This is a feature request and not a bug. I recently played Anno 1800, which was often crashing in the late Game. I thought this was a Bug in Proton, until I run dmesg, which shows the Game was killed due to out of memory. Fater that I was able to solve the problem with a Swapfile. It would really help if KDE could show a Message Box if a Program crashes due to out of memory. Most Users don't run dmesg. If KDE would show a Message Box, the User would know that the Problem is caused by their System (not enough RAM) and is not a problem with the Program itself.
As an alternate solution, you could consider using, which supports sending notifications.
Indeed, this is the responsibility of something beneath any KDE software, which doesn't manage program memory. We *could* implement something ourselves, but it's not really the right layer to do it IMO. I'd say it's a distro responsibility to handle this situation.