In my opinion Alligator already is pretty much superior to Akregator. You did a fantastic job. But there is a little something. I miss the opportunity to "clear the deck". The button "mark all as read'. Sometimes it becomes unpractical to do that one by one. Thank you.
A possibly relevant merge request was started @
Git commit c8b08b02baf1d0fcbb819284bcf390a000279e92 by Mark Penner. Committed on 10/01/2025 at 16:58. Pushed by mrp into branch 'master'. add ability to mark feed or all feeds as read Fixes #30 M +21 -0 src/database.cpp M +3 -0 src/database.h M +3 -0 src/entriesmodel.cpp M +3 -0 src/entriesproxymodel.cpp M +1 -0 src/feed.cpp M +12 -0 src/qml/EntryListPage.qml