Bug 490082 - Some web apps making my desktop slow
Summary: Some web apps making my desktop slow
Alias: None
Product: Spam
Classification: Bugzilla Internals
Component: Spam (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Other Other
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Unknown
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Reported: 2024-07-11 07:36 UTC by Abhishek Shrivastava
Modified: 2024-07-12 13:52 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Abhishek Shrivastava 2024-07-11 07:36:24 UTC
It seems that my desktop has been running slower lately, and I suspect that some applications might be the cause. When I open certain programs, the system's performance noticeably drops, making it difficult to work efficiently. I've tried restarting the computer and closing background applications, but the issue persists. 

Could you please look into this and identify any problematic apps or processes that might be causing the slowdown? Additionally, if there are any optimizations or upgrades that could help improve overall performance, I would appreciate your recommendations.