Somewhere between 2024/04/20 - 2024/04/30, Krita Nightly Unstable build's Export Document dialogue doesn't supply the original file name in its Filename input field anymore. It is always empty by default. I don't think this change is desirable. It makes the exporting process so much more cumbersome, and which acts against effective file management and document versioning. Tested with krita-5.3.0-prealpha-cd30414277-x86_64.appimage (2024/04/30) I suspect the following commits that were merged on 2024/04/24: Fix resetting document title on File->Export cancel Added option to fix file type when exporting
Heya Tyson. Tested and confirming this for you. Thanks as always for the report.
Seemed to have been fixed now. Although I don't know which commit or what building environment change fixed it. Thank you!
Sorry, I think the bug still exists. I probably have mistaken it with Save As... in Comment 2.
It appears that this bug only affects the first export attempt of a Krita session. Once the user successfully exported anything (the image was saved), all export coming after that (even with other documents) will have their original file name provided in the input box.
Looks like the bug has been fixed for real in recent builds. Must be dependency related. Close this as fixed.