SUMMARY *** On a high level kdesrc-build populates the two variables "num-cores" and "num-cores-low-mem" inside the kdesrc-buildrc config file like so: num-cores = Result of nproc num-cores-low-mem = min(num-cores, Total ram in GiB / 2GiB ) It does so only if it detects that the current platform is linux or freebsd. However, the platform detection logic is flawed on the linux side because it's relying on the OS identification parameter "ID" from /etc/os-release and testing if it's equal to "linux". On some (most?) distributions this is not the case and the script will default to assigning the value 4 to num-cores and num-cores-low-mem. *** STEPS TO REPRODUCE 0. Temporarily backup and move/delete ~/.config/kdesrc-buildrc if it exists 1. Run through "./kdesrc-build --initial-setup" OBSERVED RESULT The variables num-cores and num-cores-low-mem inside ~/.config/kdesrc-buildrc will have the default value of 4 when running on a distribution which sets the "ID" paramenter of /etc/os-release to something other than "linux". EXPECTED RESULT The variables should be set based on the amount of system memory. A 16-core 16GiB Ram System should have the following values: num-cores = 16; num-cores-low-mem = 8. SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Linux/KDE Plasma: Fedora Linux 39 (available in About System) KDE Plasma Version: 5.27.10 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.113.0 Qt Version: 5.15.12 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The relevant code starts here
Technically this bug report was intended for kde-builder but since they both have this issue it's relevant here too.
Git commit f2392fe48d3113fd004704827e68af93dc491715 by Andrew Shark. Committed on 02/03/2024 at 17:42. Pushed by ashark into branch 'master'. FirstRun: Actually use nproc for supported distros M +4 -4 ksblib/ M +1 -1 ksblib/