SUMMARY Window title shows last opened file even when no files are opened. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Open Krita 2. Create a new image, and save it. Or open a recent image. 3. Close the image, so there are no open files. OBSERVED RESULT The window title shows the name and size of the image that has been closed, followed by " -- Krita" EXPECTED RESULT The window title should be just "Krita". SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Krita Version: 5.2.6 (git 4c99c9a) Hidpi: true Qt Version (compiled): 5.15.7 Version (loaded): 5.15.7 OS Information Build ABI: x86_64-little_endian-lp64 Build CPU: x86_64 CPU: x86_64 Kernel Type: linux Kernel Version: 5.4.249-pnr Pretty Productname: Slackware 15.0 x86_64 Product Type: slackware Product Version: 15.0 Desktop: KDE Appimage build: Yes Locale Languages: en_US, en, en_Latn_US C locale: en_US.UTF-8 QLocale current: en QLocale system: en QTextCodec for locale: UTF-8 (Unsupported) GeForce GTS 250/PCIe/SSE2 (OpenGL ES 2.0 NVIDIA 340.108 340.108) (Supported) GeForce GTS 250/PCIe/SSE2 (3.3.0 NVIDIA 340.108) useBufferInvalidation (config option): false Hardware Information GPU Acceleration: desktop Memory: 16006 Mb Number of Cores: 8 Swap Location: /tmp Built for: sse2 Base instruction set: sse4.1 Supported instruction sets: sse3 ssse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 Current Settings Current Swap Location: /tmp Current Swap Location writable: true Undo Enabled: true Undo Stack Limit: 30 Use OpenGL: true Use OpenGL Texture Buffer: true Disable Vector Optimizations: false Disable AVX Optimizations: false Canvas State: OPENGL_SUCCESS Autosave Interval: 900 Use Backup Files: true Number of Backups Kept: 1 Backup File Suffix: ~ Backup Location: Same Folder as the File Backup Location writable: false Resource Location: /home/paul/.local/share/krita Use Win8 Pointer Input: false Use RightMiddleTabletButton Workaround: false Levels of Detail Enabled: false Use Zip64: false Loaded Python Plugins colorspace comics_project_management_tools documenttools exportlayers filtermanager lastdocumentsdocker plugin_importer quick_settings_docker scripter tenbrushes tenscripts colorspace comics_project_management_tools documenttools exportlayers filtermanager lastdocumentsdocker plugin_importer quick_settings_docker scripter tenbrushes tenscripts
Hi, Paul! Thank you for the report. I can confirm it.
Just an observation: the bug happens only in "Tabbed" mode. It doesn't happen in subwindow mode.
The issue is related to this patch over Qt by ours:
*** Bug 496261 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***