SUMMARY Checking on the list of widget filters in the sidebar, there is one of the list items that says: "Uninstallable" This is used to filter results by those widgets already installed on the system. However, the wording seems non-standard for most ways that already-installed software is categorized. I would suggest the following: - Already installed - Installed
"Already installed" and "Installed" would not be accurate substitute labels; "uninstallable" means what it says: these widgets can't be uninstalled. Why not? Because they were provided by the distro through the package management system, rather than through KNewStuff. As such, they can't be uninstalled the way KNewStuff-provided widgets can (or at least, they can't be uninstalled through the Widget Explorer UI). We could perhaps change the label to "System-provided" or something like that, but this would obscure the current detail that such widgets can't be uninstalled. How would you proceed here?
Thanks for the explanation. My confusion probably explains the unintended meaning of the label. They could be called default, system provided. Default is one word. Might be better. I like your suggestion though.
A possibly relevant merge request was started @
JFYI my explanation was totally wrong; these things *can* be uninstalled. Evidence it's not clear enough!
Git commit d610dab835dba5a508c0413e584f2d771c7837b5 by Nate Graham. Committed on 03/01/2025 at 14:01. Pushed by ngraham into branch 'master'. Widget Explorer: re-word "uninstallable" It's a somewhat jargonistic term that guesses at what the user is actually wanting (to find things that can be deleted), but this is a guess. It's safer to use clearer and more factual terminology, and let the user figure out for themselves when using this filter mode can be used for. FIXED-IN: 6.3 M +2 -2 components/shellprivate/widgetexplorer.cpp