Right now, Baloo indexes only file names (and contents of files), which are not excluded via the file type list in ``` ~/.config/baloofilerc [General] dbVersion=2 exclude filters=*~,*.part,*.o,*.la,*.lo,*.loT,*.moc,moc_*.cpp,qrc_*.cpp,ui_*.h,cmake_install.cmake,CMakeCache.txt,CTestTestfile.cmake,libtool,config.status,confdefs.h,autom4te,conftest,confstat,Makefile.am,*.gcode,.ninja_deps,.ninja_log,build.ninja,*.csproj,*.m4,*.rej,*.gmo,*.pc,*.omf,*.aux,*.tmp,*.po,*.vm*,*.nvram,*.rcore,*.swp,*.swap,lzo,litmain.sh,*.orig,.histfile.*,.xsession-errors*,*.map,*.so,*.a,*.db,*.qrc,*.ini,*.init,*.img,*.vdi,*.vbox*,vbox.log,*.qcow2,*.vmdk,*.vhd,*.vhdx,*.sql,*.sql.gz,*.ytdl,*.class,*.pyc,*.pyo,*.elc,*.qmlc,*.jsc,*.fastq,*.fq,*.gb,*.fasta,*.fna,*.gbff,*.faa,po,CVS,.svn,.git,_darcs,.bzr,.hg,CMakeFiles,CMakeTmp,CMakeTmpQmake,.moc,.obj,.pch,.uic,.npm,.yarn,.yarn-cache,__pycache__,node_modules,node_packages,nbproject,core-dumps,lost+found exclude filters version=8 ``` Meaning, if you try to find an existing file, called e.g. `abc.vdi`, Baloo will tell you that it can't find it: ``` baloosearch -i filename:abc.vdi ``` From a UX POV it would be much better if Baloo indexed file names of any files, but just excluded the content of file types from the list above.
(In reply to postix from comment #0) > ... From a UX POV it would be much better if Baloo indexed file names of any > files, but just excluded the content of file types from the list above ... Fully agree... From the experience in: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=488533#c1 you can stop excluding by file extension (although the ".obj" is troublesome here) and exclude by mimetype This could have a load impact; Baloo might need to read the first part of the file if it needs to check the "magic".