The "extract here and delete" functionality is great for keeping folders nice and clean, but there's a usability issues if the folder containing the archive contains many items. Specifically, it's very difficult to locate the extracted files if you didn't know their names before performing the action. The files will get merged into the existing files... And if there's a lot of those, it's impossible to work out what's been extracted. You can't sort reliably by date because the original extracted file dates are used. So often I end up having to re-download archives (because the original was deleted by the action 🤣), so that I can manually open them and see what the files contained within are called. I suggest that the extracted files could all be auto selected after running the action, and the view could scroll to show the selection. Or in the case that a folder was created to contain the extracted files, dolphin could automatically just open that new folder. This would make a very handy feature even better! 😁