Created attachment 170934 [details] call stack at the time of the freeze This affects master, 5.2.3, and 5.2.2. Tested in master with commit hash 706cb7d60a66c161028c2f811ac6994016b2a83f. SUMMARY If an animation with audio (i.e. using MLT backend) is playing, sometimes scrubbing in the timeline will cause a thread deadlock, which leads to the app being unresponsive (freezing), then crashing (killed by the OS). Stopping in the debugger at the time of the freeze, I saw this call stack (also attached): 1 NtWaitForMultipleObjects (x86_64) C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll 0x7ff90fa70af4 2 WaitForMultipleObjectsEx (x86_64) C:\Windows\System32\KernelBase.dll 0x7ff90ce76089 3 WaitForMultipleObjects (x86_64) C:\Windows\System32\KernelBase.dll 0x7ff90ce75f8e 4 _pthread_wait_for_multiple_objects misc.c 146 0x7ff8ef032e18 5 do_sema_b_wait_intern cond.c 647 0x7ff8ef032a80 6 do_sema_b_wait cond.c 606 0x7ff8ef031ecf 7 pthread_cond_timedwait_impl cond.c 526 0x7ff8ef032987 8 mlt_consumer_put_frame (x86_64) C:\Users\Maciek\krita-dev\_install\bin\libmlt-7.dll 0x7ff86697bfeb 9 Mlt::PushConsumer::push(Mlt::Frame *) (x86_64) C:\Users\Maciek\krita-dev\_install\bin\libmlt++-7.dll 0x7ff8f70cc4e4 10 Mlt::PushConsumer::push(Mlt::Frame&) (x86_64) C:\Users\Maciek\krita-dev\_install\bin\libmlt++-7.dll 0x7ff8f70cc50d 11 KisPlaybackEngineMLT::Private::pushAudio(int) KisPlaybackEngineMLT.cpp 160 0x7ff85557acf5 12 std::__function::__value_func<void (int)>::operator()[abi:v15000](int&&) const function.h 512 0x7ff8554f3505 13 std::function<void (int)>::operator()(int) const function.h 1187 0x7ff8554f34ee 14 KisSignalCompressorWithParam<int>::fakeSlotTimeout() kis_signal_compressor_with_param.h 151 0x7ff8554f34ee 15 void doActivate<false>(QObject *, int, void * *) qobject.cpp 3931 0x7ff846760cbb 16 KisSignalCompressor::tryEmitSignalSafely() kis_signal_compressor.cpp 199 0x7ff867a43d3e 17 KisSignalCompressor::start() kis_signal_compressor.cpp 117 0x7ff867a43d36 18 KisSignalCompressorWithParam<int>::start(int) kis_signal_compressor_with_param.h 134 0x7ff855578335 19 KisPlaybackEngineMLT::seek(int, QFlags<SeekOption>) KisPlaybackEngineMLT.cpp 344 0x7ff855578328 20 KisTimeBasedItemModel::setHeaderData(int, Qt::Orientation, QVariant const&, int) KisTimeBasedItemModel.cpp 332 0x7ff8046ece16 ... <More> KA post: STEPS TO REPRODUCE Video: 1. Open a new document with an animation timeline. 2. Add any audio track (to switch to the MLT engine; the length of the audio shouldn’t matter) 3. Change playback settings to start frame 0 end frame 5000 FPS 100 4. Hit play 5. As the playback goes on, keep clicking and slightly dragging on the frame numbers to rewind the playback to the clicked frames. Eventually it will freeze due to a deadlock. OBSERVED RESULT The UI becomes unresponsive. Threads deadlocking with the call stack pointing to KisPlaybackEngineMLT::Private::pushAudio(int). EXPECTED RESULT Scrubbing works normally and cannot cause a hang/crash.
Hi, YRH! Thank you for the detailed report! It seems like setting FPS to 100 was the key factor in reproduction of the race condition causing this bug. Now it should be fixed in this patch applied to MLT:
Git commit fbfab4555061a496df037c75c47b6e148d456f36 by Dmitry Kazakov. Committed on 21/07/2024 at 14:33. Pushed by dkazakov into branch 'krita/5.2'. [mlt] Fix incorrect usage of get_frame API When calling activeProducer->get_frame(...), the argument actually means the "audio track index", not the frame requested. Hence we should just seek into the position instead of passinf the frame index as an argument M +3 -2 libs/ui/KisPlaybackEngineMLT.cpp
Git commit 348aeb8679337c7abec6595185394c05f8dab40b by Dmitry Kazakov. Committed on 21/07/2024 at 14:15. Pushed by dkazakov into branch 'master'. [mlt] Fix incorrect usage of get_frame API When calling activeProducer->get_frame(...), the argument actually means the "audio track index", not the frame requested. Hence we should just seek into the position instead of passinf the frame index as an argument M +3 -2 libs/ui/KisPlaybackEngineMLT.cpp