Application: kwin_wayland (6.2.5) ApplicationNotResponding [ANR]: false Qt Version: 6.8.2 Frameworks Version: 6.10.0 Operating System: Linux 6.12.11-200.fc41.x86_64 x86_64 Windowing System: Wayland Distribution: "Fedora Linux 41 (KDE Plasma)" DrKonqi: 6.2.5 [CoredumpBackend] -- Information about the crash: I am experiencing a common crash during regular use. Both demanding use - Like gaming via Steam. And also general use - Office applications, web browser, and code IDE. The issue is common, happening about once per day. The timing of the issue is common. Never when the machine is freshly restarted, only after 2-4 hours of continuous use. Often occurs when alt-tab is used to switch between a fullscreen window and a windowed window. It is more frequently repeatable when doing something GPU intensive like Gaming. It is more frequently repeatable in non-gaming the longer the user session has been ongoing. What happens: using machine normally. Often, a sound-blip will occurr, and input and screen content will appear to hang. (I.E. Video will stop playing on screen, game input will freeze, typing in screen will not appear.) During these events, it is possible to f-key into TTY 2,3,4 etc. so the machine has not halted. The screen will go black for 10-15 seconds. It will usually come back in a new session. All applications closed. Occasionally the session does not restart. After 30 seconds or so it is not able to swap to TTY anymore. The machine appears fully hung. However, it will still respond to network, like Pings. and SSH. This indicates it is display-only that has ceased. The crash can be reproduced sometimes. -- Backtrace (Reduced): #5 0x00007f8fa940191c in simple_mtx_lock (mtx=0x7f8f2ce7e9a4) at ../src/util/simple_mtx.h:106 #6 _mesa_lock_debug_state (ctx=ctx@entry=0x7f8f2cdbb010) at ../src/mesa/main/debug_output.c:770 #7 0x00007f8fa94025b0 in _mesa_log_msg (ctx=0x7f8f2cdbb010, source=MESA_DEBUG_SOURCE_SHADER_COMPILER, type=MESA_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER, id=1, severity=MESA_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION, len=270, buf=0x7f8fa0df99b0 "Shader Stats: SGPRS: 56 VGPRS: 32 Code Size: 1548 LDS: 0 Scratch: 0 Max Waves: 16 Spilled SGPRs: 0 Spilled VGPRs: 0 PrivMem VGPRs: 0 LSOutputs: 0 HSOutputs: 0 HSPatchOuts: 0 ESOutputs: 0 GSOutputs: 0 "...) at ../src/mesa/main/debug_output.c:948 #8 0x00007f8fa9466791 in _mesa_gl_vdebugf (ctx=0x7f8f2cdbb010, id=0x7f8fabc9a01c <id>, source=MESA_DEBUG_SOURCE_SHADER_COMPILER, type=MESA_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER, severity=MESA_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION, fmtString=0x7f8faad3a810 "Shader Stats: SGPRS: %d VGPRS: %d Code Size: %d LDS: %d Scratch: %d Max Waves: %d Spilled SGPRs: %d Spilled VGPRs: %d PrivMem VGPRs: %d LSOutputs: %u HSOutputs: %u HSPatchOuts: %u ESOutputs: %u GSOutp"..., args=0x7f8fa0dfaa20) at ../src/mesa/main/errors.c:171 #9 0x00007f8fa9401748 in _debug_message (data=<optimized out>, id=<optimized out>, ptype=<optimized out>, fmt=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>) at ../src/mesa/main/debug_output.c:739 Reported using DrKonqi
Created attachment 178064 [details] New crash information added by DrKonqi DrKonqi auto-attaching complete backtrace.
This is a Mesa bug. Can you please report this issue upstream?
*** Bug 499657 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***