Bug 487823 - Temporary folders are not deleted when a RAR archive is unpacked in Dolphin
Summary: Temporary folders are not deleted when a RAR archive is unpacked in Dolphin
Alias: None
Product: dolphin
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 24.02.2
Platform: Other Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Dolphin Bug Assignee
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Reported: 2024-05-31 07:07 UTC by alerikaisattera
Modified: 2024-07-27 03:46 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description alerikaisattera 2024-05-31 07:07:02 UTC

When unpacking a RAR archive via "Extract here" context menu function, a temporary folder is created that is not deleted after the archive is unpacked

1. Unpack a RAR archive via "Extract here" context menu function

A temporary folder is created and not deleted after the archive is unpacked

The temporary folder is deleted once the archive is unpacked

Linux/KDE Plasma: 
(available in About System)
KDE Plasma Version: 6.0.4
KDE Frameworks Version: 6.1.0
Qt Version: 6.7.0

Comment 1 TraceyC 2024-06-06 20:50:33 UTC
Thank you for the bug report. I'm having trouble trying to reproduce this issue. I don't see any temporary folders created when I use "Extract here" on a rar file, a tar.gz file or a zip file. I'd like to get some more information to try to see where the difference is between our systems and determine where the problem you're seeing might originate.

I have to use right click->Extract->Extract Here - do you see the same or is Extract Here directly in the right click menu?

Can you share more details about the rar file, or settings you have changed from defaults might affect this? What comes to mind:
- Are you using Ark as the default application for extracting compressed files?
- Have you installed any new services for Dolphin (through its settings) like Extract Here?
Comment 2 alerikaisattera 2024-06-07 05:51:37 UTC
> I have to use right click->Extract->Extract Here - do you see the same or is Extract Here directly in the right click menu?

The same

> - Are you using Ark as the default application for extracting compressed files?


> - Have you installed any new services for Dolphin (through its settings) like Extract Here?


Note that the temporary directory is hidden
Comment 3 TraceyC 2024-06-07 18:58:42 UTC
Thank you for your response. Might I ask what new Dolphin services you installed? It's possible one of them is contributing to this.
Also, can you share screenshots of the directory before and after extracting the rar file?

To clarify what I was doing to watch the directory while extracting files:

watch -n .2 'ls -la test1'

This shows all files and directories, including hidden ones. I tested again with a larger RAR test file (80.5MB) but was still unable to reproduce this bug.
Comment 4 alerikaisattera 2024-06-20 19:38:32 UTC
> Might I ask what new Dolphin services you installed?

I don't actually have them, I got the question wrong

Looks like there is some minimum archive size triggering this bug. Small enough archives don't leave these remnant folders
Comment 5 TraceyC 2024-06-20 20:24:41 UTC
Can you please let us know the size of a file that does trigger the bug so I can try to reproduce with that?
Comment 6 alerikaisattera 2024-06-26 10:53:13 UTC
Minimum archive size is at most 236 MB, likely lower
Comment 7 TraceyC 2024-06-27 21:05:46 UTC
I tried testing with a 358MB rar file and still don't see any temporary folders created
The rar file has a number of subfolders and files

It may be the structure of the rar files you're working with that's different from what I'm testing with
Could you please share a rar file (that is legal to share) that causes the problem you're seeing? You can use a public service like Google Drive to share it.

My system
Operating System: Solus 4.5
KDE Plasma Version: 6.0.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 6.3.0
Qt Version: 6.7.2
Kernel Version: 6.8.12-293.current (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: X11
Comment 8 Bug Janitor Service 2024-07-12 03:47:04 UTC
Dear Bug Submitter,

This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least
15 days. Please provide the requested information as soon as
possible and set the bug status as REPORTED. Due to regular bug
tracker maintenance, if the bug is still in NEEDSINFO status with
no change in 30 days the bug will be closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME
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Comment 9 Bug Janitor Service 2024-07-27 03:46:13 UTC
This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least
30 days. The bug is now closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME
due to lack of needed information.

For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the
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