SUMMARY In using Kate on Windows I've found the restriction to using Windows PowerShell as the only available shell to be a significant pain point. I'm advocating for an additional configuration variable to hold the path to the user's preferred shell interpreter and the inclusion of PowerShell 6+ to the lookup patterns for Windows shells, preceding Windows PowerShell in that list. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Open Kate on Windows, and from the Configure Kate… modal, enable the Terminal plugin. 2. Click the button on the toolbar to expand the Terminal pane. OBSERVED RESULT Windows PowerShell (powershell.exe) is always loaded, with no recourse to invoke another interpreter except to daisy chain them by invoking one from within the other. EXPECTED RESULT Ideally, Kate would check the $PATH environment variable for a list of shells in descending order of preference, and for those preferences to rank PowerShell 6/7+ (formerly PowerShell Core) ahead of Windows PowerShell, despite the former not being present on all Windows environments. SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Windows 11 Pro, Version 24H2 (Build 26120.1340) Kate 24.07.70 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I went looking through the source repository for where the shell invocation was made, but due to the extraordinary modularity of the codebase, I was completely unable to find it, and at the end was no longer sure I was even looking in the correct repository. Whether or not the suggestion to expose the choice of shell to the user in the application configuration is accepted, this should reasonable take the form of an array of values being attempted when opening a shell in lieu of a single, static value. When Microsoft transitioned PowerShell into an open-source project built on .NET, the filename of the interpreter was changed from powershell.exe to pwsh.exe.[0] My desire is for Kate to first attempt to call pwsh.exe when a terminal pane is activated, and only use powershell.exe as a fallback. It seems logical to me that the Kate userbase, by its nature being self-selected as a group disposed to use a text editor chiefly built for Linux in a Windows environment, would have a large positive correlation with those who would also take the time to install the newer, cross-platform iteration of PowerShell rather than the closed-source, Windows-only variety that comes packaged with Windows. (This well describes my own motivations, for though PowerShell is far from my favorite shell or language to work with, I have been pleasantly surprised by the frequency of instances in which I find a need to open a PowerShell tab in Yakuake while using Linux in order to test a script or work out a process I'm attempting to document for others.) The frustration I currently experience with Kate's terminal stems largely from the fact that in using the Windows PowerShell (v5.1) flavor, it calls all of my standard PowerShell startup files but is incompatible with all of the modules and ~50% of the commands contained therein, leading to a buffer full of error messages and none of the conveniences I'm accustomed to, all before I've begun anything. If it can be straightforwardly explained to me where this/these modification(s) to the codebase need to be made and the manner in which they'd be acceptable, I'd be more than happy to formulate the MR personally; I've always been treated with the utmost courtesy and understanding when I've contributed to KDE projects in the past and have long felt that I should try to do so more often. [0]:
Hi there, You can already change the default shell. The way to change it is by right clicking in the terminal panel and then click "Edit Current Profile". There you can change the shell / edit the look and feel etc. The reason the settings are not in the "Configure Kate..." dialog is because the terminal is an entirely different app which we just embed into Kate. In KDE this concept is called "part", and the terminal we load is called Konsole, and its part is called konsolepart. (and yes we have something called katepart). Since its a different app, it lives in a different repository and thus there is an altogether different team working on it. Anyways, help on Konsole for Windows or Kate is super welcome, I don't think anyone works actively on Kate/Konsole windows. We ported Konsole to windows a couple of years ago but the port is till basic and lacks some features that you can find in linux/mac version. For this particular change, you will need to modify the defaultShell function here Feel free to reach out in our matrix channel #kate. Building Kate for the first time on windows can be a bit daunting.
Yeah, some help on this would be awesome!