Bug 495902 (Maggiora) - Kstars Ekos Guide Dithering Issue
Summary: Kstars Ekos Guide Dithering Issue
Alias: Maggiora
Product: kstars
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 3.7.3
Platform: Mint (Ubuntu based) Linux
: NOR minor
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Jasem Mutlaq
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Reported: 2024-11-06 23:53 UTC by Maggiora
Modified: 2024-11-06 23:53 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Maggiora 2024-11-06 23:53:16 UTC
NOTE: I have reported it before in discuss.kde.org , but the only answer i received is been to open an issue here.

1.  impost dithering on on setup and number of dither pixel  deviation (4 in my case)
2. impost a number of lights frame after dithering operation perform (2 in my case)
3. impost a time in seconds for telescope stabilization (10 in my case)
4. start guide
5. wait dither operation start at the and of two shots...

When the dithering function is activated, at the end of a shot (or a series of shots), the correct movement is performed for the new positioning of the mount, but the guide, unlike the version (3.7.5), is not temporarily disabled, with the result that it tries to move the mount back, canceling the dithering operation. If the dithering is more important in terms of delta pixel (larger movement) the guide sounds the alarm and starts to have problems, because the guide star has moved too far away.

In the previous version, when the dithering operation started, of course, the guide was temporarily disabled, and at the end of the dithering and the telescope stabilization time, it resumed, effectively resetting the position of the guide star to the new DEC and RA position, centering it in the graph and in the target.

SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS: Kstar Ekos 3.7.3 (guide tab)/Linux Mint Cinnamon

This issue causes the inability to perform an automatic imaging session. as it forces you to manually intervene at each dithering operation,  disabling guiding and manually resuming the series of shots on the shooting tab, then  resuming guiding on the guide tab. The only option is to downgrade, or not use dithering for long night exposures.