Version: (using KDE KDE 3.1.1) Installed from: Debian testing/unstable Packages OS: Linux Hi! kNode has the nice feature of automatically ending a crosspost by setting a Followup-To. However, if you, as the article writer, were not aware, that the original posting was a crosspost without a F'up2, you'll most likely not notice the auto-Followup-To as well. It happened to me more than once that I made F'up2s into groups I do not even read, just because the original article was crossposted without notice and F'up2 set. It'd be nice if knode could also insert a short notice in the message body whenever it automatically sets the F'up2, maybe something like: Followup-To set to: <Newsgroup> If you set a F'up2 it's good practice to insert such a notice anyway so this would be a very convenient feature. Greetings, Gunter
Sh*t, this should have been a *Wishlist* entry... :-( Sorry... :-/ Can somebody change that, please? (Btw, why can't I, as the reporter, correct that?)
[Mass change for wishlist between year 2002 and 2003] KNode is no longer maintained.