When switching desktops using overview, the user needs to click the small desktop square at the top to finish the interaction and get to the desired desktop. This is kind of odd as it concentrates the action in a smaller area of the screen. Instead, when the user clicks on the main desktop image, the largest area of the screen, the user should be dropped into the desired desktop and the interaction should complete. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Access desktop overview 2. Switch to a new desktop 3. Click on the main desktop, not the thumbnail, user stays in overview mode
For context, I actually tried clicking many times on windows or empty desktop space. In some instances, the app windows in the overview mode activated and I was able to exit the overview mode by making a window selection. However, it was inconsistent, especially when switching desktops and trying the exit interaction again. It seems also that maximized windows presented in overview mode simply do not let the user deactivate overview as the desktop window never becomes selected no matter how much clicking I did.
That's exactly what it does. Or at least, it's what it's supposed to do, and it works for me. Can you attach a screen recording that shows it not working?
(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #2) > That's exactly what it does. Or at least, it's what it's supposed to do, and > it works for me. Can you attach a screen recording that shows it not working? Will try. Could be fixed. Haven't tested in a bit.
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🐛🧹 This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least 30 days. Closing as RESOLVED WORKSFORME.