(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***) Package: kdat Version: 1.0 Old Bugnum = 27 Fixed = No System = Linux/x86 Distrib = Binaries in RPM format ======================== I cannot open the tree for archive files. reindexing the tape works but does not help. So restore and verify do not work at all (and I really need it _NOW_ first time I made a backup just to test kdat and then crashed my mailarchive by accident...)
It brings me a tear to the eye closing a relic in the kde.bugs.org site. In the KDE version 1.93 from August 21st 2000 kdat is able to open and close tree for archive. Although the refresh is not great (see bug 4842) it is working. Merci Joel Calippe Corel Linux QA