Bug 49600 - event delivered to deleted object - kaboodle audio preview
Summary: event delivered to deleted object - kaboodle audio preview
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 49896
Alias: None
Product: konqueror
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR crash
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konqueror Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-10-24 01:00 UTC by Roger Larsson
Modified: 2002-11-05 03:36 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:

Traceback from the fatal delete, note the usages higher up (7.66 KB, text/html)
2002-11-02 19:57 UTC, Roger Larsson
Traceback from fatal delete - It is even worse... (8.14 KB, text/html)
2002-11-02 20:27 UTC, Roger Larsson
event loop patch from qt-copy (3.98 KB, patch)
2002-11-04 23:45 UTC, Simon Hausmann

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Roger Larsson 2002-10-24 01:00:18 UTC
Version:            (using KDE Devel)
Installed from:    Compiled sources

I have investigated a crash that I get when I right click
on a audio file (ogg or wav tested)

How to reproduce:
* view a folder containing media files with konqueror
* rightclick and select preview

Backtrace further down...

This is what happens (I think) - debugged with breakpoints
(texts in "" are objname)
* "qt_viewport" is notified of a RMB down - OK
* parent is notified of a RMB down - OK
* "konq_popupmenu" is notified of a RMB release - OK
("qt_viewport" gets deleted, since screen is updated to handle plugins)
* the deleted and reused [Note the this pointer = 0x1] for other purposes "qt_viewport" is notified with a RMB release - CRASH! (since the object does not exist - I have seen objnames like ":"?")

#5  <signal handler called>
#6  QShared::deref (this=0x1) at /opt/qt-copy/include/qshared.h:50
#7  0x080522f3 in QValueListPrivate<QString>::derefAndDelete (this=0x1)
    at /opt/qt-copy/include/qvaluelist.h:234
#8  0x080521d7 in QValueList<QString>::operator= (this=0x8302ea4, 
    l=@0xbfffe9a8) at /opt/qt-copy/include/qvaluelist.h:449
#9  0x08051928 in QStringList::operator= (this=0x8302ea4, 
    _ctor_arg=@0xbfffe9a8) at kinit.cpp:315
#10 0x40a63fe7 in QProcess::setArguments (this=0x8302e58, args=@0xbfffe9a8)
    at kernel/qprocess.cpp:301
#11 0x40a7cb5b in QWidget::event (this=0x8302e58, e=0xbfffe9a8)
    at kernel/qwidget.cpp:4308
#12 0x409fb179 in QApplication::internalNotify (this=0xbfffef58, 
    receiver=0x8302e58, e=0xbfffe9a8) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2288
#13 0x409fa870 in QApplication::notify (this=0xbfffef58, receiver=0x8302e58, 
    e=0xbfffe9a8) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2096
#14 0x40665e54 in KApplication::notify (this=0xbfffef58, receiver=0x8302e58, 
    event=0xbfffe9a8) at kapplication.cpp:440
#15 0x40ddb4f4 in QApplication::sendSpontaneousEvent (receiver=0x8302e58, 
    event=0xbfffe9a8) at .moc/debug-shared-mt/../../kernel/qapplication.h:480
#16 0x409a7c9d in QETWidget::translateMouseEvent (this=0x8302e58, 
    event=0xbfffed00) at kernel/qapplication_x11.cpp:4235
#17 0x409a54b5 in QApplication::x11ProcessEvent (this=0xbfffef58, 
    event=0xbfffed00) at kernel/qapplication_x11.cpp:3383
#18 0x409b7b4c in QEventLoop::processEvents (this=0x80b07f0, flags=4)
    at kernel/qeventloop_x11.cpp:167
#19 0x40a0dc00 in QEventLoop::enterLoop (this=0x80b07f0)
    at kernel/qeventloop.cpp:188
#20 0x40a0db45 in QEventLoop::exec (this=0x80b07f0)
    at kernel/qeventloop.cpp:138
#21 0x409fb375 in QApplication::exec (this=0xbfffef58)
    at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2409
#22 0x41357e94 in main (argc=3, argv=0x805f2a8) at konq_main.cc:130
Comment 1 Roger Larsson 2002-10-24 08:19:24 UTC
Reviewing this while awake...  
"Preview" should be read as "Preview in embedded player"  
Comment 2 Roger Larsson 2002-10-29 19:52:35 UTC
Still happens in 3.1rc2 
Comment 3 Roger Larsson 2002-11-02 00:51:29 UTC
Noticed that I could get better debug output with kdebugdialog... 
konqueror: KonqView::setLocationBarURL file:/var/downloaded/Media/korva.wav 
konqueror: KonqMainWindow::setLocationBarURL: url = 
konqueror: changeViewMode: serviceType is audio/x-wav serviceName is 
kaboodle_component current service name is konq_detailedlistview 
konqueror: Switching view modes... 
konqueror: Trying to create view for "audio/x-wav" 
konqueror: Found requested service kaboodle_component 
konqueror: Trying to open lib for requested service kaboodle_component 
konqueror: KonqView::switchView 
mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding 
konqueror: KonqMainWindow::slotPartChanged 
kparts: WARNING: Part '' has a widget view widget with a focus policy of NoFocus. It should 
have at least a ClickFocus policy, for part activation to work well. 
konqueror: KonqMainWindow::slotPartActivated 0x83eb6e8 kaboodle 
konqueror: New current view 0x82b3770 
konqueror: -KonqBaseListViewWidget 
konqueror: KonqView::openURL url=file:/var/downloaded/Media/korva.wav 
konqueror: KonqView::setLocationBarURL file:/var/downloaded/Media/korva.wav 
konqueror: KonqMainWindow::setLocationBarURL: url = 
konqueror: [void KonqView::setLoading(bool, bool = false)] loading=true hasPending=false 
konqueror: KonqView::slotCompleted hasPending=false 
libkonq: ## addToHistory: Typed URL: , Title:  
konqueror: [void KonqView::setLoading(bool, bool = false)] loading=false hasPending=false 
konqueror: KonqMainWindow::setCaption(file:/var/downloaded/Media/korva.wav) 
libkonq: ## addToHistory: file:/var/downloaded/Media/korva.wavTyped URL: 
file:/var/downloaded/Media/korva.wav, Title:  
konqueror: -------- KonqMainWindow::slotPopupMenu() - m_oldView = 0x82b3770, 
currentView = 0x82b3770, m_currentView = 0x82b3770 
libkonq: ~KonqPopupMenu leave 
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 
Comment 4 Roger Larsson 2002-11-02 19:57:47 UTC
Created attachment 350 [details]
Traceback from the fatal delete, note the usages higher up

I have done some more debugging and noticed that it was when processing an
event to qt_viewport that the object get deleted...
When returning from this one have to be really careful not to use any of its
members or make a virtual call. With the long call chain in this case it is
almost impossible.
 One critical point is in the end of QScrollView::eventFilter
    return QFrame::eventFilter( obj, e );  // always continue with standard
event processing
* It forgets that it did accept and process the event... the code should be
something like this
   return QFrame::eventFilter( obj, e ) || consumed_above;
Doing it like this will abort the processing in QObject::event a few levels

But it is still VERY hard to get right.

My suggestion is to defere the deletion to a later time - is that possible?
It might not even be necessary to delete the object - often it will be reused
again really soon. (Preview in kaboodle, back to the qt_viewport)
Comment 5 Roger Larsson 2002-11-02 20:27:33 UTC
Created attachment 351 [details]
Traceback from fatal delete - It is even worse...

as the blue pointers are used higher up in the call chain too...
the green object pointer is OK to delete - I think...
Comment 6 Roger Larsson 2002-11-02 21:53:33 UTC
Subject: Critical for KDE 3.1 RC2?


Soon there will be an RC2 - I have found a bug that I think is pretty bad.
(It has not yet been confirmed by anyone else, maybe not even noticed -
since no one has commented on it yet)

Summary: Working with deleted objects
[Two notes:
 It says that it still happens in KDE 3.1rc2 I hope this will not be the case 
(happens with recent cvs)...
 It happens with embedded previews for KHTML too...]


Having bugs of this kind can both produce crashes AND
all sort of strange behavior...

Comment 7 Dirk Mueller 2002-11-02 22:01:12 UTC
please try upgrading qt-copy.  

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 49896 ***
Comment 8 Roger Larsson 2002-11-03 13:30:34 UTC
Subject: Re:  event delivered to deleted object - kaboodle audio preview

I checked out the new qt-copy
Recompiled qt-copy (no clean - could still be a problem)
Recompiled kde (cvs clean, cvs refresh, clean install)'

And retested - Still crashes...

I noticed that in the callchain there is still a timer event in the call 
chain. (Below the point where the deleted object is used)

I have made this patch to QObjects destructor - the qWarning line is great for 
a breakpoint... (add one and retest even if your konqueror does not crash - a 
corrupt pointer is bad even without a crash)

Notice the "delete oldPart" in KonqView::switchView shouldn't it be deferred 
with a new timer event?


Index: qobject.cpp
RCS file: /cvs/qt-copy/src/kernel/qobject.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.52
diff -u -3 -p -r1.52 qobject.cpp
--- qobject.cpp 2002/10/30 10:59:31     1.52
+++ qobject.cpp 2002/11/02 23:29:21
@@ -379,6 +379,9 @@ QObject::QObject( QObject *parent, const

+    if (objname && strcmp(objname, "qt_viewport") == 0)
+       qWarning(QString("Deleting qt_viewport 
     if ( wasDeleted ) {
 #if defined(QT_DEBUG)
        qWarning( "Double QObject deletion detected." );

Comment 9 Dirk Mueller 2002-11-03 13:59:14 UTC
Comment 10 Simon Hausmann 2002-11-03 14:08:29 UTC
Looking at the second backtrace I believe this should be fixed in qt-copy already. If you grep for 
'shortcut' in qt-copy/src/kernel/qeventloop_p.h , do you get any hints?  
Comment 11 Roger Larsson 2002-11-04 22:20:24 UTC
No, there is no sign of 'shortcut' in qeventloop_p.h in my files.     
But neither are there in    
or my cvs source  
Comment 12 Simon Hausmann 2002-11-04 23:45:26 UTC
Created attachment 368 [details]
event loop patch from qt-copy
Comment 13 Simon Hausmann 2002-11-04 23:46:26 UTC
Ok, looks like anoncvs and webcvs are outdated. Please try attachment 1 [details] , it's the event loop patch 
from Brad that I believe should fix this bug. 
Comment 14 Dirk Mueller 2002-11-05 03:36:30 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 49896 ***