Steps: - Use some Turkish file which has the string “Import” in it. The Turkish translation for “Import” is “İçe Aktar”. - Search for “İçe Aktar” in both quick search and search in files Expected: - “İçe Aktar” should be found Actual: - “İçe Aktar” is not found, unless match case is used Context: This is a very common edge case in most software, which might require using appropriate local-aware methods within Qt (search for “Turkish i problem”). Basically, İ is the capital version of i, and I is the capital version of ı in Turkish. This also affects other Turkic languages, since most of them also has this letter in their Latin alphabets (even the translation levels are currently low within KDE). While searching, ideally, both searching for i should return the results for both capital letters. I was procrastinating to open this bug report for several years now.
Seems to work for me, can you attach screenshots (or a video) of exactly what you do and what doesn't work?
It looks like this has been fixed with the Qt6 switch. I should have checked again. Closing.