.desktop file with comment at the start are not shown inside dolphin as app and icon is not shown example: # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Carl Schwan <carl@carlschwan.eu> # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Claudio Cambra <claudio.cambra@gmail.com> # SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 [Desktop Entry] Name=Merkuro Calendar Name[ar]=تقويم ميركورو Name[bg]=Календар Меркуро Name[ca]=Merkuro Calendar Name[ca@valencia]=Calendari de Merkuro Name[cs]=Kalendář Merkuro Name[da]=Merkuro Kalender Name[de]=Merkuro-Kalender Name[en_GB]=Merkuro Calendar Name[eo]=Merkuro-Kalendaro Name[es]=Calendario de Merkuro Name[eu]=Merkuro Calendar Name[fi]=Merkuro-kalenteri Name[fr]=Agenda de Merkuro Name[gl]=Merkuro Calendar Name[he]=לוח שנה Merkuro Name[hi]=मेरकुरो कैलेंडर Name[hu]=Merkuro Naptár Name[ia]=Merkuro Calendar (Calendario de Merkuro) Name[it]=Merkuro Calendario Name[ka]=Merkuro Calendar Name[ko]=Merkuro 캘린더 Name[lt]=Merkuro kalendorius Name[nl]=Merkuro-agenda Name[pl]=Kalendarz Merkuro Name[pt_BR]=Merkuro Calendar Name[ru]=Календарь Merkuro Name[sk]=Merkuro Calendar Name[sl]=Merkuro koledar Name[sv]=Merkuro kalender Name[ta]=மெற்குரோ நாள்காட்டி Name[tr]=Merkuro Takvim Name[uk]=Календар Merkuro Name[x-test]=xxMerkuro Calendarxx Name[zh_TW]=Merkuro 行事曆 GenericName=Calendar GenericName[ar]=التّقويم GenericName[ast]=Calendariu GenericName[bg]=Календар GenericName[ca]=Calendari GenericName[ca@valencia]=Calendari GenericName[cs]=Kalendář GenericName[da]=Kalender GenericName[de]=Calendar GenericName[en_GB]=Calendar GenericName[eo]=Kalendaro GenericName[es]=Calendar GenericName[eu]=Egutegia GenericName[fi]=Kalenteri GenericName[fr]=Agenda GenericName[gl]=Calendario GenericName[he]=לוח שנה GenericName[hi]=कैलेंडर GenericName[hu]=Naptár GenericName[ia]=Calendar GenericName[it]=Calendario GenericName[ka]=კალენდარი GenericName[ko]=캘린더 GenericName[lt]=Kalendorius GenericName[nl]=Calendar GenericName[pl]=Kalendarz GenericName[pt]=Calendário GenericName[pt_BR]=Calendário GenericName[ru]=Календарь GenericName[sk]=Kalendár GenericName[sl]=Koledar GenericName[sv]=Kalender GenericName[ta]=நாள்காட்டி GenericName[tr]=Takvim GenericName[uk]=Календар GenericName[x-test]=xxCalendarxx GenericName[zh_TW]=行事曆 Keywords=Kalendar, Merkuro, Events Keywords[ar]=التقويم, ميركورو,أحداث Keywords[bg]=Календар, Меркуро, Събития Keywords[ca]=Kalendar, Merkuro, Esdeveniments Keywords[ca@valencia]=Kalendar, Merkuro, Esdeveniments Keywords[cs]=Kalendář, Merkuro, Události Keywords[da]=Kalender, Merkuro, Begivenheder Keywords[en_GB]=Kalendar, Merkuro, Events Keywords[eo]=Kalendaro, Merkuro, Eventoj Keywords[es]=Kalendar, Merkuro, eventos Keywords[eu]=Kalendar, Merkuro, Ekitaldiak Keywords[fi]=Kalendar, Merkuro, tapahtumat Keywords[fr]=Kalendar, Merkuro, Évènements Keywords[gl]=Kalendar, Merkuro, eventos Keywords[he]=Kalendar, Merkuro, אירועים Keywords[hi]=कैलेंडर, मेरकुरो, घटनाक्रम Keywords[hu]=Kalendar, Merkuro, Események Keywords[ia]=Kalendar, Merkuro, Eventos Keywords[it]=Kalendar, Merkuro, Eventi Keywords[ka]=Kalendar, Merkuro, მოვლენები Keywords[ko]=Kalendar, Merkuro, Events, 행사, 이벤트 Keywords[lt]=Kalendorius, Merkuro, Įvykiai Keywords[nl]=Agenda, Merkuro, afspraken Keywords[pl]=Kalendarz, Merkuro, Wydarzenia Keywords[pt]=Kalendar, Merkuro, Eventos Keywords[pt_BR]=Kalendar, Merkuro, Eventos Keywords[ru]=Kalendar, Merkuro, события Keywords[sl]=Kalendar, Merkuro, Dogodki Keywords[sv]=Kalender, Merkuro, händelser Keywords[ta]=Kalendar, Merkuro, Events,நாள்காட்டி,மெற்குரோ,காலென்டர் Keywords[tr]=Kalendar, Merkuro, Etkinlikler Keywords[uk]=Kalendar, Merkuro, події Keywords[x-test]=xxKalendar, Merkuro, Eventsxx Keywords[zh_CN]=Kalendar, Merkuro, Events, 日历, 事件, rili, shijian Keywords[zh_TW]=Kalendar, Merkuro, Events, 行事曆 Comment=Manage your tasks and events with Calendar Comment[ar]=أدر المهام والأحداث مع التقويم Comment[bg]=Управлявайте задачите си с Меркуро Comment[ca]=Gestioneu les tasques i esdeveniments amb el Calendar Comment[ca@valencia]=Gestioneu les tasques i esdeveniments amb el Calendari Comment[cs]=Spravujte své úkoly a události pomocí Kalendáře Comment[da]=Adminstrér dine opgaver og begivenheder med Kalender Comment[de]=Verwalten Sie Ihre Aufgaben und Termine mit Kalendar Comment[en_GB]=Manage your tasks and events with Calendar Comment[eo]=Mastrumu viajn taskojn kaj eventojn per Calendar Comment[es]=Gestione tareas y eventos con Calendar Comment[eu]=Kudeatu zure atazak eta ekitaldiak «Calendar» erabiliz Comment[fi]=Hallitse tehtäviä ja tapahtumia Kalendarilla Comment[fr]=Gérer vos tâches et vos évènements avec Kalendar Comment[gl]=Xestione as súas tarefas e eventos con Calendar. Comment[he]=ניהול המשימות והאירועים שלך בלוח שנה Comment[hi]=कैलेंडर के साथ अपने कार्य और घटनाक्रम का प्रबंधन करें Comment[hu]=Kezelje feladatait és eseményeit a Naptárral Comment[ia]=Gere tu cargas e eventos con Calendar Comment[it]=Gestisci le tue attività e gli eventi con Calendar Comment[ka]=მართეთ თქვენი ამოცანები და მოვლენები Merkuro Calendar-თან ერთად Comment[ko]=캘린더를 사용하여 할 일과 이벤트 관리 Comment[lt]=Tvarkyti užduotis ir įvykius naudojant kalendorių Comment[nl]=Uw taken en afspraken beheren met Calendar Comment[pl]=Zarządzaj swoimi zadaniami i wydarzeniami w Kalendarzu Comment[pt]=Gerir as suas tarefas e eventos com o Calendário Comment[pt_BR]=Gerencie suas tarefas e eventos com o Merkuro Calendar Comment[ru]=Управление задачами и событиями с помощью приложения «Календарь Merkuro» Comment[sl]=Upravljajte vaše naloge in dogodke s programom Calendar Comment[sv]=Hantera dina uppgifter och händelser med Kalender Comment[ta]=உங்கள் நிகழ்வுகளை நாள்காட்டியில் நிர்வகியுங்கள் Comment[tr]=Takvim ile görevlerinizi ve etkinliklerinizi yönetin Comment[uk]=Керуйте вашими записами завдань і подій за допомогою Календаря Comment[x-test]=xxManage your tasks and events with Calendarxx Comment[zh_TW]=用行事曆管理您的工作和事件 Exec=merkuro-calendar %u Categories=Qt;KDE;Office;Calendar; Icon=org.kde.merkuro.calendar Type=Application Terminal=false StartupNotify=true MimeType=text/calendar; SingleMainWindow=true If i use kate to remove the starting comments, all goes ok.
Can you clarify where that file was placed and how exactly you're viewing it? Also, please mention which version of Dolphin you're using. And where did you find this file?
the last, all update, with 6.3.2 If you have a text file .desktop that contains the text bellow dolphin do not view it as an icon to use to launch a program but as a txt file. Icon inside Icon= is not used. When I remove # and all comments all goes ok.
I answer to "And where did you find this file?" I find this file by browsing through the apps of the standard kde icon launcher on the bottom left bar and I get it by dragging the app icon to any folder, like the root of my home.
I assume the original file was located in "/usr/share/applications/" but I did not copy the file by reading it directly from that folder.
Thanks for the info. Unfortunately I can't reproduce that issue. When I try to open that file, it tries to launch merkuro-calendar as I would expect. Does the issue happen in a new clean user account on the same machine? Can you check?
holding down the icon with the left mouse button does not execute it for me but lets it move. at the end there is the usual menu in which it asks whether to create the link, move or copy. once copied with the right mouse button you can open it with kate and see the content. but it already shows you the wrong icon, after the copy. if you remove the comments from kate instantly dolphin shows you the correct icon.
you need to drag the icon, not double click to execute it. p.s. i personally can't stand the setting that makes the icon execute with a single click. it prevents you from doing any magic.
and anyway to see the problem just open a txt file, edit it with kate, paste the text above, comments included, in any folder, and see how dolphin displays it, whether as a txt or as a desktop file.
I have the habit of taking the .desktops, copying them wherever I want, and removing the final .desktop extension that I hate seeing on the text part of the icon.
It would be nice if there was a setup on Dolphin with an on/off check that allowed you to hide the final .desktop.
> and removing the final .desktop extension that I hate seeing on the text part of the icon. Yeah I think that's not going to be good for system stability long-term. :) I don't think we're going to get anywhere here; closing.
sorry for asking something