SUMMARY To improve clarity and consistency, consider renaming the buttons on the Quick Settings page to match the names of the KCMs they navigate to. For example, instead of "Change Wallpaper...", simply use "Wallpaper" to emphasize that the button takes the user to the "Wallpaper" KCM rather than performing the action of changing the wallpaper directly. Similarly, rename "More Appearance Settings" to "Colors & Themes" to reflect the exact section in the sidebar. For the same reason, rename "More Behavior Settings" to "General Behavior." This way, the buttons that navigate to another section of System Settings will have exactly the name of the section they lead to, simplifying user understanding. This convention reflects what is already done in the "Most used Pages" section and in the Powerdevil KCM. Also, in other parts of the system, the exact names of the System Settings sections are used. For example, when you open the edit mode in Plasma Shell, it shows "Global Themes" or "Display Configuration," and once these buttons are pressed, they lead exactly to the "Global Themes" or "Display Configuration" sections in System Settings. This way, all buttons that lead to a KCM in System Settings use the same naming convention, providing consistency. This makes all buttons that lead to a KCM consistent in terms of the chosen name and makes their function more intuitive.
These changes, along with the resolution of bug 487648, will lead to greater consistency for buttons that navigate to a section of System Settings.
A possibly relevant merge request was started @
Git commit 31140665458a0fcb641fc76338c2432a0168908a by Nate Graham. Committed on 13/07/2024 at 23:34. Pushed by ngraham into branch 'master'. kcms/landingpage: make KCM buttons a bit more consistent Now all of them show the name of the KCM you'll be taken to, rather than only some of them doing this. Use the common component to make sure they retain visual consistency. FIXED-IN: 6.2.0 M +20 -13 kcms/landingpage/ui/main.qml