SUMMARY In the "about Krita" page the text and links on that page all default to English and English links regardless of the language Krita is set in. Opening Krita in 5.2.3 it seems to translate correctly. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Go to Settings -> switch application language -> primary language 2. set language to non-english (I set to simplified Chinese "简体中文" ) 3. go to Help -> about Krita OBSERVED RESULT In the "About" tab observe all text is in English. Also the Link point to English link such as "Krita Website" points to EXPECTED RESULT "About" tab text should be in set language. Links should point to language link such as
Confirmed that the "Using Krita" and "Coding Krita" sections on the About Page are untranslated on 5.2.6, but are translated on 5.2.5. The cause for this seems to be commit 75a85e11 splitting the string (to remove the donation link for the macOS store version) and breaking the translations. But the translators seem to have caught up with it by 5.2.9-prealpha-7e628f9696, so I'm resolving this as fixed.