Bug 485718 - KWin JS scripting api missing workspace and other globals
Summary: KWin JS scripting api missing workspace and other globals
Alias: None
Product: kwin
Classification: Plasma
Component: scripting (show other bugs)
Version: 6.0.4
Platform: Other Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: KWin default assignee
Depends on:
Reported: 2024-04-18 08:41 UTC by Ólafur P
Modified: 2024-12-30 17:15 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:


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Description Ólafur P 2024-04-18 08:41:42 UTC

Behavior of KWin scripts when using `plasma-interactiveconsole`. Missing globals when running commands. I found this when trying to fix a script I had working on Plasma 5 and decided to debug it with `plasma-interactiveconsole`.

I can't confirm the reason my script isn't working when packaged and loaded into Plasma but the behavior since both don't work (JS Error in `plasma-interactiveconsole` and nothing observed when loaded into plasma).

I can't find workspace either on `this` context or as a global as shown with script below.


1. Open `plasma-interactiveconsole`
2. Run the following script
for (let key in this) // expected 'registerShortcut' and 'workspace' to be keys here
    print(key + ' - ' + this[key] + '\n')

for (let key in __AppInterface)
    print(key + ' - ' + this[key] + '\n')

print('registerShortcut: ' + typeof registerShortcut + '\n') // expected function here
print('workspace: ' + typeof workspace + '\n') // expected some object with properties here


__AppInterface - WorkspaceScripting::AppInterface(0x56d3925a4340)
screenGeometry - function() { [native code] }
lockCorona - function() { [native code] }
sleep - function() { [native code] }
print - function() { [native code] }
getApiVersion - function() { [native code] }
__newPanel - function() { [native code] }
__newConfigFile - function() { [native code] }
ConfigFile - function ConfigFile() { [native code] }
Panel - function Panel() { [native code] }
QRectF - function QRectF() { [native code] }
createActivity - function() { [native code] }
setCurrentActivity - function() { [native code] }
currentActivity - function() { [native code] }
activities - function() { [native code] }
activityName - function() { [native code] }
setActivityName - function() { [native code] }
loadSerializedLayout - function() { [native code] }
desktopsForActivity - function() { [native code] }
desktops - function() { [native code] }
desktopById - function() { [native code] }
desktopForScreen - function() { [native code] }
screenForConnector - function() { [native code] }
panelById - function() { [native code] }
panels - function() { [native code] }
fileExists - function() { [native code] }
loadTemplate - function() { [native code] }
applicationExists - function() { [native code] }
defaultApplication - function() { [native code] }
userDataPath - function() { [native code] }
applicationPath - function() { [native code] }
knownWallpaperPlugins - function() { [native code] }
gridUnit - 18
setImmutability - function() { [native code] }
immutability - function() { [native code] }
i18n - function() { [native code] }
i18nc - function() { [native code] }
i18np - function() { [native code] }
i18ncp - function() { [native code] }
i18nd - function() { [native code] }
i18ndc - function() { [native code] }
i18ndp - function() { [native code] }
i18ndcp - function() { [native code] }
xi18n - function() { [native code] }
xi18nc - function() { [native code] }
xi18np - function() { [native code] }
xi18ncp - function() { [native code] }
xi18nd - function() { [native code] }
xi18ndc - function() { [native code] }
xi18ndp - function() { [native code] }
xi18ndcp - function() { [native code] }
locked - false
hasBattery - true
screenCount - 3
activityIds - 1,2,36,61,120,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,190
panelIds - 26,113,182
knownPanelTypes - org.kde.panel
knownActivityTypes - org.kde.desktopcontainment,org.kde.plasma.folder
knownWidgetTypes - org.kde.plasma.simplekickoff,com.himdek.kde.plasma.overview,com.github.boraerciyas.controlcentre,org.kde.plasma.pager,org.kde.plasma.activitypager,org.kde.plasma.trash,org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.diskactivity,org.kde.plasma.activitybar,org.kde.plasma.kickerdash,org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.memory,org.kde.plasma.webbrowser,org.kde.plasma.private.grouping,org.kde.plasma.icontasks,org.kde.plasma.printmanager,org.kde.plasma.diskquota,org.kde.plasma.analogclock,org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.net,org.kde.plasma.kicker,org.kde.plasma.userswitcher,org.kde.plasma.cameraindicator,org.kde.plasma.keyboardindicator,org.kde.panel,org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.cpucore,org.kde.plasma.brightness,org.kde.desktopcontainment,org.kde.plasma.quicklaunch,org.kde.plasma.marginsseparator,org.kde.plasma.addons.katesessions,org.kde.plasma.fifteenpuzzle,org.kde.plasma.icon,org.kde.plasma.networkmanagement,org.kde.plasma.keyboardlayout,org.kde.plasma.showdesktop,org.kde.plasma.folder,org.kde.kscreen,org.kde.plasma.showActivityManager,org.kde.plasma.panelspacer,org.kde.plasma.weather,org.kde.plasma.lock_logout,org.kde.plasma.notes,org.kde.plasma.comic,org.kde.plasma.konsoleprofiles,org.kde.plasma.colorpicker,org.kde.plasma.kimpanel,org.kde.plasma.devicenotifier,org.kde.plasma.private.systemtray,org.kde.plasma.fuzzyclock,org.kde.plasma.mediaframe,org.kde.plasma.battery,org.kde.plasma.timer,org.kde.plasma.binaryclock,org.kde.plasma.notifications,org.kde.milou,org.kde.plasma.grouping,org.kde.plasma.minimizeall,org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor,org.kde.plasma.kickoff,org.kde.plasma.calendar,org.kde.plasma.volume,org.kde.plasma.clipboard,org.kde.plasma.systemtray,org.kde.plasma.calculator,org.kde.plasma.mediacontroller,org.kde.plasma.manage-inputmethod,org.kde.plasma_applet_dict,org.kde.plasma.bluetooth,org.kde.plasma.digitalclock,org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.cpu,org.kde.plasma.taskmanager,org.kde.plasma.appmenu,org.kde.kdeconnect,org.kde.plasma.vault,org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.diskusage,org.kde.plasma.windowlist
theme - Gently
applicationVersion - 6.0.3
platformVersion - 
scriptingVersion - 20
multihead - false
multiheadScreen - false
locale - en_US
language - English
languageId - en

objectName - undefined
locked - false
hasBattery - true
screenCount - 3
activityIds - 1,2,36,61,120,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,190
panelIds - 26,113,182
knownPanelTypes - org.kde.panel
knownActivityTypes - org.kde.desktopcontainment,org.kde.plasma.folder
knownWidgetTypes - org.kde.plasma.simplekickoff,com.himdek.kde.plasma.overview,com.github.boraerciyas.controlcentre,org.kde.plasma.pager,org.kde.plasma.activitypager,org.kde.plasma.trash,org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.diskactivity,org.kde.plasma.activitybar,org.kde.plasma.kickerdash,org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.memory,org.kde.plasma.webbrowser,org.kde.plasma.private.grouping,org.kde.plasma.icontasks,org.kde.plasma.printmanager,org.kde.plasma.diskquota,org.kde.plasma.analogclock,org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.net,org.kde.plasma.kicker,org.kde.plasma.userswitcher,org.kde.plasma.cameraindicator,org.kde.plasma.keyboardindicator,org.kde.panel,org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.cpucore,org.kde.plasma.brightness,org.kde.desktopcontainment,org.kde.plasma.quicklaunch,org.kde.plasma.marginsseparator,org.kde.plasma.addons.katesessions,org.kde.plasma.fifteenpuzzle,org.kde.plasma.icon,org.kde.plasma.networkmanagement,org.kde.plasma.keyboardlayout,org.kde.plasma.showdesktop,org.kde.plasma.folder,org.kde.kscreen,org.kde.plasma.showActivityManager,org.kde.plasma.panelspacer,org.kde.plasma.weather,org.kde.plasma.lock_logout,org.kde.plasma.notes,org.kde.plasma.comic,org.kde.plasma.konsoleprofiles,org.kde.plasma.colorpicker,org.kde.plasma.kimpanel,org.kde.plasma.devicenotifier,org.kde.plasma.private.systemtray,org.kde.plasma.fuzzyclock,org.kde.plasma.mediaframe,org.kde.plasma.battery,org.kde.plasma.timer,org.kde.plasma.binaryclock,org.kde.plasma.notifications,org.kde.milou,org.kde.plasma.grouping,org.kde.plasma.minimizeall,org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor,org.kde.plasma.kickoff,org.kde.plasma.calendar,org.kde.plasma.volume,org.kde.plasma.clipboard,org.kde.plasma.systemtray,org.kde.plasma.calculator,org.kde.plasma.mediacontroller,org.kde.plasma.manage-inputmethod,org.kde.plasma_applet_dict,org.kde.plasma.bluetooth,org.kde.plasma.digitalclock,org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.cpu,org.kde.plasma.taskmanager,org.kde.plasma.appmenu,org.kde.kdeconnect,org.kde.plasma.vault,org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.diskusage,org.kde.plasma.windowlist
theme - Gently
applicationVersion - 6.0.3
platformVersion - 
scriptingVersion - 20
multihead - false
multiheadScreen - false
locale - en_US
language - English
languageId - en
objectNameChanged - undefined
print - function() { [native code] }
screenGeometry - function() { [native code] }
lockCorona - function() { [native code] }
sleep - function() { [native code] }

registerShortcut: undefined
workspace: undefined


Linux/KDE Plasma: 
(available in About System)
KDE Plasma Version: 
KDE Frameworks Version: 
Qt Version: 


Running `plasma-interactiveconsole --kwin` does nothing with the output
Executing script at fimmtudagur, 18. apríl 2024 08:40:29 GMT

Runtime: 1ms
Comment 1 Geert Janssens 2024-12-30 13:22:45 UTC
I recently upgraded from Fedora 39 to 41. This upgraded my kde from version 5.something to 6.2.4. Since this upgrade my custom kwin scripts no longer work and it looks to be the same cause.

My scripts depend on the function 'workspace.clientList()'. Since the upgrade I get errors on the console:
kwin_scripting: /home/janssege/.local/share/plasma-interactiveconsole/interactiveconsoleautosave.js:1: error: Property 'clientList' of object KWin::QtScriptWorkspaceWrapper(0x5633d92a4090) is not a function

I don't know if workspace has been replace with something else or whether this is a bug. I'd appreciate a workaround or a fix for this though.
Comment 2 Geert Janssens 2024-12-30 17:15:16 UTC
I have been studying this some more. I have found the scripting interface has a few incompatible changes between KDE 5 and 6. I didn't find a comprehensive explanation of this, but there is a start of such a document here:

As to the results of your test script, I have found the existence of the 'workspace' variable depends on the context in which you run the script. If you run it in the "Plasma" context, indeed it doesn't exist. However if you run it in the "KWin" context, it does exist.

The problem with the "KWin" context is that it won't print output directly. You can only get output from it in the journal. And even there, the "print" command won't output anything. If you replace "print" with "console.info" the output can be filtered in the journal using
journalctl -f QT_CATEGORY=js QT_CATEGORY=kwin_scripting
I don't know if there's an equivalent way to get this info on distributions that don't use the systemd journal.

Now for my specific problem, I had to replace "workspace.clientList()" with "workspace.windowList()" and "workspace.activeClient" with "workspace.activeWindow".