- 425,428 ----

Index: gt_stats.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/Gnutella/src/gt_stats.c,v
retrieving revision 1.12
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -C2 -d -r1.12 -r1.13
*** gt_stats.c	24 Aug 2003 08:50:04 -0000	1.12
--- gt_stats.c	17 Sep 2003 23:26:43 -0000	1.13
*** 82,87 ****
  static void get_pong_stats (struct gt_stats *pong_stats)
- 	int i;
  	memset (pong_stats, 0, sizeof (struct gt_stats));
--- 82,85 ----

Index: gt_query_route.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/Gnutella/src/gt_query_route.c,v
retrieving revision 1.33
retrieving revision 1.34
diff -C2 -d -r1.33 -r1.34
*** gt_query_route.c	24 Aug 2003 08:46:47 -0000	1.33
--- gt_query_route.c	17 Sep 2003 23:26:43 -0000	1.34
*** 240,243 ****
--- 240,245 ----
+ #if 0
+ /* untested */
  static void qrp_route_table_remove (struct qrp_route_table *qrt, uint32_t index)
*** 278,281 ****
--- 280,284 ----
+ #endif
  static BOOL qrp_route_table_lookup (struct qrp_route_table *qrt, uint32_t index)
*** 557,562 ****
  static void start_build_timer (void)
- 	time_t interval;
  	if (build_timer)
--- 560,563 ----
*** 1072,1076 ****
  	/* send a reset table first */
  	if (gt_packet_send_fmt (c, GT_QUERY_ROUTE, NULL, 1, 0,
! 	                        "%c%lu%c", 0, slots, infinity) < 0)
  		GT->DBGFN (GT, "error reseting table");
--- 1073,1077 ----
  	/* send a reset table first */
  	if (gt_packet_send_fmt (c, GT_QUERY_ROUTE, NULL, 1, 0,
! 	                        "%c%lu%c", 0, (long)slots, infinity) < 0)
  		GT->DBGFN (GT, "error reseting table");

Index: gt_protocol.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/Gnutella/src/gt_protocol.h,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -C2 -d -r1.8 -r1.9
*** gt_protocol.h	17 Sep 2003 17:44:11 -0000	1.8
--- gt_protocol.h	17 Sep 2003 23:26:43 -0000	1.9
*** 75,77 ****
--- 75,82 ----
+ /* HACK: this isn't available in libgift, but giftd */
+ extern int upload_availability (void);
+ /*****************************************************************************/
  #endif /* __GT_PROTOCOL_H__ */

Index: gt_packet.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/Gnutella/src/gt_packet.c,v
retrieving revision 1.22
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -C2 -d -r1.22 -r1.23
*** gt_packet.c	17 Sep 2003 17:44:11 -0000	1.22
--- gt_packet.c	17 Sep 2003 23:26:43 -0000	1.23
*** 34,38 ****
  	GtPacket      *packet;
- 	int            need_free = TRUE;
  	unsigned char *data;
--- 34,37 ----


Message: 6
To: gift-checkins@lists.sourceforge.net
From: Craig Barnes <hipnod@users.sourceforge.net>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 16:31:17 -0700
Subject: [gift-checkins] CVS: Gnutella/src gt_node.c,1.35,1.36

Update of /cvsroot/gift/Gnutella/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv15095/src

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Include io/{rx,tx}_stack.h for definitions

Index: gt_node.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/Gnutella/src/gt_node.c,v
retrieving revision 1.35
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -C2 -d -r1.35 -r1.36
*** gt_node.c	17 Sep 2003 17:44:11 -0000	1.35
--- gt_node.c	17 Sep 2003 23:31:15 -0000	1.36
*** 27,30 ****
--- 27,33 ----
  #include "gt_node_cache.h"
+ #include "io/rx_stack.h"            /* gt_rx_stack_free */
+ #include "io/tx_stack.h"            /* gt_tx_stack_free, gt_tx_stack_queue */


Message: 7
To: gift-checkins@lists.sourceforge.net
From: Craig Barnes <hipnod@users.sourceforge.net>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 16:32:40 -0700
Subject: [gift-checkins] CVS: Gnutella configure.ac,1.20,1.21

Update of /cvsroot/gift/Gnutella
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv15360

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Use use_libxml instead of use_libxml2

Index: configure.ac
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/Gnutella/configure.ac,v
retrieving revision 1.20
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -C2 -d -r1.20 -r1.21
*** configure.ac	17 Sep 2003 23:25:50 -0000	1.20
--- configure.ac	17 Sep 2003 23:32:38 -0000	1.21
*** 128,137 ****
  AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether libxml should be used])
! use_libxml2=no
  if test x"$OPT_LIBXML" != xno; then
!    use_libxml2=yes
--- 128,137 ----
  AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether libxml should be used])
! use_libxml=no
  if test x"$OPT_LIBXML" != xno; then
!    use_libxml=yes
*** 168,172 ****
  echo "use zlib................: yes (required)"
! echo "use libxml2.............: $use_libxml2"
  echo "-----------------------------"
--- 168,172 ----
  echo "use zlib................: yes (required)"
! echo "use libxml..............: $use_libxml"
  echo "-----------------------------"


Message: 8
To: gift-checkins@lists.sourceforge.net
From: Josh Guilfoyle <jasta@users.sourceforge.net>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 16:40:59 -0700
Subject: [gift-checkins] CVS: OpenFT/src/proto ft_handshake.c,1.14,1.15 ft_query.c,1.9,1.10

Update of /cvsroot/gift/OpenFT/src/proto
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv16592/src/proto

Modified Files:
	ft_handshake.c ft_query.c 
Log Message:
typedef name changes

Index: ft_handshake.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/OpenFT/src/proto/ft_handshake.c,v
retrieving revision 1.14
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -C2 -d -r1.14 -r1.15
*** ft_handshake.c	16 Sep 2003 20:06:42 -0000	1.14
--- ft_handshake.c	17 Sep 2003 23:40:57 -0000	1.15
*** 236,240 ****
  	/* hack the class to emulate a search and/or index class gain */
  	node->klass &= ~(FT_NODE_SEARCH | FT_NODE_INDEX);
! 	ft_node_set_class (FT_NODE(c), (FTNodeClass)klass);
  	/* set other attributes */
--- 236,240 ----
  	/* hack the class to emulate a search and/or index class gain */
  	node->klass &= ~(FT_NODE_SEARCH | FT_NODE_INDEX);
! 	ft_node_set_class (FT_NODE(c), (ft_class_t)klass);
  	/* set other attributes */
*** 326,330 ****
  static int nodelist_request (TCPC *c, FTPacket **listpkt,
!                              FTNodeClass klass, int nreq)
  	Array *args = NULL;
--- 326,330 ----
  static int nodelist_request (TCPC *c, FTPacket **listpkt,
!                              ft_class_t klass, int nreq)
  	Array *args = NULL;
*** 370,374 ****
  		/* pass the work along to the real function */
! 		nodes += nodelist_request (c, &reply, (FTNodeClass)klass, nreq);
--- 370,374 ----
  		/* pass the work along to the real function */
! 		nodes += nodelist_request (c, &reply, (ft_class_t)klass, nreq);

Index: ft_query.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/OpenFT/src/proto/ft_query.c,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** ft_query.c	11 Sep 2003 14:44:20 -0000	1.9
--- ft_query.c	17 Sep 2003 23:40:57 -0000	1.10
*** 352,361 ****
! static FTSearchType get_search_type (sparams_t *params)
! 	FTNode      *chk_parent;
! 	FTSearchType type;
! 	type = (FTSearchType)params->type;
--- 352,361 ----
! static ft_search_flags_t get_search_type (sparams_t *params)
! 	FTNode            *chk_parent;
! 	ft_search_flags_t  type;
! 	type = (ft_search_flags_t)params->type;
*** 388,392 ****
  	/* provide debugging information */
! 	if (FT_SEARCH_TYPE(params->type) == FT_SEARCH_FILENAME)
  		char *query_str;
--- 388,392 ----
  	/* provide debugging information */
! 	if (FT_SEARCH_METHOD(params->type) == FT_SEARCH_FILENAME)
  		char *query_str;
*** 610,620 ****
! FTSearchType get_search_request_type (FTSearchType request)
! 	FTSearchType type;
! 	/* extract only the type, ignoring any potentially dangerous internal
  	 * modifiers */
! 	type = FT_SEARCH_TYPE(request);
  	/* make sure a valid request type was made */
--- 610,620 ----
! ft_search_flags_t get_search_request_type (ft_search_flags_t request)
! 	ft_search_flags_t type;
! 	/* extract only the method, ignoring any potentially dangerous internal
  	 * modifiers */
! 	type = FT_SEARCH_METHOD(request);
  	/* make sure a valid request type was made */
*** 631,635 ****
  static int fill_params (sparams_t *params, FTNode *node, FTPacket *pkt)
! 	FTSearchType type;
  	memset (params, 0, sizeof (sparams_t));
--- 631,635 ----
  static int fill_params (sparams_t *params, FTNode *node, FTPacket *pkt)
! 	ft_search_flags_t type;
  	memset (params, 0, sizeof (sparams_t));


Message: 9
To: gift-checkins@lists.sourceforge.net
From: Josh Guilfoyle <jasta@users.sourceforge.net>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 16:40:59 -0700
Subject: [gift-checkins] CVS: OpenFT/src ft_netorg.c,1.28,1.29 ft_netorg.h,1.9,1.10 ft_node.c,1.46,1.47 ft_node.h,1.24,1.25 ft_node_cache.c,1.15,1.16 ft_openft.c,1.50,1.51 ft_protocol.h,1.16,1.17 ft_search.c,1.51,1.52 ft_search_exec.c,1.53,1.54 ft_search_exec.h,1.12,1.13 ft_search_obj.c,1.13,1.14 ft_search_obj.h,1.6,1.7 ft_session.c,1.84,1.85 ft_stream.c,1.24,1.25 ft_stream.h,1.10,1.11

Update of /cvsroot/gift/OpenFT/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv16592/src

Modified Files:
	ft_netorg.c ft_netorg.h ft_node.c ft_node.h ft_node_cache.c 
	ft_openft.c ft_protocol.h ft_search.c ft_search_exec.c 
	ft_search_exec.h ft_search_obj.c ft_search_obj.h ft_session.c 
	ft_stream.c ft_stream.h 
Log Message:
typedef name changes

Index: ft_netorg.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/OpenFT/src/ft_netorg.c,v
retrieving revision 1.28
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -C2 -d -r1.28 -r1.29
*** ft_netorg.c	11 Sep 2003 04:00:07 -0000	1.28
--- ft_netorg.c	17 Sep 2003 23:40:56 -0000	1.29
*** 50,57 ****
   * Hardcode the necessary size requirements for nodes_len.  If FTNodeState or
!  * FTNodeClass values change, this must be updated.
  #define STATE_MAX            (4)       /* maximum value for FTNodeState */
! #define KLASS_MAX            (31)      /* maximum value for FTNodeClass after
                                          * the necessary shifting has occurred */
--- 50,57 ----
   * Hardcode the necessary size requirements for nodes_len.  If FTNodeState or
!  * ft_class_t values change, this must be updated.
  #define STATE_MAX            (4)       /* maximum value for FTNodeState */
! #define KLASS_MAX            (31)      /* maximum value for ft_class_t after
                                          * the necessary shifting has occurred */
*** 72,76 ****
   * Apply the necessary shifting of the enumerated sets so that there are no
!  * unused bits.  If the way FTNodeState or FTNodeClass is defined changes, so
   * must this macro.
--- 72,76 ----
   * Apply the necessary shifting of the enumerated sets so that there are no
!  * unused bits.  If the way FTNodeState or ft_class_t is defined changes, so
   * must this macro.
*** 91,95 ****
! static struct conn_list *get_conn_list (FTNodeState state)
  	struct conn_list *list_addr;
--- 91,95 ----
! static struct conn_list *get_conn_list (ft_state_t state)
  	struct conn_list *list_addr;
*** 139,143 ****
! static int add_conn_list (FTNodeState state, FTNode *node)
  	struct conn_list *clist;
--- 139,143 ----
! static int add_conn_list (ft_state_t state, FTNode *node)
  	struct conn_list *clist;
*** 161,166 ****
  static void update_nodes_len (FTNode *node,
!                               FTNodeClass klass,      FTNodeState state,
!                               FTNodeClass klass_orig, FTNodeState state_orig)
  	int idx_klass      = KLASS_INDEX(klass);
--- 161,166 ----
  static void update_nodes_len (FTNode *node,
!                               ft_class_t klass,      ft_state_t state,
!                               ft_class_t klass_orig, ft_state_t state_orig)
  	int idx_klass      = KLASS_INDEX(klass);
*** 211,215 ****
! static void rem_conn_list (FTNodeState state, FTNode *node)
  	struct conn_list *clist;
--- 211,215 ----
! static void rem_conn_list (ft_state_t state, FTNode *node)
  	struct conn_list *clist;
*** 249,254 ****
  void ft_netorg_change (FTNode *node,
!                        FTNodeClass class_orig,
!                        FTNodeState state_orig)
  	if (!(netorg_valid (node)))
--- 249,254 ----
  void ft_netorg_change (FTNode *node,
!                        ft_class_t class_orig,
!                        ft_state_t state_orig)
  	if (!(netorg_valid (node)))
*** 277,281 ****
  static int conn_list_iter (struct conn_list *clist,
!                            FTNodeClass klass, FTNodeState state, int iter,
                             FTNetorgForeach func, void *udata)
--- 277,281 ----
  static int conn_list_iter (struct conn_list *clist,
!                            ft_class_t klass, ft_state_t state, int iter,
                             FTNetorgForeach func, void *udata)
*** 359,363 ****
! static int foreach_list (FTNodeClass klass, FTNodeState state, int iter,
                           FTNetorgForeach func, void *udata)
--- 359,363 ----
! static int foreach_list (ft_class_t klass, ft_state_t state, int iter,
                           FTNetorgForeach func, void *udata)
*** 399,403 ****
! static int iter_state (FTNodeClass klass, FTNodeState state, int iter, int *looped,
                         FTNetorgForeach func, void *udata)
--- 399,403 ----
! static int iter_state (ft_class_t klass, ft_state_t state, int iter, int *looped,
                         FTNetorgForeach func, void *udata)
*** 417,421 ****
! int ft_netorg_foreach (FTNodeClass klass, FTNodeState state, int iter,
                         FTNetorgForeach func, void *udata)
--- 417,421 ----
! int ft_netorg_foreach (ft_class_t klass, ft_state_t state, int iter,
                         FTNetorgForeach func, void *udata)
*** 445,449 ****
! int ft_netorg_length (FTNodeClass klass, FTNodeState state)
  	int klass_idx, state_idx;
--- 445,449 ----
! int ft_netorg_length (ft_class_t klass, ft_state_t state)
  	int klass_idx, state_idx;

Index: ft_netorg.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/OpenFT/src/ft_netorg.h,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** ft_netorg.h	7 Sep 2003 14:56:33 -0000	1.9
--- ft_netorg.h	17 Sep 2003 23:40:56 -0000	1.10
*** 74,79 ****
  void ft_netorg_change (FTNode *node,
!                        FTNodeClass class_orig,
!                        FTNodeState state_orig);
--- 74,79 ----
  void ft_netorg_change (FTNode *node,
!                        ft_class_t class_orig,
!                        ft_state_t state_orig);
*** 102,106 ****
   *         value will never exceed the supplied value.
! int ft_netorg_foreach (FTNodeClass klass, FTNodeState state, int iter,
                         FTNetorgForeach func, void *udata);
--- 102,106 ----
   *         value will never exceed the supplied value.
! int ft_netorg_foreach (ft_class_t klass, ft_state_t state, int iter,
                         FTNetorgForeach func, void *udata);
*** 113,117 ****
   * @return Number of nodes matched in the selected set.
! int ft_netorg_length (FTNodeClass klass, FTNodeState state);
--- 113,117 ----
   * @return Number of nodes matched in the selected set.
! int ft_netorg_length (ft_class_t klass, ft_state_t state);

Index: ft_node.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/OpenFT/src/ft_node.c,v
retrieving revision 1.46
retrieving revision 1.47
diff -C2 -d -r1.46 -r1.47
*** ft_node.c	16 Sep 2003 20:06:16 -0000	1.46
--- ft_node.c	17 Sep 2003 23:40:56 -0000	1.47
*** 79,83 ****
                                 in_port_t port,
                                 in_port_t http_port,
!                                FTNodeClass klass,
                                 time_t vitality, time_t uptime, uint32_t ver)
--- 79,83 ----
                                 in_port_t port,
                                 in_port_t http_port,
!                                ft_class_t klass,
                                 time_t vitality, time_t uptime, uint32_t ver)
*** 120,124 ****
! void ft_node_err (FTNode *node, FTNodeError err, char *errtxt)
  	if (!node)
--- 120,124 ----
! void ft_node_err (FTNode *node, ft_error_t err, const char *errtxt)
  	if (!node)
*** 186,190 ****
! static BOOL is_valid_alias (char *alias, size_t len)
  	char *ptr;
--- 186,190 ----
! static BOOL is_valid_alias (const char *alias, size_t len)
  	char *ptr;
*** 197,201 ****
  	 * characters out instead of rejecting the alias.
! 	for (ptr = alias; *ptr; ptr++)
  		/* alias@ipaddr */
--- 197,201 ----
  	 * characters out instead of rejecting the alias.
! 	for (ptr = (char *)alias; *ptr; ptr++)
  		/* alias@ipaddr */
*** 207,211 ****
! char *ft_node_set_alias (FTNode *node, char *alias)
  	size_t alias_len;
--- 207,211 ----
! char *ft_node_set_alias (FTNode *node, const char *alias)
  	size_t alias_len;
*** 260,264 ****
   * modifiers.
! char *ft_node_classstr (FTNodeClass klass)
  	char *str;
--- 260,264 ----
   * modifiers.
! char *ft_node_classstr (ft_class_t klass)
  	char *str;
*** 290,294 ****
! char *ft_node_classstr_full (FTNodeClass klass)
  	static char buf[128];
--- 290,294 ----
! char *ft_node_classstr_full (ft_class_t klass)
  	static char buf[128];
*** 322,326 ****
   * information, and thus is more acceptable.
! char *ft_node_statestr (FTNodeState state)
  	char *str;
--- 322,326 ----
   * information, and thus is more acceptable.
! char *ft_node_statestr (ft_state_t state)
  	char *str;
*** 347,352 ****
! static void handle_state_change (FTNode *node, FTNodeState orig,
!                                  FTNodeState now)
  	/* notify the network organization code that a change has occurred and
--- 347,352 ----
! static void handle_state_change (FTNode *node, ft_state_t orig,
!                                  ft_state_t now)
  	/* notify the network organization code that a change has occurred and
*** 364,370 ****
! void ft_node_set_state (FTNode *node, FTNodeState state)
! 	FTNodeState orig;
  	if (!node)
--- 364,370 ----
! void ft_node_set_state (FTNode *node, ft_state_t state)
! 	ft_state_t orig;
  	if (!node)
*** 401,405 ****
! static void handle_class_loss (FTNode *node, FTNodeClass orig, FTNodeClass loss)
  	if (loss & FT_NODE_PARENT)
--- 401,405 ----
! static void handle_class_loss (FTNode *node, ft_class_t orig, ft_class_t loss)
  	if (loss & FT_NODE_PARENT)
*** 444,448 ****
! static void handle_class_gain (FTNode *node, FTNodeClass orig, FTNodeClass gain)
  	/* if we have a new index || parent node, ask for a current stats digest
--- 444,448 ----
! static void handle_class_gain (FTNode *node, ft_class_t orig, ft_class_t gain)
  	/* if we have a new index || parent node, ask for a current stats digest
*** 483,488 ****
! static void log_class_change (FTNode *node, FTNodeClass loss, FTNodeClass gain,
!                               FTNodeClass klass)
  	char   *hostfmt;
--- 483,488 ----
! static void log_class_change (FTNode *node, ft_class_t loss, ft_class_t gain,
!                               ft_class_t klass)
  	char   *hostfmt;
*** 523,530 ****
  static void handle_class_change (FTNode *node,
! 								 FTNodeClass orig,
! 								 FTNodeClass loss,
!                                  FTNodeClass gain,
! 								 FTNodeClass klass)
  	/* ignore class changes that have occurred to our own internal node
--- 523,530 ----
  static void handle_class_change (FTNode *node,
! 								 ft_class_t orig,
! 								 ft_class_t loss,
!                                  ft_class_t gain,
! 								 ft_class_t klass)
  	/* ignore class changes that have occurred to our own internal node
*** 554,561 ****
! void ft_node_set_class (FTNode *node, FTNodeClass klass)
! 	FTNodeClass orig;
! 	FTNodeClass loss, gain;
  	/* disconnected nodes are not allowed to have class changes as they cannot
--- 554,561 ----
! void ft_node_set_class (FTNode *node, ft_class_t klass)
! 	ft_class_t orig;
! 	ft_class_t loss, gain;
  	/* disconnected nodes are not allowed to have class changes as they cannot
*** 588,604 ****
! void ft_node_add_class (FTNode *node, FTNodeClass klass)
  	ft_node_set_class (node, node->klass | klass);
! void ft_node_remove_class (FTNode *node, FTNodeClass klass)
  	ft_node_set_class (node, node->klass & ~klass);
! FTNodeClass ft_node_class (FTNode *node, BOOL session_info)
! 	FTNodeClass klass;
  	if (!node)
--- 588,604 ----
! void ft_node_add_class (FTNode *node, ft_class_t klass)
  	ft_node_set_class (node, node->klass | klass);
! void ft_node_remove_class (FTNode *node, ft_class_t klass)
  	ft_node_set_class (node, node->klass & ~klass);
! ft_class_t ft_node_class (FTNode *node, BOOL session_info)
! 	ft_class_t klass;
  	if (!node)
*** 633,637 ****
! char *ft_node_user_host (in_addr_t host, char *alias)
  	char *host_str;
--- 633,637 ----
! char *ft_node_user_host (in_addr_t host, const char *alias)
  	char *host_str;

Index: ft_node.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/OpenFT/src/ft_node.h,v
retrieving revision 1.24
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -C2 -d -r1.24 -r1.25
*** ft_node.h	9 Sep 2003 09:04:49 -0000	1.24
--- ft_node.h	17 Sep 2003 23:40:56 -0000	1.25
*** 54,58 ****
  	                                    *   "near-complete" OpenFT session
  	                                    *   has been established */
! } FTNodeState;
  #define FT_NODE_STATE_MASK     (0x7)
--- 54,58 ----
  	                                    *   "near-complete" OpenFT session
  	                                    *   has been established */
! } ft_state_t;
  #define FT_NODE_STATE_MASK     (0x7)
*** 104,108 ****
  	FT_NODE_PARENT_FULL = 0x400,       /**< Node is unavailable for parenting,
  	                                    *   temporarily. */
! } FTNodeClass;
  #define FT_NODE_CLASS_MASK     (0x707)
--- 104,108 ----
  	FT_NODE_PARENT_FULL = 0x400,       /**< Node is unavailable for parenting,
  	                                    *   temporarily. */
! } ft_class_t;
  #define FT_NODE_CLASS_MASK     (0x707)
*** 120,124 ****
  	FT_ERROR_VERMISMATCH,              /**< Incompatible OpenFT versions  */
  	FT_ERROR_UNKNOWN,                  /**< Undescribed error */
! } FTNodeError;
--- 120,124 ----
  	FT_ERROR_VERMISMATCH,              /**< Incompatible OpenFT versions  */
  	FT_ERROR_UNKNOWN,                  /**< Undescribed error */
! } ft_error_t;
*** 153,160 ****
  	char          *alias;              /**< Basically nickname */
! 	FTNodeState    state;              /**< Connection state */
! 	FTNodeClass    klass;              /**< Node class */
! 	FTNodeError    lasterr;            /**< Like errno, but for node
  	                                    *   connections */
  	char          *lasterr_msg;        /**< Simple message to append
--- 153,160 ----
  	char          *alias;              /**< Basically nickname */
! 	ft_state_t     state;              /**< Connection state */
! 	ft_class_t     klass;              /**< Node class */
! 	ft_error_t     lasterr;            /**< Like errno, but for node
  	                                    *   connections */
  	char          *lasterr_msg;        /**< Simple message to append
*** 214,218 ****
                                 in_port_t port,
                                 in_port_t http_port,
!                                FTNodeClass klass,
                                 time_t vitality,
                                 time_t uptime,
--- 214,218 ----
                                 in_port_t port,
                                 in_port_t http_port,
!                                ft_class_t klass,
                                 time_t vitality,
                                 time_t uptime,
*** 252,256 ****
   * @param errtxt  Optional error text.  May specify NULL.
! void ft_node_err (FTNode *node, FTNodeError err, char *errtxt);
--- 252,256 ----
   * @param errtxt  Optional error text.  May specify NULL.
! void ft_node_err (FTNode *node, ft_error_t err, const char *errtxt);
*** 294,298 ****
   *         parameter.
! char *ft_node_set_alias (FTNode *node, char *alias);
--- 294,298 ----
   *         parameter.
! char *ft_node_set_alias (FTNode *node, const char *alias);
*** 312,316 ****
   * change noted by \em state.  It is safe to set the same state twice.
! void ft_node_set_state (FTNode *node, FTNodeState state);
--- 312,316 ----
   * change noted by \em state.  It is safe to set the same state twice.
! void ft_node_set_state (FTNode *node, ft_state_t state);
*** 318,322 ****
   * this affects OpenFT's behaviour.
! void ft_node_set_class (FTNode *node, FTNodeClass klass);
--- 318,322 ----
   * this affects OpenFT's behaviour.
! void ft_node_set_class (FTNode *node, ft_class_t klass);
*** 325,329 ****
   * how class changes are handled internally (in contrast with set_class).
! void ft_node_add_class (FTNode *node, FTNodeClass klass);
--- 325,329 ----
   * how class changes are handled internally (in contrast with set_class).
! void ft_node_add_class (FTNode *node, ft_class_t klass);
*** 331,335 ****
   * ::ft_node_add_class for more details.
! void ft_node_remove_class (FTNode *node, FTNodeClass klass);
--- 331,335 ----
   * ::ft_node_add_class for more details.
! void ft_node_remove_class (FTNode *node, ft_class_t klass);
*** 343,347 ****
   * @return This node's classification, or 0 on error.
! FTNodeClass ft_node_class (FTNode *node, int session_info);
--- 343,347 ----
   * @return This node's classification, or 0 on error.
! ft_class_t ft_node_class (FTNode *node, int session_info);
*** 352,356 ****
   * @return Static pointer representing the class string.
! char *ft_node_classstr (FTNodeClass klass);
--- 352,356 ----
   * @return Static pointer representing the class string.
! char *ft_node_classstr (ft_class_t klass);
*** 359,368 ****
   * benefits from greater visibility in a single string.
! char *ft_node_classstr_full (FTNodeClass klass);
   * Similar to ::ft_node_classstr, but utilized for connection states.
! char *ft_node_statestr (FTNodeState state);
--- 359,368 ----
   * benefits from greater visibility in a single string.
! char *ft_node_classstr_full (ft_class_t klass);
   * Similar to ::ft_node_classstr, but utilized for connection states.
! char *ft_node_statestr (ft_state_t state);
*** 389,393 ****
   * @return Pointer to static memory holding the formatted user.
! char *ft_node_user_host (in_addr_t host, char *alias);
--- 389,393 ----
   * @return Pointer to static memory holding the formatted user.
! char *ft_node_user_host (in_addr_t host, const char *alias);

Index: ft_node_cache.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/OpenFT/src/ft_node_cache.c,v
retrieving revision 1.15
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -C2 -d -r1.15 -r1.16
*** ft_node_cache.c	7 Sep 2003 14:49:56 -0000	1.15
--- ft_node_cache.c	17 Sep 2003 23:40:56 -0000	1.16
*** 69,73 ****
  		 * connect here */
  		if (!(node = ft_node_register_full (net_ip (host), port, http_port,
! 		                                    (FTNodeClass)klass, vitality,
  		                                    uptime, version)))
--- 69,73 ----
  		 * connect here */
  		if (!(node = ft_node_register_full (net_ip (host), port, http_port,
! 		                                    (ft_class_t)klass, vitality,
  		                                    uptime, version)))
*** 76,80 ****
  		ft_node_set_port (node, port);
  		ft_node_set_http_port (node, http_port);
! 		ft_node_set_class (node, (FTNodeClass)klass);
  		/* manually assign a few cached members */
--- 76,80 ----
  		ft_node_set_port (node, port);
  		ft_node_set_http_port (node, http_port);
! 		ft_node_set_class (node, (ft_class_t)klass);
  		/* manually assign a few cached members */
*** 140,146 ****
  static int write_node_cache (FTNode *node, FILE *f)
! 	time_t      vitality;
! 	time_t      uptime;
! 	FTNodeClass klass;
  	/* no reason to write out firewalled nodes or users which we would
--- 140,146 ----
  static int write_node_cache (FTNode *node, FILE *f)
! 	time_t     vitality;
! 	time_t     uptime;
! 	ft_class_t klass;
  	/* no reason to write out firewalled nodes or users which we would

Index: ft_openft.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/OpenFT/src/ft_openft.c,v
retrieving revision 1.50
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -C2 -d -r1.50 -r1.51
*** ft_openft.c	7 Aug 2003 16:44:34 -0000	1.50
--- ft_openft.c	17 Sep 2003 23:40:56 -0000	1.51
*** 76,80 ****
! static TCPC *ft_start (FTNodeClass klass, in_port_t port)
  	TCPC      *c;
--- 76,80 ----
! static TCPC *ft_start (ft_class_t klass, in_port_t port)
  	TCPC      *c;
*** 166,170 ****
  	/* bind the appropriate listening ports */
! 	if ((OPENFT->ft = ft_start ((FTNodeClass)klass, ft_port)))
  		OPENFT->http = http_start (http_port);
--- 166,170 ----
  	/* bind the appropriate listening ports */
! 	if ((OPENFT->ft = ft_start ((ft_class_t)klass, ft_port)))
  		OPENFT->http = http_start (http_port);

Index: ft_protocol.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/OpenFT/src/ft_protocol.h,v
retrieving revision 1.16
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -C2 -d -r1.16 -r1.17
*** ft_protocol.h	3 Aug 2003 10:56:34 -0000	1.16
--- ft_protocol.h	17 Sep 2003 23:40:56 -0000	1.17
*** 260,264 ****
! } FTCommand;
--- 260,264 ----
! } ft_command_t;

Index: ft_search.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/OpenFT/src/ft_search.c,v
retrieving revision 1.51
retrieving revision 1.52
diff -C2 -d -r1.51 -r1.52
*** ft_search.c	2 Sep 2003 11:28:51 -0000	1.51
--- ft_search.c	17 Sep 2003 23:40:56 -0000	1.52
*** 86,90 ****
                        Share *share, unsigned int avail)
! 	FTSearchParams *params;
  	if (!srch)
--- 86,90 ----
                        Share *share, unsigned int avail)
! 	ft_search_parms_t *params;
  	if (!srch)
*** 249,253 ****
  static void search_children (FTSearch *search)
! 	FTSearchParams *params;
  	params = &search->params;
--- 249,253 ----
  static void search_children (FTSearch *search)
! 	ft_search_parms_t *params;
  	params = &search->params;
*** 283,287 ****
! static int exec_search (Protocol *p, IFEvent *event, FTSearchType type,
                          char *query, char *exclude, char *realm, Dataset *meta)
--- 283,287 ----
! static int exec_search (Protocol *p, IFEvent *event, ft_search_flags_t type,
                          char *query, char *exclude, char *realm, Dataset *meta)

Index: ft_search_exec.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/OpenFT/src/ft_search_exec.c,v
retrieving revision 1.53
retrieving revision 1.54
diff -C2 -d -r1.53 -r1.54
*** ft_search_exec.c	7 Sep 2003 14:49:34 -0000	1.53
--- ft_search_exec.c	17 Sep 2003 23:40:56 -0000	1.54
*** 58,71 ****
  typedef struct sdata
! 	FTNode          *node;             /* cached node that owns the shares
  	                                    * we are currently iterating */
! 	size_t           nmax;
! 	size_t           matches;          /* number of successful matches */
! 	FTSearchResultFn resultfn;         /* callback when a result is found */
! 	void            *udata;            /* user data for the above callback */
! 	FTSearchType     type;             /* type of search we are performing */
! 	FTSearchFunc     sfunc;            /* local matching function for this
  	                                    * search type */
--- 58,71 ----
  typedef struct sdata
! 	FTNode           *node;            /* cached node that owns the shares
  	                                    * we are currently iterating */
! 	size_t            nmax;
! 	size_t            matches;         /* number of successful matches */
! 	FTSearchResultFn  resultfn;        /* callback when a result is found */
! 	void             *udata;           /* user data for the above callback */
! 	ft_search_flags_t type;            /* type of search we are performing */
! 	FTSearchFunc      sfunc;           /* local matching function for this
  	                                    * search type */
*** 73,88 ****
! 	unsigned long    avail;            /* cached availability */
! 	char            *f_query;          /* query string */
! 	char            *f_exclude;        /* exclude string */
! 	uint32_t        *f_qtokens;        /* query tokens list */
! 	uint32_t        *f_etokens;        /* exclude tokens list */
! 	char            *f_realm;          /* optional realm to filter by */
  	 * @name FT_SEARCH_MD5
! 	unsigned char   *m_query;          /* 16-byte md5sum */
--- 73,88 ----
! 	unsigned long     avail;           /* cached availability */
! 	char             *f_query;         /* query string */
! 	char             *f_exclude;       /* exclude string */
! 	uint32_t         *f_qtokens;       /* query tokens list */
! 	uint32_t         *f_etokens;       /* exclude tokens list */
! 	char             *f_realm;         /* optional realm to filter by */
  	 * @name FT_SEARCH_MD5
! 	unsigned char    *m_query;         /* 16-byte md5sum */
*** 92,96 ****
  	 * browse results now.
! 	in_addr_t        h_query;          /* 4-byte host */
  } SearchData;
--- 92,96 ----
  	 * browse results now.
! 	in_addr_t         h_query;         /* 4-byte host */
  } SearchData;
*** 283,287 ****
  static void token_add_str (uint32_t **tokens, int *tok, int *tokalloc,
!                            char *s)
  	char *sdup, *s0;
--- 283,287 ----
  static void token_add_str (uint32_t **tokens, int *tok, int *tokalloc,
!                            const char *s)
  	char *sdup, *s0;
*** 320,324 ****
! uint32_t *ft_search_tokenize (char *string)
  	uint32_t *tokens   = NULL;
--- 320,324 ----
! uint32_t *ft_search_tokenize (const char *string)
  	uint32_t *tokens   = NULL;
*** 334,338 ****
! uint32_t *ft_search_tokenizef (FileShare *file)
  	uint32_t *tokens   = NULL;
--- 334,338 ----
! uint32_t *ft_search_tokenizef (Share *file)
  	uint32_t *tokens   = NULL;
*** 357,361 ****
  static int fill_sdata (SearchData *sdata, int nmax,
                         FTSearchResultFn resultfn, void *udata,
!                        FTSearchType type, char *realm,
                         void *query, void *exclude)
--- 357,361 ----
  static int fill_sdata (SearchData *sdata, int nmax,
                         FTSearchResultFn resultfn, void *udata,
!                        ft_search_flags_t type, const char *realm,
                         void *query, void *exclude)
*** 370,374 ****
  	sdata->type     = type;            /* type of search */
! 	switch (FT_SEARCH_TYPE(sdata->type))
--- 370,374 ----
  	sdata->type     = type;            /* type of search */
! 	switch (FT_SEARCH_METHOD(sdata->type))
*** 399,403 ****
  			sdata->f_qtokens = qtokens;
  			sdata->f_etokens = etokens;
! 			sdata->f_realm   = realm;
--- 399,403 ----
  			sdata->f_qtokens = qtokens;
  			sdata->f_etokens = etokens;
! 			sdata->f_realm   = (char *)realm;
*** 436,440 ****
! 	if (FT_SEARCH_TYPE(sdata->type) == FT_SEARCH_FILENAME)
  		if (sdata->f_query)
--- 436,440 ----
  		if (sdata->f_query)
*** 444,448 ****
! 	else if (FT_SEARCH_TYPE(sdata->type) == FT_SEARCH_MD5)
  		free (sdata->m_query);
--- 444,448 ----
! 	else if (FT_SEARCH_METHOD(sdata->type) == FT_SEARCH_MD5)
  		free (sdata->m_query);
*** 527,531 ****
  	 * consider this a TODO :)
! 	switch (FT_SEARCH_TYPE(sdata->type))
  	 case FT_SEARCH_MD5:
--- 527,531 ----
  	 * consider this a TODO :)
! 	switch (FT_SEARCH_METHOD(sdata->type))
  	 case FT_SEARCH_MD5:
*** 595,599 ****
  int ft_search (int nmax, FTSearchResultFn resultfn, void *udata,
!                FTSearchType type, char *realm,
                 void *query, void *exclude)
--- 595,599 ----
  int ft_search (int nmax, FTSearchResultFn resultfn, void *udata,
!                ft_search_flags_t type, const char *realm,
                 void *query, void *exclude)
*** 627,631 ****
  		FT->DBGFN (FT, "%i(%i): %.06fs elapsed", (int)type, (int)sdata.matches,
--- 627,631 ----
  		FT->DBGFN (FT, "%i(%i): %.06fs elapsed", (int)type, (int)sdata.matches,
*** 644,649 ****
! BOOL ft_search_cmp (FileShare *file, FTSearchType type,
!                     char *realm, void *query, void *exclude)
  	FTShare *share;
--- 644,649 ----
! BOOL ft_search_cmp (Share *file, ft_search_flags_t type,
!                     const char *realm, void *query, void *exclude)
  	FTShare *share;

Index: ft_search_exec.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/OpenFT/src/ft_search_exec.h,v
retrieving revision 1.12
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -C2 -d -r1.12 -r1.13
*** ft_search_exec.h	29 May 2003 09:37:42 -0000	1.12
--- ft_search_exec.h	17 Sep 2003 23:40:56 -0000	1.13
*** 68,72 ****
   * @return Dynamically allocated zero-terminated sorted list of hashed tokens.
! uint32_t *ft_search_tokenize (char *str);
--- 68,72 ----
   * @return Dynamically allocated zero-terminated sorted list of hashed tokens.
! uint32_t *ft_search_tokenize (const char *str);
*** 75,79 ****
   * data and any other relevant data.
! uint32_t *ft_search_tokenizef (FileShare *file);
--- 75,79 ----
   * data and any other relevant data.
! uint32_t *ft_search_tokenizef (Share *file);
*** 110,114 ****
  int ft_search (int nmax, FTSearchResultFn resultfn, void *udata,
!                FTSearchType type, char *realm, void *query, void *exclude);
--- 110,115 ----
  int ft_search (int nmax, FTSearchResultFn resultfn, void *udata,
!                ft_search_flags_t type, const char *realm,
!                void *query, void *exclude);
*** 122,127 ****
   *         faulty.
! BOOL ft_search_cmp (FileShare *file, FTSearchType type, char *realm,
!                     void *query, void *exclude);
--- 123,128 ----
   *         faulty.
! BOOL ft_search_cmp (Share *share, ft_search_flags_t type,
!                     const char *realm, void *query, void *exclude);

Index: ft_search_obj.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/OpenFT/src/ft_search_obj.c,v
retrieving revision 1.13
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -C2 -d -r1.13 -r1.14
*** ft_search_obj.c	9 Jul 2003 16:34:13 -0000	1.13
--- ft_search_obj.c	17 Sep 2003 23:40:56 -0000	1.14
*** 32,37 ****
! static void set_params (FTSearchParams *dst, FTSearchType type, char *realm,
!                         char *query, char *exclude)
  	assert (type != 0x00);
--- 32,38 ----
! static void set_params (ft_search_parms_t *dst, ft_search_flags_t type,
!                         const char *realm,
!                         const char *query, const char *exclude)
  	assert (type != 0x00);
*** 63,68 ****
! FTSearch *ft_search_new (IFEvent *event, FTSearchType type, char *realm,
!                          char *query, char *exclude)
  	FTSearch *srch;
--- 64,70 ----
! FTSearch *ft_search_new (IFEvent *event, ft_search_flags_t type,
!                          const char *realm,
!                          const char *query, const char *exclude)
  	FTSearch *srch;
*** 80,84 ****
! static void finish_params (FTSearchParams *params)
  	free (params->realm);
--- 82,86 ----
! static void finish_params (ft_search_parms_t *params)
  	free (params->realm);

Index: ft_search_obj.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/OpenFT/src/ft_search_obj.h,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C2 -d -r1.6 -r1.7
*** ft_search_obj.h	9 Jul 2003 06:42:52 -0000	1.6
--- ft_search_obj.h	17 Sep 2003 23:40:56 -0000	1.7
*** 71,78 ****
  	FT_SEARCH_HIDDEN   = 0x20
! } FTSearchType;
  /* take only the bits that determine what type of search it is */
! #define FT_SEARCH_TYPE(type) ((type) & 0x03)
--- 71,78 ----
  	FT_SEARCH_HIDDEN   = 0x20
! } ft_search_flags_t;
  /* take only the bits that determine what type of search it is */
! #define FT_SEARCH_METHOD(flags) ((flags) & 0x03)
*** 82,95 ****
  typedef struct
! 	FTSearchType type;                 /**< Search method/options */
! 	char        *realm;                /**< Crude mime filtering */
! 	char        *query;                /**< Literal search string */
! 	char        *exclude;              /**< Exclude matches */
! 	uint32_t    *qtokens;              /**< Query tokens */
! 	uint32_t    *etokens;              /**< Exclude tokens */
! } FTSearchParams;
--- 82,95 ----
  typedef struct
! 	ft_search_flags_t type;            /**< Search method/options */
! 	char             *realm;           /**< Crude mime filtering */
! 	char             *query;           /**< Literal search string */
! 	char             *exclude;         /**< Exclude matches */
! 	uint32_t         *qtokens;         /**< Query tokens */
! 	uint32_t         *etokens;         /**< Exclude tokens */
! } ft_search_parms_t;
*** 98,110 ****
  typedef struct
! 	IFEvent       *event;              /**< Handle to reply to giFT */
! 	ft_guid_t     *guid;               /**< Semi-unique search id */
! 	timer_id       timeout;            /**< Automatic search timeout */
! 	FTSearchParams params;             /**< Search parameters */
! 	Dataset       *waiting_on;         /**< Nodes that were sent search requests,
! 	                                    *   but have yet to reply.  The
! 	                                    *   search is considered complete
  	                                    *   when either the timeout is
  	                                    *   reached, or this becomes empty */
--- 98,110 ----
  typedef struct
! 	IFEvent          *event;           /**< Handle to reply to giFT */
! 	ft_guid_t        *guid;            /**< Semi-unique search id */
! 	timer_id          timeout;         /**< Automatic search timeout */
! 	ft_search_parms_t params;          /**< Search parameters */
! 	Dataset          *waiting_on;      /**< Nodes that were sent search
! 	                                    *   requests, but have yet to reply.
! 	                                    *   The search is considered complete
  	                                    *   when either the timeout is
  	                                    *   reached, or this becomes empty */
*** 168,173 ****
   * @param exclude
! FTSearch *ft_search_new (IFEvent *event, FTSearchType type, char *realm,
!                          char *query, char *exclude);
--- 168,174 ----
   * @param exclude
! FTSearch *ft_search_new (IFEvent *event, ft_search_flags_t type,
!                          const char *realm,
!                          const char *query, const char *exclude);

Index: ft_session.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/OpenFT/src/ft_session.c,v
retrieving revision 1.84
retrieving revision 1.85
diff -C2 -d -r1.84 -r1.85
*** ft_session.c	16 Sep 2003 20:02:59 -0000	1.84
--- ft_session.c	17 Sep 2003 23:40:56 -0000	1.85
*** 32,44 ****
! static int session_auth_packet (TCPC *c, FTPacket *packet)
! 	FTCommand cmd;
! 	int       ret = FALSE;
  	if (!packet)
  		return FALSE;
! 	cmd = (FTCommand)ft_packet_command (packet);
  	switch (FT_SESSION(c)->stage)
--- 32,44 ----
! static BOOL session_auth_packet (TCPC *c, FTPacket *packet)
! 	ft_command_t cmd;
! 	BOOL         ret = FALSE;
  	if (!packet)
  		return FALSE;
! 	cmd = (ft_command_t)(ft_packet_command (packet));
  	switch (FT_SESSION(c)->stage)
*** 62,66 ****
  	FTPacket *packet;
! 	int       ret = FALSE;
  	packet = ft_packet_unserialize (data, len);
--- 62,66 ----
  	FTPacket *packet;
! 	BOOL      ret = FALSE;
  	packet = ft_packet_unserialize (data, len);

Index: ft_stream.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/OpenFT/src/ft_stream.c,v
retrieving revision 1.24
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -C2 -d -r1.24 -r1.25
*** ft_stream.c	25 Aug 2003 07:37:07 -0000	1.24
--- ft_stream.c	17 Sep 2003 23:40:56 -0000	1.25
*** 56,60 ****
! static int stream_init (FTStream *stream, FTStreamDirection dir)
  #ifdef USE_ZLIB
--- 56,60 ----
! static int stream_init (FTStream *stream, ft_stream_dir_t dir)
  #ifdef USE_ZLIB
*** 89,94 ****
! static FTStream *stream_new (TCPC *c, FTStreamDirection dir,
!                              uint32_t id, FTStreamFlags flags,
                               uint16_t cmd)
--- 89,94 ----
! static FTStream *stream_new (TCPC *c, ft_stream_dir_t dir,
!                              uint32_t id, ft_stream_flags_t flags,
                               uint16_t cmd)
*** 135,139 ****
! static Dataset **get_direction (TCPC *c, FTStreamDirection dir)
  	Dataset **d = NULL;
--- 135,139 ----
! static Dataset **get_direction (TCPC *c, ft_stream_dir_t dir)
  	Dataset **d = NULL;
*** 171,175 ****
! static FTStream *lookup_stream (TCPC *c, FTStreamDirection dir,
                                   uint32_t id)
--- 171,175 ----
! static FTStream *lookup_stream (TCPC *c, ft_stream_dir_t dir,
                                   uint32_t id)
*** 185,189 ****
! static int insert_stream (TCPC *c, FTStreamDirection dir, uint32_t id,
                            FTStream *stream)
--- 185,189 ----
! static int insert_stream (TCPC *c, ft_stream_dir_t dir, uint32_t id,
                            FTStream *stream)
*** 214,222 ****
! FTStream *ft_stream_get (TCPC *c, FTStreamDirection dir, FTPacket *packet)
! 	FTStream     *stream;
! 	FTStreamFlags flags = FT_STREAM_NONE;
! 	uint32_t      id;
  	if (!packet)
--- 214,222 ----
! FTStream *ft_stream_get (TCPC *c, ft_stream_dir_t dir, FTPacket *packet)
! 	FTStream         *stream;
! 	ft_stream_flags_t flags = FT_STREAM_NONE;
! 	uint32_t          id;
  	if (!packet)
*** 595,599 ****
! int ft_stream_clear (TCPC *c, FTStreamDirection dir)
  	Dataset **d;
--- 595,599 ----
! int ft_stream_clear (TCPC *c, ft_stream_dir_t dir)
  	Dataset **d;

Index: ft_stream.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/gift/OpenFT/src/ft_stream.h,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -C2 -d -r1.10 -r1.11
*** ft_stream.h	25 Aug 2003 07:37:07 -0000	1.10
--- ft_stream.h	17 Sep 2003 23:40:56 -0000	1.11
*** 57,61 ****
! } FTStreamDirection;
--- 57,61 ----
! } ft_stream_dir_t;
*** 71,75 ****
  	FT_STREAM_ZLIB   = 0x04,           /**< ZLib compression.  Implies
  	                                    *   FT_STREAM_BLOCK. */
! } FTStreamFlags;
--- 71,75 ----
  	FT_STREAM_ZLIB   = 0x04,           /**< ZLib compression.  Implies
  	                                    *   FT_STREAM_BLOCK. */
! } ft_stream_flags_t;
*** 88,93 ****
  	                                    *   type of command can be sent per
  	                                    *   stream instance. */
! 	FTStreamDirection  dir;            /**< Stream data direction */
! 	FTStreamFlags      flags;          /**< Stream flags (compression info) */
  	uint32_t           id;             /**< Stream id (channel number) */
--- 88,93 ----
  	                                    *   type of command can be sent per
  	                                    *   stream instance. */
! 	ft_stream_dir_t    dir;            /**< Stream data direction */
! 	ft_stream_flags_t  flags;          /**< Stream flags (compression info) */
  	uint32_t           id;             /**< Stream id (channel number) */
*** 138,142 ****
   * @return Dynamically allocated stream object or NULL on failure.
! FTStream *ft_stream_get (TCPC *c, FTStreamDirection dir,
                           FTPacket *packet);
--- 138,142 ----
   * @return Dynamically allocated stream object or NULL on failure.
! FTStream *ft_stream_get (TCPC *c, ft_stream_dir_t dir,
                           FTPacket *packet);
*** 193,197 ****
   * @return Number of streams destroyed.
! int ft_stream_clear (TCPC *c, FTStreamDirection dir);
--- 193,197 ----
   * @return Number of streams destroyed.
! int ft_stream_clear (TCPC *c, ft_stream_dir_t dir);


gift-checkins mailing list

End of gift-checkins Digest
Comment 3 Malte S. Stretz 2003-09-19 14:34:42 UTC
This seems to be a duplicate of my bug 53668 (and 54838). 
Comment 4 Stephan Kulow 2003-09-22 22:30:02 UTC
would say so too 

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 53668 ***