Bug 62475 - c++ class browser broken ?
Summary: c++ class browser broken ?
Alias: None
Product: kdevplatform
Classification: Developer tools
Component: classbrowser (show other bugs)
Version: git master
Platform: RedHat Enterprise Linux Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: KDevelop Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-08-11 07:47 UTC by Hendrik Kueck
Modified: 2013-03-31 01:29 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:

test project (simple kde project from wizard, unmodified) (223.62 KB, application/octet-stream)
2003-08-11 23:23 UTC, Hendrik Kueck

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Hendrik Kueck 2003-08-11 07:47:40 UTC
Version:           CVS (using KDE KDE 3.1.1)
Installed from:    RedHat RPMs
OS:          Linux

I checked out the latest CVS version yesterday and noticed that the class browser does not find the C++ classes in my projects anymore.
I first thought this was because I am using custom Makefiles and the source lives in subdirectories. But I have the same problem in automake projects where all files are in the src directory.
I noticed that the class browser interface (popup menu) changed. So I guess it is being changed around and something broke in the process? 
Is somebody working on this problem? Or do I have to change some setting somewhere to make it work again? 


PS: Sorry for duplicate posting in the forum. I only now found the bug database.
Comment 1 Amilcar do Carmo Lucas 2003-08-11 09:57:49 UTC
There is some work going on on the class view. Please update regularly. 
Comment 2 Alexander Dymo 2003-08-11 16:38:40 UTC
Hmm, strange. Are classes missing from toolbar selectors only? Does this happens 
with all of your projects? Can you send a test project? 
Sorry for a lot of questions ;), I just need more information. 
Comment 3 Hendrik Kueck 2003-08-11 23:21:52 UTC
Yes. This seems to happen with all my projects. 
I just tried creating a new Simple KDE project using the wizard and even for
that case it is broken. I attach the created project as an archive. 
The classes are missing from the toolbar selector, from the class tree view in
the left sidebar (Ideal mode). Furthermore Header/Implementation switching does
not work (greyed out in the menu).
Comment 4 Hendrik Kueck 2003-08-11 23:23:26 UTC
Created attachment 2211 [details]
test project (simple kde project from wizard, unmodified)
Comment 5 Christian Prochnow 2003-08-15 11:39:58 UTC
this also happens to my kdevel installation. i did a complete uninstall (by hand) and 
same problem. 
nothing is shown in the class browser. 
Comment 6 Amilcar do Carmo Lucas 2003-08-15 13:21:50 UTC
Did the test here.
-New Simple KDE project using the wizard works fine
-The classes are not missing from the toolbar selector nor from the class tree
-ViewHeader/Implementation switching works

So... The problem is that you have some old configuration files.
-Please delete ALL kdev* and gideon* files and directories from your KDE (usualy
/usr/kde or opt/kde) instalation directory.
Please delete ALL kdev* and gideon* files and directories from your KDEHOME
(usualy ~/.kde ) instalation directory.

Re install gideon (basicaly issue make install)

That's it
Comment 7 Peter Antonius 2003-08-15 18:36:52 UTC
Just checked out gideon today and the class browser is not working. I followed the 
suggestions as descriped in Comment #6 and removed the configuration files. But it 
didn't solve the problem :-(  
Comment 8 Hendrik Kueck 2003-08-15 22:05:25 UTC
Sorry but this bug is not resolved in any way!
Just because things work on one machine does not mean that there is no problem!

I just did the following: 
Wiped my source directory, wiped the installation directory
Did a checkout of the current CVS version (15.08.2003)
configure with the following flags --prefix=path/to/local/directory --without-arts

after installing, I completely removed (after backing it up of course) my .kde
directory to get rid of all configuration files. 
I still have the same problems. 

I suspect that it might be related to the --prefix install. Christian, Peter,
are you using --prefix as well? 
Maybe some hard coded paths in the code somewhere or something like that?
Comment 9 Hendrik Kueck 2003-08-15 22:06:48 UTC
Did not see the switch for reopening before (was not logged in)
Comment 10 Peter Antonius 2003-08-16 12:39:27 UTC
Hi Hendrik, 
I was usig the following script to compile kdevelop as root. 
cd kdevelop && \ 
cvs update -dP && \ 
make -f admin/Makefile.common cvs-clean && \ 
make -f Makefile.cvs && \ 
./configure --prefix=/opt/kde3 --disable-libtool-lock --enable-cvs --enable-cpp \ 
        --enable-java --enable-bash --enable-customproject --enable-autoproject \ 
        --enable-scriptproject && \ 
make -j 5 && make install 
It has been working perfect except for the last week where I got the problems with 
the class browser. 
I'm using Suse 8.2 with the standart kde 3.1.1 that foloows with that distrubution. 
Comment 11 Peter Antonius 2003-08-16 12:42:31 UTC
Sorry I forgot to mention that I'm using distcc and ccache to speed up the 
compilation, but I havn't experienced any problems before. 
Comment 12 Peter Antonius 2003-08-17 12:11:45 UTC
Great work !! 
The class browser is working again :-) With CVS from 2003-08-17. Thanks for quick 
fix. It's now possible to view the class tree again. 
Comment 13 Hendrik Kueck 2003-08-18 00:30:50 UTC
Same here. It is working fine now. Awesome. Thanks!
Also the auto complete seems to work now with namespaces. Very nice!

Closing this bug
Comment 14 Aleix Pol 2013-03-31 01:29:53 UTC
moving to kdevplatform's classbrowser