When exporting a composition , krita adds a prefix with the File name This is not desired for my workflow and i waste a lot of time renaming files
Hey Bollebib, can you tell me a little bit more about how you'd like this to work? For exporting a composition right now I see: - file_name/ (one parent directory named after the file) - - composition_name/ (one subdirectory for each composition) - - - frameNNNN.png (one image file for each frame of the composition) - - - video.mkv (one video file) Each frame seems to be prefixed with the word "frame" and not the file name, though there is a parent folder with the file name. How can I help make this better for your workflow? What specifically should we change? Are there any options that you'd like to have, and if so, how often are you expecting to change these options? This shouldn't be too complicated to improve in the future, I just need more input from you about what you and other animators might need.
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