Play a video, try to pause & play : ok Play another video, try to pause : the button has no effect ... Preview a photo and try again pause & play on another video : ok for this video (but not for the others videos you preview until you preview again a photo) [digiKam-8.4.0-20240331T102651-x86-64_7633faa484f4bf3376f638561097eb57.appimage bundle]
The problem cannot be reproduced here on Qt6 with QtMultimedia. Maik
Git commit 161f64baf8c5f54dbaa8e70d7706bec6d8e47925 by Maik Qualmann. Committed on 01/04/2024 at 06:47. Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'. add test debug für QtAVPlayer state M +4 -0 core/libs/video/player/QtAVPlayer/mediaplayerview.cpp
The problem is still present in the last bundle (digiKam-8.4.0-20240401T133813-x86-64-debug.appimage). I see you added a test debug. How I can help ?
Hi, Run the appimage from a console with the debug trace enabled from the Setup/Mics digiKam config panel. Reproduce the dysfunction and report all traces from the console in the thread... Gilles Caulier
I have already looked at the debug messages. The problem lies in the QtAVPlayer, which ignores further pause calls, although the state change is signaled correctly. I'll look into the QtAVPlayer code... Maik
Created attachment 168028 [details] trace from debug I preview a video, some pause/play, then pause don't work on another viodeos until I preview a photo.
By the way, doing that I had the segmentation fault pb (see bug 484818) but a false manipulation does not let me do the bt command. So I retried again to produce this trace but I have not had the crash this time.
Git commit 8ec73ad8c2030eb19e0bf5e9f7a2ddc3666d2d3d by Maik Qualmann. Committed on 01/04/2024 at 17:44. Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'. try a workaround for the QtAVPlayer pause problem M +4 -1 core/libs/video/player/QtAVPlayer/mediaplayerview.cpp
workaround ok with the last bundle digiKam-8.4.0-20240404T094657-x86-64.appimage