SUMMARY Hi, I use SVT-AV1 to make smaller videos for Odysee, specially gameplays, but since the previous Kdenlive version, the app doesn't take the value set for CRF/qscale, so the resultant video always takes up the same amount of space. I tried with the default config for AV1 changing from AOM-AV1 to SVT-AV1 and I have the same result. I'm used to set the CRF to 42 or higher (lower quality) to make the video as small as possible within a decent visual quality. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Make a video with Kdenlive. 2. Try to set a different value for CRF for SVT-AV1, mainly if the value is higher than 31 (lower quality). Yo have to set that with a custom render profile. 3. You see that resultant videos always take up the same amount of disk space. I use the Flatpak version of Kdenlive because I use Aeon Desktop as operating system. I don't use parallel processing with SVT-AV1. I share two examples of the presets I use for rendering with SVT-AV1. EXAMPLE 1: ab=128k acodec=libopus bf=3 channels=2 cpu-used=8 f=webm g=300 qscale=31 real_time=-1 row-mt=1 strict=experimental threads=15 tile-columns=2 tile-rows=1 vbr=off vcodec=libsvtav1 EXAMPLE 2: ab=128k acodec=libopus bf=3 channels=2 cpu-used=8 f=webm g=300 qscale=31 real_time=-1 row-mt=1 strict=experimental threads=15 tile-columns=2 tile-rows=1 vbr=off vcodec=libsvtav1
Sorry, the examples weren't correct. EXAMPLE 1: ab=128k acodec=libopus bf=3 channels=2 cpu-used=8 f=webm g=300 qscale=42 real_time=-1 row-mt=1 strict=experimental threads=15 tile-columns=2 tile-rows=1 vbr=off vcodec=libsvtav1 EXAMPLE 2: ab=128k acodec=libopus bf=3 channels=2 cpu-used=8 f=webm g=300 qscale=54 real_time=-1 row-mt=1 strict=experimental threads=15 tile-columns=2 tile-rows=1 vbr=off vcodec=libsvtav1
You can try the default AV1 configuration switching from libaom-av1 to libsvtav1 and you will see that the CRF you set has no effect. The resultant video always has the same size.