Application: dolphin (23.08.4) Qt Version: 5.15.12 Frameworks Version: 5.114.0 Operating System: Linux 6.7.1-2-default x86_64 Windowing System: X11 Distribution: openSUSE Tumbleweed DrKonqi: 5.27.10 [CoredumpBackend] -- Information about the crash: When closing dolphin from"close" button, it says "application closed unexpectedly". I'm using breeze round icon set and I change icon sets once or twice a week, if useful. The crash can be reproduced sometimes. -- Backtrace: Application: Dolphin (dolphin), signal: Segmentation fault PID: 17231 (dolphin) UID: 1000 (paolo) GID: 1000 (paolo) Signal: 11 (SEGV) Timestamp: Wed 2024-01-31 09:38:13 CET (1h 21min ago) Command Line: /usr/bin/dolphin /home/paolo Executable: /usr/bin/dolphin Control Group: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/app.slice/app-org.kde.dolphin-a37a88e035014ccea484dfafb1229f1e.scope Unit: user@1000.service User Unit: app-org.kde.dolphin-a37a88e035014ccea484dfafb1229f1e.scope Slice: user-1000.slice Owner UID: 1000 (paolo) Boot ID: 74acb2860bf942768a3e09fe90b28bb2 Machine ID: 02a97615162d4cfab1266266227b9721 Hostname: opensuse Storage: /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.dolphin.1000.74acb2860bf942768a3e09fe90b28bb2.17231.1706690293000000.zst (present) Size on Disk: 7.5M Message: Process 17231 (dolphin) of user 1000 dumped core. Stack trace of thread 17231: #0 0x00007fde77491dec __pthread_kill_implementation ( + 0x91dec) #1 0x00007fde7743f0c6 raise ( + 0x3f0c6) #2 0x00007fde79aeed9a _ZN6KCrash19defaultCrashHandlerEi ( + 0x7d9a) #3 0x00007fde7743f190 __restore_rt ( + 0x3f190) #4 0x00007fde7756941d __memcpy_avx_unaligned_erms ( + 0x16941d) #5 0x00007fde71cedcba n/a ( + 0x69cba) #6 0x00007fde71cee2b9 n/a ( + 0x6a2b9) #7 0x00007fde71ceebe9 n/a ( + 0x6abe9) #8 0x00007fde7875a664 _ZN13QBackingStore5flushERK7QRegionP7QWindowRK6QPoint ( + 0x35a664) #9 0x00007fde78db294f n/a ( + 0x1b294f) #10 0x00007fde78db44c9 n/a ( + 0x1b44c9) #11 0x00007fde78db6528 n/a ( + 0x1b6528) #12 0x00007fde78dff061 n/a ( + 0x1ff061) #13 0x00007fde78e02f12 n/a ( + 0x202f12) #14 0x00007fde78da51ae _ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent ( + 0x1a51ae) #15 0x00007fde77eed938 _ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent ( + 0x2ed938) #16 0x00007fde7857961c _ZN22QGuiApplicationPrivate26processGeometryChangeEventEPN29QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate19GeometryChangeEventE ( + 0x17961c) #17 0x00007fde7855038c _ZN22QWindowSystemInterface22sendWindowSystemEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x15038c) #18 0x00007fde71cf956a n/a ( + 0x7556a) #19 0x00007fde75d13f30 n/a ( + 0x5bf30) #20 0x00007fde75d15b58 n/a ( + 0x5db58) #21 0x00007fde75d1620c g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x5e20c) #22 0x00007fde77f46876 _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x346876) #23 0x00007fde77eec3cb _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x2ec3cb) #24 0x00007fde77ef4860 _ZN16QCoreApplication4execEv ( + 0x2f4860) #25 0x00005562702465a7 n/a (dolphin + 0x515a7) #26 0x00007fde774281b0 __libc_start_call_main ( + 0x281b0) #27 0x00007fde77428279 __libc_start_main@@GLIBC_2.34 ( + 0x28279) #28 0x0000556270246cd5 n/a (dolphin + 0x51cd5) Stack trace of thread 17256: #0 0x00007fde77f44fe2 _ZN14QTimerInfoList20repairTimersIfNeededEv ( + 0x344fe2) #1 0x00007fde77f45073 _ZN14QTimerInfoList9timerWaitER8timespec ( + 0x345073) #2 0x00007fde77f46ade n/a ( + 0x346ade) #3 0x00007fde75d15425 n/a ( + 0x5d425) #4 0x00007fde75d15a36 n/a ( + 0x5da36) #5 0x00007fde75d1620c g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x5e20c) #6 0x00007fde77f4688e _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x34688e) #7 0x00007fde77eec3cb _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x2ec3cb) #8 0x00007fde77d0304e _ZN7QThread4execEv ( + 0x10304e) #9 0x00007fde77d0427d n/a ( + 0x10427d) #10 0x00007fde7748ff44 start_thread ( + 0x8ff44) #11 0x00007fde775184ec __clone3 ( + 0x1184ec) Stack trace of thread 17232: #0 0x00007fde77509d9f __poll ( + 0x109d9f) #1 0x00007fde75d15aff n/a ( + 0x5daff) #2 0x00007fde75d1620c g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x5e20c) #3 0x00007fde77f4688e _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x34688e) #4 0x00007fde77eec3cb _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x2ec3cb) #5 0x00007fde77d0304e _ZN7QThread4execEv ( + 0x10304e) #6 0x00007fde78386517 n/a ( + 0x1a517) #7 0x00007fde77d0427d n/a ( + 0x10427d) #8 0x00007fde7748ff44 start_thread ( + 0x8ff44) #9 0x00007fde775184ec __clone3 ( + 0x1184ec) Stack trace of thread 17241: #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8c4ee) #1 0x00007fde7748f230 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x8f230) #2 0x00007fde6a4b6c13 n/a ( + 0x6b6c13) #3 0x00007fde69f04657 n/a ( + 0x104657) #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 start_thread ( + 0x8ff44) #5 0x00007fde775184ec __clone3 ( + 0x1184ec) Stack trace of thread 17246: #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8c4ee) #1 0x00007fde7748f230 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x8f230) #2 0x00007fde6a4a1a63 n/a ( + 0x6a1a63) #3 0x00007fde69f04657 n/a ( + 0x104657) #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 start_thread ( + 0x8ff44) #5 0x00007fde775184ec __clone3 ( + 0x1184ec) Stack trace of thread 17249: #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8c4ee) #1 0x00007fde7748f230 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x8f230) #2 0x00007fde6a4a1a63 n/a ( + 0x6a1a63) #3 0x00007fde69f04657 n/a ( + 0x104657) #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 start_thread ( + 0x8ff44) #5 0x00007fde775184ec __clone3 ( + 0x1184ec) Stack trace of thread 17234: #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8c4ee) #1 0x00007fde7748f230 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x8f230) #2 0x00007fde6a4b6c13 n/a ( + 0x6b6c13) #3 0x00007fde69f04657 n/a ( + 0x104657) #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 start_thread ( + 0x8ff44) #5 0x00007fde775184ec __clone3 ( + 0x1184ec) Stack trace of thread 17251: #0 0x00007fde77514e31 pselect ( + 0x114e31) #1 0x00007fde7513eb37 n/a ( + 0x4b37) #2 0x00007fde7513f7a3 n/a ( + 0x57a3) #3 0x00007fde7748ff44 start_thread ( + 0x8ff44) #4 0x00007fde775184ec __clone3 ( + 0x1184ec) Stack trace of thread 17244: #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8c4ee) #1 0x00007fde7748f230 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x8f230) #2 0x00007fde6a4a1a63 n/a ( + 0x6a1a63) #3 0x00007fde69f04657 n/a ( + 0x104657) #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 start_thread ( + 0x8ff44) #5 0x00007fde775184ec __clone3 ( + 0x1184ec) Stack trace of thread 17243: #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8c4ee) #1 0x00007fde7748f230 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x8f230) #2 0x00007fde6a4a1a63 n/a ( + 0x6a1a63) #3 0x00007fde69f04657 n/a ( + 0x104657) #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 start_thread ( + 0x8ff44) #5 0x00007fde775184ec __clone3 ( + 0x1184ec) Stack trace of thread 17242: #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8c4ee) #1 0x00007fde7748f230 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x8f230) #2 0x00007fde6a4a1a63 n/a ( + 0x6a1a63) #3 0x00007fde69f04657 n/a ( + 0x104657) #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 start_thread ( + 0x8ff44) #5 0x00007fde775184ec __clone3 ( + 0x1184ec) Stack trace of thread 17239: #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8c4ee) #1 0x00007fde7748f230 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x8f230) #2 0x00007fde6a4b6c13 n/a ( + 0x6b6c13) #3 0x00007fde69f04657 n/a ( + 0x104657) #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 start_thread ( + 0x8ff44) #5 0x00007fde775184ec __clone3 ( + 0x1184ec) Stack trace of thread 17236: #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8c4ee) #1 0x00007fde7748f230 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x8f230) #2 0x00007fde6a4b6c13 n/a ( + 0x6b6c13) #3 0x00007fde69f04657 n/a ( + 0x104657) #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 start_thread ( + 0x8ff44) #5 0x00007fde775184ec __clone3 ( + 0x1184ec) Stack trace of thread 17235: #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8c4ee) #1 0x00007fde7748f230 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x8f230) #2 0x00007fde6a4b6c13 n/a ( + 0x6b6c13) #3 0x00007fde69f04657 n/a ( + 0x104657) #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 start_thread ( + 0x8ff44) #5 0x00007fde775184ec __clone3 ( + 0x1184ec) Stack trace of thread 17238: #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8c4ee) #1 0x00007fde7748f230 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x8f230) #2 0x00007fde6a4b6c13 n/a ( + 0x6b6c13) #3 0x00007fde69f04657 n/a ( + 0x104657) #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 start_thread ( + 0x8ff44) #5 0x00007fde775184ec __clone3 ( + 0x1184ec) Stack trace of thread 17250: #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8c4ee) #1 0x00007fde7748f230 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x8f230) #2 0x00007fde69f0f3eb n/a ( + 0x10f3eb) #3 0x00007fde69f04657 n/a ( + 0x104657) #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 start_thread ( + 0x8ff44) #5 0x00007fde775184ec __clone3 ( + 0x1184ec) Stack trace of thread 17247: #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8c4ee) #1 0x00007fde7748f230 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x8f230) #2 0x00007fde6a4a1a63 n/a ( + 0x6a1a63) #3 0x00007fde69f04657 n/a ( + 0x104657) #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 start_thread ( + 0x8ff44) #5 0x00007fde775184ec __clone3 ( + 0x1184ec) Stack trace of thread 17240: #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8c4ee) #1 0x00007fde7748f230 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x8f230) #2 0x00007fde6a4b6c13 n/a ( + 0x6b6c13) #3 0x00007fde69f04657 n/a ( + 0x104657) #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 start_thread ( + 0x8ff44) #5 0x00007fde775184ec __clone3 ( + 0x1184ec) Stack trace of thread 17237: #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8c4ee) #1 0x00007fde7748f230 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x8f230) #2 0x00007fde6a4b6c13 n/a ( + 0x6b6c13) #3 0x00007fde69f04657 n/a ( + 0x104657) #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 start_thread ( + 0x8ff44) #5 0x00007fde775184ec __clone3 ( + 0x1184ec) Stack trace of thread 17245: #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8c4ee) #1 0x00007fde7748f230 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x8f230) #2 0x00007fde6a4a1a63 n/a ( + 0x6a1a63) #3 0x00007fde69f04657 n/a ( + 0x104657) #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 start_thread ( + 0x8ff44) #5 0x00007fde775184ec __clone3 ( + 0x1184ec) Stack trace of thread 17248: #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8c4ee) #1 0x00007fde7748f230 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x8f230) #2 0x00007fde6a4a1a63 n/a ( + 0x6a1a63) #3 0x00007fde69f04657 n/a ( + 0x104657) #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 start_thread ( + 0x8ff44) #5 0x00007fde775184ec __clone3 ( + 0x1184ec) ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64 [New LWP 17231] [New LWP 17256] [New LWP 17232] [New LWP 17241] [New LWP 17246] [New LWP 17249] [New LWP 17234] [New LWP 17251] [New LWP 17244] [New LWP 17243] [New LWP 17242] [New LWP 17239] [New LWP 17236] [New LWP 17235] [New LWP 17238] [New LWP 17250] [New LWP 17247] [New LWP 17240] [New LWP 17237] [New LWP 17245] [New LWP 17248] This GDB supports auto-downloading debuginfo from the following URLs: <> Enable debuginfod for this session? (y or [n]) [answered N; input not from terminal] Debuginfod has been disabled. To make this setting permanent, add 'set debuginfod enabled off' to .gdbinit. [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib64/". Core was generated by `/usr/bin/dolphin /home/paolo'. Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. #0 0x00007fde77491dec in __pthread_kill_implementation () from /lib64/ [Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7fde740ebec0 (LWP 17231))] [Current thread is 9 (Thread 0x7fde53e006c0 (LWP 17244))] Thread 21 (Thread 0x7fde50a006c0 (LWP 17248)): #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee in __futex_abstimed_wait_common () from /lib64/ #1 0x00007fde7748f230 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/ #2 0x00007fde6a4a1a63 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #3 0x00007fde69f04657 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #5 0x00007fde775184ec in clone3 () from /lib64/ Thread 20 (Thread 0x7fde534006c0 (LWP 17245)): #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee in __futex_abstimed_wait_common () from /lib64/ #1 0x00007fde7748f230 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/ #2 0x00007fde6a4a1a63 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #3 0x00007fde69f04657 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #5 0x00007fde775184ec in clone3 () from /lib64/ Thread 19 (Thread 0x7fde5be006c0 (LWP 17237)): #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee in __futex_abstimed_wait_common () from /lib64/ #1 0x00007fde7748f230 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/ #2 0x00007fde6a4b6c13 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #3 0x00007fde69f04657 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #5 0x00007fde775184ec in clone3 () from /lib64/ Thread 18 (Thread 0x7fde5a0006c0 (LWP 17240)): #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee in __futex_abstimed_wait_common () from /lib64/ #1 0x00007fde7748f230 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/ #2 0x00007fde6a4b6c13 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #3 0x00007fde69f04657 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #5 0x00007fde775184ec in clone3 () from /lib64/ Thread 17 (Thread 0x7fde520006c0 (LWP 17247)): #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee in __futex_abstimed_wait_common () from /lib64/ #1 0x00007fde7748f230 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/ #2 0x00007fde6a4a1a63 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #3 0x00007fde69f04657 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #5 0x00007fde775184ec in clone3 () from /lib64/ Thread 16 (Thread 0x7fde4b4006c0 (LWP 17250)): #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee in __futex_abstimed_wait_common () from /lib64/ #1 0x00007fde7748f230 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/ #2 0x00007fde69f0f3eb in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #3 0x00007fde69f04657 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #5 0x00007fde775184ec in clone3 () from /lib64/ Thread 15 (Thread 0x7fde5b4006c0 (LWP 17238)): #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee in __futex_abstimed_wait_common () from /lib64/ #1 0x00007fde7748f230 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/ #2 0x00007fde6a4b6c13 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #3 0x00007fde69f04657 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #5 0x00007fde775184ec in clone3 () from /lib64/ Thread 14 (Thread 0x7fde692006c0 (LWP 17235)): #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee in __futex_abstimed_wait_common () from /lib64/ #1 0x00007fde7748f230 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/ #2 0x00007fde6a4b6c13 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #3 0x00007fde69f04657 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #5 0x00007fde775184ec in clone3 () from /lib64/ Thread 13 (Thread 0x7fde5c8006c0 (LWP 17236)): #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee in __futex_abstimed_wait_common () from /lib64/ #1 0x00007fde7748f230 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/ #2 0x00007fde6a4b6c13 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #3 0x00007fde69f04657 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #5 0x00007fde775184ec in clone3 () from /lib64/ Thread 12 (Thread 0x7fde5aa006c0 (LWP 17239)): #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee in __futex_abstimed_wait_common () from /lib64/ #1 0x00007fde7748f230 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/ #2 0x00007fde6a4b6c13 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #3 0x00007fde69f04657 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #5 0x00007fde775184ec in clone3 () from /lib64/ Thread 11 (Thread 0x7fde596006c0 (LWP 17242)): #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee in __futex_abstimed_wait_common () from /lib64/ #1 0x00007fde7748f230 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/ #2 0x00007fde6a4a1a63 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #3 0x00007fde69f04657 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #5 0x00007fde775184ec in clone3 () from /lib64/ Thread 10 (Thread 0x7fde58c006c0 (LWP 17243)): #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee in __futex_abstimed_wait_common () from /lib64/ #1 0x00007fde7748f230 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/ #2 0x00007fde6a4a1a63 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #3 0x00007fde69f04657 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #5 0x00007fde775184ec in clone3 () from /lib64/ Thread 9 (Thread 0x7fde53e006c0 (LWP 17244)): #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee in __futex_abstimed_wait_common () from /lib64/ #1 0x00007fde7748f230 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/ #2 0x00007fde6a4a1a63 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #3 0x00007fde69f04657 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #5 0x00007fde775184ec in clone3 () from /lib64/ Thread 8 (Thread 0x7fde49e006c0 (LWP 17251)): #0 0x00007fde77514e31 in pselect () from /lib64/ #1 0x00007fde7513eb37 in ?? () from /lib64/ #2 0x00007fde7513f7a3 in ?? () from /lib64/ #3 0x00007fde7748ff44 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #4 0x00007fde775184ec in clone3 () from /lib64/ Thread 7 (Thread 0x7fde69c006c0 (LWP 17234)): #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee in __futex_abstimed_wait_common () from /lib64/ #1 0x00007fde7748f230 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/ #2 0x00007fde6a4b6c13 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #3 0x00007fde69f04657 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #5 0x00007fde775184ec in clone3 () from /lib64/ Thread 6 (Thread 0x7fde4be006c0 (LWP 17249)): #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee in __futex_abstimed_wait_common () from /lib64/ #1 0x00007fde7748f230 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/ #2 0x00007fde6a4a1a63 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #3 0x00007fde69f04657 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #5 0x00007fde775184ec in clone3 () from /lib64/ Thread 5 (Thread 0x7fde52a006c0 (LWP 17246)): #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee in __futex_abstimed_wait_common () from /lib64/ #1 0x00007fde7748f230 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/ #2 0x00007fde6a4a1a63 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #3 0x00007fde69f04657 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #5 0x00007fde775184ec in clone3 () from /lib64/ Thread 4 (Thread 0x7fde514006c0 (LWP 17241)): #0 0x00007fde7748c4ee in __futex_abstimed_wait_common () from /lib64/ #1 0x00007fde7748f230 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/ #2 0x00007fde6a4b6c13 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #3 0x00007fde69f04657 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/dri/ #4 0x00007fde7748ff44 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #5 0x00007fde775184ec in clone3 () from /lib64/ Thread 3 (Thread 0x7fde71c006c0 (LWP 17232)): #0 0x00007fde77509d9f in poll () from /lib64/ #1 0x00007fde75d15aff in ?? () from /lib64/ #2 0x00007fde75d1620c in g_main_context_iteration () from /lib64/ #3 0x00007fde77f4688e in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents (this=0x7fde6c000b70, flags=...) at kernel/qeventdispatcher_glib.cpp:425 #4 0x00007fde77eec3cb in QEventLoop::exec (this=this@entry=0x7fde71bffb50, flags=..., flags@entry=...) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qflags.h:69 #5 0x00007fde77d0304e in QThread::exec (this=<optimized out>) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qflags.h:121 #6 0x00007fde78386517 in ?? () from /lib64/ #7 0x00007fde77d0427d in operator() (__closure=<optimized out>) at thread/qthread_unix.cpp:350 #8 (anonymous namespace)::terminate_on_exception<QThreadPrivate::start(void*)::<lambda()> > (t=...) at thread/qthread_unix.cpp:287 #9 QThreadPrivate::start (arg=0x7fde783ff060) at thread/qthread_unix.cpp:310 #10 0x00007fde7748ff44 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #11 0x00007fde775184ec in clone3 () from /lib64/ Thread 2 (Thread 0x7fde420006c0 (LWP 17256)): #0 0x00007fde77f44fe2 in QTimerInfoList::repairTimersIfNeeded (this=0x7fdda4001170) at kernel/qtimerinfo_unix.cpp:161 #1 0x00007fde77f45073 in QTimerInfoList::timerWait (this=0x7fdda4001170, tm=...) at kernel/qtimerinfo_unix.cpp:389 #2 0x00007fde77f46ade in timerSourcePrepareHelper (timeout=0x7fde41fff9b4, src=<optimized out>) at kernel/qeventdispatcher_glib.cpp:133 #3 timerSourcePrepare (source=<optimized out>, timeout=0x7fde41fff9b4) at kernel/qeventdispatcher_glib.cpp:166 #4 0x00007fde75d15425 in ?? () from /lib64/ #5 0x00007fde75d15a36 in ?? () from /lib64/ #6 0x00007fde75d1620c in g_main_context_iteration () from /lib64/ #7 0x00007fde77f4688e in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents (this=0x7fdda4000b70, flags=...) at kernel/qeventdispatcher_glib.cpp:425 #8 0x00007fde77eec3cb in QEventLoop::exec (this=this@entry=0x7fde41fffb80, flags=..., flags@entry=...) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qflags.h:69 #9 0x00007fde77d0304e in QThread::exec (this=<optimized out>) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qflags.h:121 #10 0x00007fde77d0427d in operator() (__closure=<optimized out>) at thread/qthread_unix.cpp:350 #11 (anonymous namespace)::terminate_on_exception<QThreadPrivate::start(void*)::<lambda()> > (t=...) at thread/qthread_unix.cpp:287 #12 QThreadPrivate::start (arg=0x556271bdbba0) at thread/qthread_unix.cpp:310 #13 0x00007fde7748ff44 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #14 0x00007fde775184ec in clone3 () from /lib64/ Thread 1 (Thread 0x7fde740ebec0 (LWP 17231)): [KCrash Handler] #4 0x00007fde7756941d in __memmove_avx_unaligned_erms () from /lib64/ #5 0x00007fde71cedcba in memmove (__len=262112, __src=0x7fd90d7bf810, __dest=<optimized out>) at /usr/include/bits/string_fortified.h:36 #6 copy_unswapped (rect=<synthetic pointer>..., img=..., dstBytesPerLine=262112, dst=<optimized out>) at qxcbbackingstore.cpp:547 #7 native_sub_image (swap=false, rect=<synthetic pointer>..., src=..., dstStride=262112, buffer=<optimized out>) at qxcbbackingstore.cpp:590 #8 QXcbBackingStoreImage::flushPixmap (this=0x556271e25070, region=..., fullRegion=<optimized out>) at qxcbbackingstore.cpp:669 #9 0x00007fde71cee2b9 in QXcbBackingStoreImage::flushPixmap (fullRegion=false, region=..., this=0x556271e25070) at qxcbbackingstore.cpp:627 #10 QXcbBackingStoreImage::put (this=0x556271e25070, dst=52428810, region=..., offset=...) at qxcbbackingstore.cpp:741 #11 0x00007fde71ceebe9 in QXcbBackingStore::flush (this=0x55627192dae0, window=<optimized out>, region=..., offset=...) at qxcbbackingstore.cpp:877 #12 0x00007fde7875a664 in QBackingStore::flush (this=this@entry=0x7fde64002c90, region=..., window=0x556271c20040, offset=...) at painting/qbackingstore.cpp:263 #13 0x00007fde78db294f in QWidgetRepaintManager::flush (this=this@entry=0x55627192db30, widget=0x5562717b74c0, region=..., widgetTextures=<optimized out>) at kernel/qwidgetrepaintmanager.cpp:1198 #14 0x00007fde78db44c9 in QWidgetRepaintManager::flush (this=0x55627192db30) at kernel/qwidgetrepaintmanager.cpp:1096 #15 0x00007fde78db6528 in QWidgetRepaintManager::paintAndFlush (this=0x55627192db30) at kernel/qwidgetrepaintmanager.cpp:1028 #16 0x00007fde78dff061 in QWidgetWindow::handleResizeEvent (this=this@entry=0x556271c20040, event=event@entry=0x7ffe209b82c0) at kernel/qwidgetwindow.cpp:842 #17 0x00007fde78e02f12 in QWidgetWindow::event (this=0x556271c20040, event=0x7ffe209b82c0) at kernel/qwidgetwindow.cpp:322 #18 0x00007fde78da51ae in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper (this=<optimized out>, receiver=0x556271c20040, e=0x7ffe209b82c0) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:3640 #19 0x00007fde77eed938 in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2 (receiver=0x556271c20040, event=0x7ffe209b82c0) at kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:1064 #20 0x00007fde77eedb0e in QCoreApplication::sendSpontaneousEvent (receiver=<optimized out>, event=<optimized out>) at kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:1474 #21 0x00007fde7857961c in QGuiApplicationPrivate::processGeometryChangeEvent (e=<optimized out>) at kernel/qguiapplication.cpp:2610 #22 0x00007fde7855038c in QWindowSystemInterface::sendWindowSystemEvents (flags=flags@entry=...) at kernel/qwindowsysteminterface.cpp:1169 #23 0x00007fde71cf956a in xcbSourceDispatch (source=<optimized out>) at qxcbeventdispatcher.cpp:105 #24 0x00007fde75d13f30 in ?? () from /lib64/ #25 0x00007fde75d15b58 in ?? () from /lib64/ #26 0x00007fde75d1620c in g_main_context_iteration () from /lib64/ #27 0x00007fde77f46876 in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents (this=0x55627170a260, flags=...) at kernel/qeventdispatcher_glib.cpp:423 #28 0x00007fde77eec3cb in QEventLoop::exec (this=this@entry=0x7ffe209b8540, flags=..., flags@entry=...) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qflags.h:69 #29 0x00007fde77ef4860 in QCoreApplication::exec () at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qflags.h:121 #30 0x00007fde785705dc in QGuiApplication::exec () at kernel/qguiapplication.cpp:1870 #31 0x00007fde78da5125 in QApplication::exec () at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2832 #32 0x00005562702465a7 in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/debug/dolphin-23.08.4/src/main.cpp:238 Reported using DrKonqi
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 473602 ***