SUMMARY Every torrent from makes ktorrent use 100% cpu and become irresponsible. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Open any torrent from that site 2. ktorrent is not longer usable. To be able to use ktorrent again, just go to .local/share/ktorrent and delete the newest created folder.
I found another torrent that reproduces this. Recently my ktorrent was upgraded automatically to 24.12.0 (Fedora Core 40) and ktorrent ceased to start up successfully -- the GUI freezes, it uses 100% of a CPU core, and stays stuck there. After a lot of semi-random efforts to explore the issue, I eventually discovered it was due to one specific existing torrent. Even re-adding the torrent from scratch causes the problem; as soon as ktorrent finishes adding it (i.e. verifying the existing torrent), ktorrent's GUI freezes & uses 100% of a CPU core. Previously, this torrent worked fine. I can't attach the torrent because it exceeds the minuscule 4000 kB limit, but it's available publicly at (linked to from, which also has a magnet link). You can verify the download with sha256sum: cbf7188ac19e664239abd9df2fcd0b21053f2e4f4b2d29c0ff64c44f50890e62 Subscene V2.torrent