Created attachment 172059 [details] journalctl -p 0..4 -xb SUMMARY I got two systems with plasma 6.1; one Arch and one on Voidlinux. Both show the same behavior. To wake up from suspend (suspend from RAM) i need to press the power button twice. After the first time the systems looks like it is coming back up, but goes back to suspend. The second press brings it back normal to a normal working state. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Boot and get system to suspend. 2. First power button press does not bring the system back; goes back to suspend. 3. Second press of the power button wakes the system up to a normal operation state. OBSERVED RESULT - Back to suspend EXPECTED RESULT - Waking up SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Linux/KDE Plasma: LTS-Kernel (6.6.43) /w Plasma 6.1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I'm not sure i filed the bug in the right category, but - journalctl -p 0..4 -xb - showed an ksplash error with "exit-code" "failed". I attach journalctl -p 0..4 -xb > power_after_suspend2.txt || Suspend @ 04:51 || Wakeup @ 05:22 Thanks, Jan
To be more sure, that it is a kde error, i installed xfce && gnome, both work fine. They wake up with a single power button press. ~Jan
KSplash isn't involved here. Some questions: What kind of hardware is this? Laptop or desktop? What kind? Can you reproduce this issue in a new clean user account? Did it just start happening recently, after an upgrade? Or has it always happened?
Hi Nate, two systems same behavior: - Endeavouros - arch: older laptop (Lenovo T480) /w Intel Kaby Lake - Voidlinux: newer workstation /w AMD 5600G This is "new"; i don't remember exactly, i think the void-system started to show it first, than the arch-system; both after an update 2-3 weeks ago. I just added a new user, and out of the box the suspend to RAM works! But i realized that on both system i don't have "Lock (screen) after waking up from sleep" configured. ==> On the old & the new user, if lock screen after waking up is enabled, waking up works like it should. ==> On the old & new user, if i disable the lock screen after waking up, i need to press the button twice.
Thanks, that helps a lot. I still can't reproduce it myself; if I disable "Lock after waking from sleep" on git master (which will become Plasma 6.2 in a few months) and put my laptop to sleep without closing the lid, I can still wake it up with a single press of the power button, not two. However knowing which exact setting triggers the issue is helpful. Hopefully a developer can figure out from that data point what might be going wrong.
With a spare SSD, i installed Arch (Endeavouros) and Plasma 6.1.3 fresh on my workstation /w AMD 5600G Wakeup from suspend with or without "Lock after waking from sleep" enabled works just fine. === So i must have installed something on my void-workstation and on my arch-laptop that causes this plasma behavior. Since i gonna use the arch-plasma on my workstation now, i will report back if the suspend issue returns. ~ Jan
Thanks, let us know what it turns out to be!
The resume issue is back. I *think* the last software change on the system was installing flatpak and then io.github.ungoogled_software.ungoogled_chromium && io.gitlab.librewolf-community. I don't know how to help, so i attach 3 files: workstation_packages.txt - well, all the packages on the workstation expac --timefmt='%Y-%m-%d %T' '%l\t%n' | sort | tail -n 200.txt - last installed packages (200) by time journalctl -p 0..4 -xb_2.txt - the resume happened @ 20:08:41 // second button press @ 20:08:58
Created attachment 172655 [details] All packages @ workstation
Created attachment 172656 [details] Last installed packages by time
Created attachment 172657 [details] the "resume failure" @ 20:08:41 // second button press @ 20:08:58