The audio recording track is not working properly. Please do as it was in the qt5 version. How it works now: Right−click on the track -> Insert Track −> Audio record track. A sound recording track is being created. It immediately becomes active for recording and the volume sensor shows the sound level (this should not be the case). Pressing the space bar immediately starts recording instead of listening. If you disable the recording mode for a track in the mixer, it becomes a regular track (this should not be the case). How it should work: Right−click on the track -> Insert Track −> Audio record track. A sound recording track is being created. When we press the record key (red circle on the track) − record and stop recording. On the space bar − listening. There is no need to go into the mixer and switch the recording mode for a track that is already intended for recording. If you need to describe it in more detail, write me, I will record a video in which I will show you. This is an extremely important function for me, please fix it.
I will describe it in more detail. 1. When creating a recording track, it should not be in recording mode (the slider showing the input volume should not twitch). 2. By clicking on the red recording circle, recording should take place. 3. Pressing the space bar during recording should pause. Another press on the space bar should resume recording. 4. Pressing the recording circle again should stop recording. 5. Pressing the space bar should play back what is recorded (if the recording process is not in progress, if the recording is in progress, then it pauses the recording and removes it accordingly). 6. Pressing the space bar during listening (when there is no recording) – pauses listening. This is how everything worked in the old version and it was convenient.
Thank you for reporting. Qt6 recording is not finally implemented pending on this MR Once merged I'll check your point as I have still crashes and other issues with recording.
(In reply to emohr from comment #2) > Thank you for reporting. > Qt6 recording is not finally implemented pending on this MR > > > Once merged I'll check your point as I have still crashes and other issues > with recording. I tried to install this patch. Unfortunately, nothing works. Here's what needs to be fixed and it will be ready 1. After recording, when you press the space bar, the program freezes and crashes. 2. Writes in the wrong places where the cursor is (sometimes). 3. After re-entry, the recording track becomes just some kind of red carpet. You need to do it the way it worked in the qt5 version.
For me, the function of recording to a special track is very important. Right−click on the track -> Insert Track −> Audio record track. It's a pity that it doesn't work. This is one of the most important functions in the program. It is strange that the program came out without this function at all. Perhaps it would be better to make a beta version on 6 and leave the stable version on qt5.
I made some tests on Windows Kdenlive 23.08.5 (Qt5). The record behavior doesn’t do as you described here: . I agree that press space bar (while record is on) is in contradiction with start playback. On which version the record function behaves like you described here: ?
I don't understand what's going on. One of the patches fixed everything, but then everything stopped working again. After all, I used it, then updated it and now it doesn't work again.
(In reply to emohr from comment #5) > I made some tests on Windows Kdenlive 23.08.5 (Qt5). The record behavior > doesn’t do as you described here: > . I agree that press space > bar (while record is on) is in contradiction with start playback. > > On which version the record function behaves like you described here: > ? I described how it happens on Linux. There should be listening on the space bar, not recording. When we create a track to record audio, it should record only when we click on the recording circle on this track. Now when I create a recording track and press the space bar, it records instead of playing.
A possibly relevant merge request was started @
Git commit 776a2890a87bdc687d4772b4b2382c4cd2b09e2d by Jean-Baptiste Mardelle. Committed on 28/04/2024 at 12:50. Pushed by mardelle into branch 'master'. Audio record: allow playing timeline when monitoring, clicking track rec... Audio record: allow playing timeline when monitoring, clicking track rec button will start recording. Related to #1861 Related: bug 486198 M +1 -2 src/audiomixer/mixermanager.cpp M +34 -23 src/capture/mediacapture.cpp M +7 -6 src/capture/mediacapture.h M +13 -5 src/core.cpp M +5 -1 src/core.h M +12 -0 src/mainwindow.cpp M +10 -11 src/monitor/monitor.cpp M +0 -1 src/monitor/monitor.h M +1 -1 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp M +9 -2 src/timeline2/view/qml/AudioLevels.qml M +17 -9 src/timeline2/view/timelinecontroller.cpp M +4 -1 src/timeline2/view/timelinecontroller.h
Git commit 9840c3e8000b3b32427f66794569ada92248d5a2 by Jean-Baptiste Mardelle. Committed on 28/04/2024 at 12:51. Pushed by mardelle into branch 'release/24.05'. Audio record: allow playing timeline when monitoring, clicking track rec... Audio record: allow playing timeline when monitoring, clicking track rec button will start recording. Related to #1861 Related: bug 486198 M +1 -2 src/audiomixer/mixermanager.cpp M +34 -23 src/capture/mediacapture.cpp M +7 -6 src/capture/mediacapture.h M +13 -5 src/core.cpp M +5 -1 src/core.h M +12 -0 src/mainwindow.cpp M +10 -11 src/monitor/monitor.cpp M +0 -1 src/monitor/monitor.h M +1 -1 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp M +9 -2 src/timeline2/view/qml/AudioLevels.qml M +17 -9 src/timeline2/view/timelinecontroller.cpp M +4 -1 src/timeline2/view/timelinecontroller.h