Created attachment 173115 [details] 情况如图 在区域格式为中文(简体,澳门特别行政区)或中文(简体,香港特别行政区)打开Krita到主菜单新建图像(Ctrl+N)此时,宽度,高度以及分辨率这三行字母会乱码,选择不同预设这三行依旧是乱码状态
When the regional format is Chinese (simplified, Macao Special Administrative region) or Chinese (simplified, Hong Kong Special Administrative region), open Krita to the main menu to create a new image (Ctrl+N), the width, height and resolution of the three lines of letters will be garbled, choose different presets these three lines are still garbled
*** Bug 492394 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***