Hi there. First of all I want to say thank you for this app. The problem here is when I close the player on full screen, it doesn't remember the last smaller window size and its position and after reopening the player it will always be opened as large scale as possible, it's not maximized but it is scaled to the same size as maximized. I don't know for the newest versions how is it going but I've seen this problem with 1.0 on arch linux too. currently I'm using kubuntu 23.04 and this problem for v 0.12.3. thanks for your attention. best regards
I am not able to reproduce this o Kubuntu 24.04 Haruna 0.12.3 STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Start Haruna in a normal window (not maximized or full screen) 2. Set it to full screen 3. Use File - Quit to exit 4. Start Haruna again OBSERVED RESULT Haruna has the same size it did in the first step. It's possible this is a problem in frameworks somewhere and has been resolved in newer versions of Kubuntu. Kubuntu 24.04 has Plasma 6, which received a lot of bug fixes. Kubuntu isn't offering 23.04 for download anymore. Per the release notes, it was supported for nine months (until March 2024) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LunarLobster/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu Would it be possible for you to upgrade to 24.04 (the current LTS) to see if the problem is resolved?
It happens when remeber windows size and position setting is enabled.
Reproduce the problem on Kubuntu 24.10 or Ubuntu 24.10: Remember window size and position is set on. Open any video and set arbitrary window size. Switch to full screen (F or double click). Quit Haruna using CTRL+Q Open any video and window size will be maximum plus a window border. Max size plus border will mean that the window is actually bigger than the screen and it must be manually reduced in order to be usable. Apparently Haruna does remember the screen size at closing but not that it was in full screen mode and it does not remember the previous windowed size if it closed while full screen. If you quit by using the menu (in a windowed state), the next video will correctly remember the window size at closing.