*** If you're not sure this is actually a bug, instead post about it at https://discuss.kde.org If you're reporting a crash, attach a backtrace with debug symbols; see https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Debugging/How_to_create_useful_crash_reports Please remove this comment after reading and before submitting - thanks! *** SUMMARY STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. for about 30 iterations df6. Save and Close (as tif). 7. Delete the original 8. End Loop 9. Select all of the Images just created. 10. Uncheck a Tag for all of them. 11. Apply. 12. Select a new image (tif) 13. Open the image editor 14. Crop to Selection 15. Open Color Auto Correct. OBSERVED RESULT This has been reliably crashing at this point all day today. Ofter the OK and Cancel buttons to do not show. the message is "Advanced digital photo manager has stopped responding." Debug and close are the options. EXPECTED RESULT I expect no crash. SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Windows: 11 Home 23H2 22631.4391 macOS: (available in the Info Center app, or by running `kinfo` in a terminal window) Linux/KDE Plasma: KDE Plasma Version: KDE Frameworks Version: Qt Version: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Professional Photo Management with the Power of Open Source - A KDE Family Project IRC: irc.libera.chat - #digikam Feedback: digikam-user@kde.org Documentation: docs.digikam.org Build Date: 10/27/2024 8:02 PM Build Target: RelWithDebInfo Build Architecture: x86_64 Git Revision: 75f...127a Git Branch: master
Try to create a DebugView log of the crash as described here for Windows: https://www.digikam.org/contribute/ Don't forget to enable internal debugging in the digiKam system settings. Maik
Git commit 75f3c28a600098b9a3935699f4eb403b6b281f18 by Maik Qualmann. Committed on 29/10/2024 at 18:17. Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'. fix memory allocation with integer is too small for large images FIXED-IN: 8.5.0 M +1 -1 NEWS M +2 -2 core/libs/dimg/filters/auto/autolevelsfilter.cpp M +7 -8 core/libs/dimg/filters/auto/equalizefilter.cpp M +2 -2 core/libs/dimg/filters/auto/normalizefilter.cpp M +6 -7 core/libs/dimg/filters/auto/stretchfilter.cpp https://invent.kde.org/graphics/digikam/-/commit/75f3c28a600098b9a3935699f4eb403b6b281f18
Git commit 5a95721fc9b961ec1c78b9a5e2b964a4fda14981 by Maik Qualmann. Committed on 29/10/2024 at 18:30. Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'. use std::nothrow and check memory allocation M +9 -2 core/libs/dimg/filters/auto/autolevelsfilter.cpp https://invent.kde.org/graphics/digikam/-/commit/5a95721fc9b961ec1c78b9a5e2b964a4fda14981
Its still happening after installing the build after the fix was put in.
Are steps 1-11 necessary or can it also be reproduced by loading a single TIFF image into the image editor? If so, please provide the image as a sample. What is the image size and depth of the TIFF image? Maik
It doesn't feel like a memory issue. It feels more like some other resource - possibly Device Contexts that are running out. There used to be 4 of these, but the number was increased when garbage collected languages came out. Running out of these will cause the program and possibly windows to freeze. Yes, I am a Windows Software Developer Im not certain whether or not it requires 30 images. and they are all about 3.5k x 2.5k or 2.5k x 3.5k all 3 plane 8 bit, all tiff compressed written as tiff compressed, all the result images are about 3200 x 2200 or 2200 x 3200. They are all 35mm slides or prints scanned at 1200 DPI, but overscanned by about 10% because of scanner alignment problems. I've done about six thousand photos in the last week or so.
A bit more nformation. I have 32GB memory installed I also cannot reproduce it today. But I have an idea of what has changed. When I started this process, I had 7040 items in the todo list for this step in the process. Now I have less than 1400. I've been using tags to keep the process steps needed for each image. The tag is Process/Crop & Color. When I get a batch of images done with each step I select them and uncheck the tag to remove it from the images.
Hi, digiKam 8.5.0. is out with many fixes and improvements. https://www.digikam.org/news/2024-11-16-8.5.0_release_announcement/ This report still valid with this version? Thanks in advance Gilles Caulier
You write in comment 6 that you are a Windows software developer. Then install the debug version of digiKam-8.6.0 from here: https://files.kde.org/digikam/ Run digiKam in the Visual C++ debugger and send us the backtrace of the crash. Maik
Hi, digiKam 8.6.0 is just released: https://www.digikam.org/news/2025-03-15-8.6.0_release_announcement/ Problem still exists with this version? Thanks in advance Gilles Caulier