Greetings, translator here. Recently I've finished overhauling the long-neglected translations of Skrooge for my language (tr), however the process was mostly time-consuming. I've noticed that, although most messages include some sort of context text, it was not compliant with the current HIG, and some string context diversification was insufficient. Some issues that I've encountered: - Instead of the ellipsis character (…), three separate dots are used (...) - Text field placeholders do not use the … character, for instance "Search…" - Capitalisation is mostly inconsistent, see here[1] for the basic guidelines. This is real helpful when maintaining a professional-looking interface - Translation contexts should conform to the table listed here[2]. It really helps the translators to understand where the string is located. It is very useful to use these, since gettext merges the same strings into a single message, it cannot conform to different capitalisation styles that might be needed in different places. - It would be nice to use standardised characters like right arrow instead of ->, smart quotes instead of plain ' '. Please feel free to ask for more details if needed, I would be happy to assist. [1] [2]
Another thing, some informative messages and error messages end with a period, and sometimes they do not. This too should be improved, because the addressing style might change for some languages, also this is interconnected with it. Addressing style is also important, for the status bar messages, they should be porcelain sentences, rather than robotic verbs, like "Statement import" etc. (just making it up).
Git commit 8880fae287f45fe95af303dd9639de986fa6b2d5 by Stephane MANKOWSKI. Committed on 11/02/2024 at 14:59. Pushed by smankowski into branch 'master'. Improve compliance with messages HIG (fix ellipsis character) M +1 -1 .devcontainer/ A +16 -0 .vscode/launch.json A +5 -0 .vscode/settings.json M +16 -15 CHANGELOG M +1 -1 Mainpage.dox M +3 -3 M +38 -38 doc/index.docbook M +2 -2 doc/kde_docbook M +2 -2 plugins/generic/skg_advice/skgadviceplugin.cpp M +1 -1 plugins/generic/skg_advice/skgtipofdayboardwidget.ui M +4 -4 plugins/generic/skg_bookmark/skgbookmarkplugin.cpp M +1 -1 plugins/generic/skg_bookmark/skgbookmarkplugindockwidget.cpp M +3 -3 plugins/generic/skg_dashboard/skgdashboardplugin.cpp M +2 -2 plugins/generic/skg_dashboard/skgdashboardwidget.cpp M +6 -6 plugins/generic/skg_file/skgfileplugin.cpp M +3 -3 plugins/generic/skg_monthly/skgmonthlyplugin.cpp M +1 -1 plugins/generic/skg_print/skgprintplugin.cpp M +9 -9 plugins/generic/skg_properties/skgpropertiesplugin.cpp M +1 -1 plugins/generic/skg_properties/skgpropertiesplugindockwidget_base.ui M +2 -2 plugins/generic/skg_undoredo/skgundoredoplugin.cpp M +1 -1 plugins/import/skrooge_import_backend/backends/org.kde.skrooge-import-backend-weboob.desktop M +1 -1 plugins/import/skrooge_import_backend/backends/org.kde.skrooge-import-backend-weboob_coming.desktop M +1 -1 plugins/import/skrooge_import_backend/backends/org.kde.skrooge-import-backend-woob-ofx.desktop M +1 -1 plugins/import/skrooge_import_backend/backends/org.kde.skrooge-import-backend-woob.desktop M +1 -1 plugins/import/skrooge_import_backend/backends/org.kde.skrooge-import-backend-woob_coming.desktop M +2 -2 plugins/import/skrooge_import_csv/skgimportplugincsv.cpp M +5 -5 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_bank/skgbankplugin.cpp M +2 -2 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_bank/skgbankpluginwidget.cpp M +1 -1 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_bank/skgbankpluginwidget_base.ui M +2 -2 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_calculator/skgcalculatorplugin.cpp M +5 -5 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_categories/fr/associations.qif M +1 -1 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_categories/fr/plan_comptable.qif M +4 -4 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_categories/skgcategoriesplugin.cpp M +15 -15 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_importexport/skgimportexportplugin.cpp M +3 -3 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_importexport/skgimportexportpluginwidget_pref.ui M +1 -1 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_operation/skgoperationboardwidgetqml.cpp M +25 -25 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_operation/skgoperationplugin.cpp M +1 -1 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_operation/skgoperationpluginwidget.cpp M +2 -2 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_operation/skgoperationpluginwidget_base.ui M +2 -2 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_payee/skgpayeeplugin.cpp M +1 -1 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_report/skgreportboardwidget.cpp M +6 -6 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_report/skgreportplugin.cpp M +2 -2 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_report/skgreportpluginwidget.cpp M +1 -1 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_scheduled/skgscheduledplugin.cpp M +2 -2 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_search/skgsearchplugin.cpp M +1 -1 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_tracker/skgtrackerplugin.cpp M +1 -1 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_unit/skgunitboardwidget.cpp M +7 -7 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_unit/skgunitplugin.cpp M +2 -2 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_unit/skgunitpluginwidget.cpp M +1 -1 scripts/ M +2 -2 skgbankgui/skgpredicatcreator.cpp M +5 -5 skgbankmodeler/skgdocumentbank.cpp M +55 -55 skgbankmodeler/skgruleobject.cpp M +4 -4 skgbankmodeler/skgunitobject.h M +1 -1 skgbasegui/skggraphicsview.cpp M +4 -4 skgbasegui/skgmainpanel.cpp M +5 -5 skgbasegui/skgmainpanel.h M +1 -1 skgbasegui/skgobjectmodelbase.h M +6 -6 skgbasegui/skgperiodedit.cpp M +3 -3 skgbasegui/skgperiodedit.h M +1 -1 skgbasegui/skgtablewithgraph.cpp M +1 -1 skgbasegui/skgtablewithgraph.h M +1 -1 skgbasegui/skgtreeview.cpp M +2 -2 skgbasegui/skgwebview.cpp M +1 -1 skgbasegui/skgwebview.h M +1 -1 skgbasemodeler/skgdefine.h M +1 -1 skgbasemodeler/skgdocument.cpp M +1 -1 skgbasemodeler/skgdocument.h M +2 -2 skgbasemodeler/skgerror.h M +1 -1 skgbasemodeler/skgreport.cpp M +4 -4 skgbasemodeler/skgservices.cpp M +3 -3 skgbasemodeler/skgtransactionmng.h M +2 -2 skrooge/main.cpp M +1 -1 skroogeconvert/main.cpp
Thank you for the swift fix! Another thing that came to mind is the hyphen, en and em dash use. I've fixed the ones I found necessary in this[1] SVN commit for Turkish, might be helpful! [1]
Hi, I already fixed the fist request because the impact is low. For the others, the description is not detailed (impacted comment) and the impact for all translators could be important. So, I close this ticket.