On a multi-user system, Discover makes it hard for users to install applications without stumbling upon system repositories. This takes time to explain to each user that they can install everything on Discover as long as they double and triple check if they are using a system repo. This is too cumbersome. On OpenSUSE I had to remove PackageKit integration because I do not want other users having to deal with system packages while using Discover. This accomplishes what I want in a roundabout way. What I can't do is remove Flatpaks System Repos from User Repos. See, on a multi-user system it makes absolute sense for each user to have their own flahub --user repo, this alongside removing PackageKit means that any user can simply open Discover and install whatever they want, without EVER being asked for root. However, you need to remove the system repo for this to work this seamlessly. The issue with that, is that there are quite a number of flatpak apps that everyone on a system will use, it makes sense to install, for instance, VLC as a system flatpak. However, adding back the system repo through the terminal will also add it to every user Discover, and that isn't what I wish would happen. tl;dr: Wish there was a way to remove system flathub repo from discover without removing system flathub repo from the system.
Discover can be configured to prefer certain Flatpak repos over others, so for exaple you can configure it to prefer the user repo over the system repo. Is there a reason why this doesn't work?
1) it isn't currently reliable. Changing the ordering appears to do the same as flipping a coin. 2) Even if it was reliable, it is still limiting what can be done. Again, with the example of native packages it will inevitably result in packages being shown that can't be installed without root. The entire reason why I'm asking for this feature is so that "average users" in a multi-user PC can utilize Discover 100% of time without having any chance for confusion over whether they can install things over discover
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1 is a bug that should be fixed regardless. Can you open a new bug report about that? But yeah, for a multi-user environment I think it makes sense.