Created attachment 167854 [details] test file from Ricoh GR II Exif:Make of this device is "RICOH IMAGING COMPANY, LTD." (see attached file) Metadata Exif right panel shows the right string. But in the list of choice for 'Make' in Advanced Search, there is only "RICOH IMAGING, LTD.". So Digikam cannot find any Ricoh GR II photos when searching them via 'Make'. By the way, the Photograph Properties right panel shows "RICOH IMAGING, LTD.", not "RICOH IMAGING COMPANY, LTD.".
In fact, we shorten some makes, here is the code: In your case, a string within is removed, which means that it is no longer recognized in the database. Maik
The company is actually always listed on the web as “Ricoh Imaging”. I would actually shorten it to that. Maik
I have no problem with shorten Make into Photograph Properties right panel ; I only would like to be able to search the photos from this device.
Git commit 4fb66a77947640fe9e45d84cdb39c626974ad2f4 by Maik Qualmann. Committed on 27/03/2024 at 17:56. Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'. shortened make name to Ricoh Imaging FIXED-IN: 8.4.0 M +1 -1 NEWS M +1 -0 core/libs/properties/itempropertiestab_helpers.cpp