SUMMARY: See $SUBJECT STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Detect and recognize faces in a picture 2. Enter this picture and let Digikam show all face rectangles, some of which should be detected, but not be recognized 3. Click "Ignore this face" on one face OBSERVED RESULT Sometimes (not always) this will lead to all other face rectangles going away. No further face confirmation is possible. EXPECTED RESULT The face should be ignored, this should not change the display of all other face rectangles. SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS: Digikam Linux x86-64 qt5 appimage of 2024-09-08 10:01, @3dd4bc0d2c
you uses the qt5 appimage. it's the same behaviors with the qt6 ?
I obviously can't reproduce this here, I ignored faces in several group photos. Do you write face metadata into the images? Try to create a log from the terminal when the problem occurs. Maik
Created attachment 173667 [details] Settings "Write to metadata"
Hi, I can also see this behaviour (sometimes) Attached I have uploaded my settings and I am using the Linux Qt6 AppImage Versions. I could also mail you a private video showing the issue (I think I could record it , because it happens sometimes). Greetings Eugen
Sidecars? Lazy Sync? Maik
Created attachment 173668 [details] More Settings Sorry - I don't know what Sidecars and Lazy Sync is... This settings?
Sidecars are metadata image file companions to store XMP information. digiKam can be configured to read/write information on this file priors than image file as well. Lazy sync is an optional digiKam mechanism to delay the file metadata flush on the disk when user end to play to the images. Typically, at end of digiKam session, when you take a coffee, a shower, or during the night. All these options are located in the digiKam Seup/Metadata view. Gilles Caulier
Git commit 5e8629c22dc94a259b9a31cdf30f269ab1b1ae35 by Maik Qualmann. Committed on 15/09/2024 at 06:57. Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'. try with timer to randomly go to the next face M +4 -4 core/utilities/facemanagement/items/facegroup.cpp M +1 -1 core/utilities/facemanagement/items/facegroup.h M +1 -0 core/utilities/facemanagement/items/facegroup_p.h
Created attachment 173703 [details] Settings for sidecars Hi, my Settings for Sidecars. I haven't tried it with your newest patch. I will try it next days. Greetings Eugen
HI, today I tried digiKam-8.5.0-20240922T160121-Qt6-x86-64 Appimage and the error seems to be gone. Issue can be closed Greetings Eugen
Hi, I have to reopen this issue, because I found cases where this issue raised again. Happily I have recorded 3 screencasts which shows the issue. I can mail you the videos to your personal e-mail - please contact me to give me your email address. Greetings Eugen
If you have found "cases" where the problem occurs, what distinguishes the "cases" from normal behavior? Videos don't really help here, exact description, whether it occurs with a certain type of image, the file may be write-protected, etc. We can do more with a log from the terminal than with a video. Maik
Hi Maik, I will try to make a log - but I don't know how. I have downloaded the debug-appimage and started it from console. A lot of text will be printed in console... And now? Can you give me a link to a website, which describes the next steps... greetings Eugen
Hi, We explain the rules in the contrib web page of the project : Typically the trace on the console contains all the step done by digiKam when it process the face management. When you ignore a face with the gui, take care of the messages printed on the console, it must contains the files and the face tags procesed. We are interresed by these information and by files + xmp sidecars from your collection to try to reproduce the problem. Best Gilles Caulier
Created attachment 174243 [details] debug-log
Hi, after tag several faces in pictures I got it. The rectangles vanish after I tag a name to a face. log is included. It happened with the picture DSC_2418.JPG. System: Linux with digiKam-8.5.0-20240930T160105-Qt6-x86-64-debug.appimage Steps: a) Left Menu "Person" -> Goto my drawer "Albiker" -> Goto a name in that drawer "Simon Albiker" b) click picture DSC_2418.JPG which contains 3 faces. In the picture only one face is already tagged as "Simon Albiker" c) Tag face 2 d) Tag face 3 e) Now all faces are tagged --> rectangles on the whole picture vanish I hope I have not missed any relevant information
Git commit 1ab772520179a42c0070d30577514e1a40c2adbc by Maik Qualmann. Committed on 01/10/2024 at 10:40. Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'. do not write every face tag change separately to the metadata M +8 -20 core/utilities/facemanagement/database/faceutils.cpp M +5 -0 core/utilities/facemanagement/database/faceutils.h M +11 -0 core/utilities/facemanagement/workers/databasewriter.cpp
digiKam 8.5.0 is out with many improvements in face detection and recognition. Please update these entry accordingly with this version. Thanks in advance...