Created attachment 171256 [details] Tab's title is too small The titles in the new style of tabs in Keyboard and Power Management, are written using a small font, which make them look like small notes lacking attention compared to the big icons placed above them. The icons are not always more expressive than text content, especially on Keyboard page where we can see that icons aren't all well-chosen: "keyboard" icon refers to hardware, "bubble message" icon refers to layouts and "settings" icon refers to Key Bindings. In reality, it's impossible to find the perfect icons of all available actions on any platform, so it would be much better to increase font size of tabs' title to fill the lack to express the exact meaning, and makes it easier for user to read it and differentiate between different tabs.
Yeah this is bad.
A possibly relevant merge request was started @
Git commit 65cb8dd282d18862f4808125ec0acc66b0bf6261 by Nate Graham. Committed on 03/07/2024 at 13:54. Pushed by ngraham into branch 'master'. NavigationTabButton: improve text legibility Text is currently not very legible due to the use of small-font 85% opaque type. This is especially noticeable with a low resolution screen. To fix this, use the more conventional styling of a normal font size and 100% opacity. FIXED-IN: 6.4 M +5 -12 src/controls/NavigationTabButton.qml