Bug 482740 - Hidden panel doesn't become visible when dragging a file to its screen edge
Summary: Hidden panel doesn't become visible when dragging a file to its screen edge
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 450579
Alias: None
Product: plasmashell
Classification: Plasma
Component: Panel (show other bugs)
Version: 6.0.1
Platform: Arch Linux Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: 1.0
Assignee: Plasma Bugs List
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Reported: 2024-03-07 16:18 UTC by Sdar
Modified: 2024-03-07 22:00 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Sdar 2024-03-07 16:18:09 UTC
This probably applies to all panels but I'll use the Icons-only taks manager as example

1. Put a Icons-only taks manager at the bottom and configure its visibility to "dodge windows" or "auto hide"
2. Open dolphin, maximized or big enough as to be over the task manager
3. Check that hovering the mouse at the bottom makes the task manager visible
4. Repeat step 3 but this time do it while dragging a file


The task manager doesn't appear


The task manager should appear so you can drag the file to other window or app in the task manager

Linux/KDE Plasma: arch+kde on wayland
(available in About System)
KDE Plasma Version: 6.0.1
KDE Frameworks Version: 6.0.0
Qt Version: 6.6.2
Comment 1 Nate Graham 2024-03-07 22:00:28 UTC
Can reproduce.
Comment 2 Nate Graham 2024-03-07 22:00:51 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 450579 ***